Most rediculous bugs after patches?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tiffy31, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. Kolani Augur

    I recall a period of time where the paladin Divine Stun AA was broken. I wasn't the paladin, but here's how I was told what was happening by our group paladin. There's another paladin AA that has a chance to trigger a group heal + heal over time on a proc. Divine Stun wouldn't lock out if it was cast on a player or a familiar. Paladin had a G15 keyboard with a macro set to press the hotkey associated with Divine Stun as fast as possible. Paladin pulled a bunch of even con+ mobs in Veil of Alaris, brought them to camp, targetted a group member or a familiar and started the macro running. I pulled a log once and it was literally casting Divine Stun something like 8 times per second, and he was healing for millions per minute. Then it was fixed, and we were all sad. The only thing that could kill us was lag.
  2. Redrum_Redrum Augur

    Not a bug more of a dev error. I still remeber when they patched in the loyalty vendor for the first time and it was selling the bag of plat for free. People were mass grabing and reselling it making millions if plat.
  3. Duhbeast Augur

    Back in RoF when they released the tier 3 patch. They broke beastlords bloodlust and it was awesome. The bug was that if you casted your AA slow, and cancelled it, it would refresh the cooldown on bloodlust. So bloodlust all day baby, really nice with drain life procs.
  4. Kukaw Augur

    I remember when the DBG cash bought trade skill potions wouldn't count down while in PoK or other non combat zones.
    I wasn't into TSs at the time so I didnt realy understand what the fuss was all about.
    Now that I do them WHOLLY SMOKES! LOL
    I can see why peeps did it and I can surly see why a lot of people were LIVID.
  5. Lilura Augur

    During the Velious era, bow delays were accidentally set to 0, thus turning rangers into machine gunners. The only reason there wasn't total mayhem is this was before the Endless Quiver AA. I heard of one ranger who had a mage with him to chain summon arrows completely cleared Western Wastes of EVERYTHING.
    Elricvonclief and Prathun like this.
  6. Dre. Altoholic

    Sometime around Gates of Discord launch there was a patch where a bunch of new Warrior abilities didn't get applied to the class, and instead a whole new class was created. Still hasn't been fixed!
    Kolani likes this.
  7. Kolani Augur

    Ranger abilities too. Still salty about that, they came to both class forums and were wanting new class ability ideas.
  8. Zunnoab Augur

    The three top ones I remember:
    In December of 2013 they introduced a memory leak that took down servers after a few days. Near the end players got trapped in zones but could still play, until finally the servers would come down. This went on for about half a week and was fixed.

    When they introduced the shaman slow that procs slow when a tank is hit, it instead reduced tank mitigation by -10,000% or something. How this made it live I have no idea.

    When they introduced auras they had collision. People with mounts (notably a guild paladin suffered from this several times) would hover on top of the auras, counting as falling. When they finally slipped past the aura they would take fatal fall damage.
  9. Kiras Augur

    The best ones I remember:

    Paladin Fiery Avenger having an infinite duration dot instead of a stun DD.
    Forageable cloaks of flames and other nonsense
    Sympathetic DD procs that went off with mez casts. Instantly break your own mez!
    And my favorite: The Slime-Coated Harpoon of dragon breath (Sebilis weapon). It procced dragon breath. On yourself and your group, not on your enemies.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  10. Eaiana Augur

    I remember this, it was a happy time for me. I was working on the Jonas Hand Aug for one of my alts and having terrible trouble spawning the two named goblins that drop the totems. The Buried Sea zone crashed so often during this time, that I was able to get enough zone repops to finally see both named goblins.
    Zunnoab likes this.
  11. Numiko Augur

    I remember a really old one (2000?) where they broke guild tags and everyone had <an unknown guild> under their names .. what was funny was I got asked by someone who was impressed with <an unknown guild> as they were obviously the biggest guild on the server and they wanted to know how to join!
    Nniki and Zheros like this.
  12. Honeybadger New Member

    I remember a bow that could be crafted and sold back to vendors for less than the mats cost and the in-game LoN booster pack duplication bug using a certain skill. Pretty raunchy stuff..
  13. Zheros Lorekeeper

    And thus the infamous statement was born:

    Patch to the patch of the patch for the patch that supposedly fixed last weeks patch.............(and so on)
    Ratbo Peep and Draego like this.
  14. Zheros Lorekeeper

    Ahhhh the memories.........some not so good times indeed
  15. Zheros Lorekeeper

    Remeber the mysterious banker that just appeared in Befallen and would exchange 1CP for 1PP but 1PP for 1000CP ???
  16. Hiladdar Augur

    Over the years, there were several short term bugs which benefited rangers, that were eventually corrected.

    When SoD came out, if a ranger had an illusion up, the ranger would be able to chain click group guardian of the forest without it ever being grayed out. The illusion would be blocked, but the regen and attack bonus from the AA would take. The AA would not get grayed out since the illusion part of it was blocked. That lasted for about a week or so.

    Another nice patch was about the time Bosquestaker Discipline came out. For some reason it had an instant refresh on the icon, hence rangers were able to chain click it upping their melee DPS by three times the normal. Normal refresh on that AA is about 20 min, and it lasts for about 5 min. That also lasted about a week.

    Another nice AA that did not work as intended for about a week or so was Nature's Reprieve, a passive AA that is suppose to have a chance of procing when the ranger's health drops below 20% for a massive heal and hot. The bug was that for a week, it would go off every time a ranger's health dropped below 99%.

    When Underfoot came out, Sony made the mistake of allowing players to earn AA from the expansion, for a week prior to the expansion being released. In conjunction Nature's Reprieve bug, I was done with all Underfoot AA, 3 days prior to Underfoot being officially released. For some reason, they never did something like that again ... I wonder why.
  17. Prathun Developer

    The banker in Najena that would create platinum was clearly faked on an .
    Jennre and Khat_Nip like this.
  18. Weebaaa Augur

    Y'all remember that quest that had to do with Befallen and Fellewithe. It's been forever, but apparently, it was Sir Ariam Arcanum, and if you tuned in an item from his quest reward, you would recieve a Phylactery, which used to be prized for its clicky effect.

    Really no idea how that got in, but it was a wierd one for sure. I think it lasted a few days before they permakilled Sir Ariam/fixed it next patch
  19. Brohg Augur

  20. Oberan Elder

    Two ones that i remember are

    Reckless Strength could be cast on someone and it would remove Ressurection effects (this was pretty early on during classic)

    One of the Chanter haste buffs would block the cleric hammer pets ability to unsummon itself (it would try once but its unsummon ability would be blocked). This lead to an uncontrollable chanter like pet for a cleric.