Make me a group! (*POOF! You're a group!*)

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Raidarr, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. Raidarr Journeyman

    Hi there!

    Looking for some help here. (snide remarks are just gravy on top!)

    Looking to put together a well rounded group. I already know what I play but I would like to be better, so I ask the community to plug and play how they think it should be handled (since I do value everyone's opinions (and snide remarks make me chuckle)

    At current I have several accounts: I'm trying to pare it back to 3 accounts.

    (form me a group of 3 + mercs and please explain you're reasoning. ie: Chanter / Mage / Monk

    1. 105 Necro / 105 Enchanter
    2. 105 Mage / 105 Shammy / 105 Bard
    3. 105 Monk / 101 Shammy
    4. 105 SK
    5. 105 Ranger / 105 Warrior
    6. 105 Bard / 105 Beastlord

    Thank you for whatever help you can give!
  2. Ruven_BB Augur

    Enchanter, Ranger, Mage.

    Gives you a puller, tank, back up tank, range, melee, cc, a lot of options.

  3. strongbus Augur

    gota agree here. this is the box crew I have for alt group. I normal run 2 healer mercs and a wiz. On some names i can use the ranger for back up heals or I just switch to 3 healer mercs and go to town.
  4. Gundolin Augur

    Personally I think the Mage/Necro/Enchanter or Mage/Necro/Beast Group would do well with three boxing.

    In a vastly oversimplifying view the Necro can send in pet Dot and FD, Mage can be set with a macro for nukes and send in pet. Leaving you to just play the Beast or Enchanter. But I have always liked pet groups.
  5. Ryanxp Augur

    Enc, Brd/Mnk, War. Slows, songs and Over-haste/DPS, Tank
  6. Deloehne Augur

    I currently run Ranger, Mage, Bard, 2x healer merc and a caster merc. Not far off of what Ruven runs.
  7. Dre. Altoholic

    And here I thought this thread was going to be about improvements LFG instead of this week's installment of "what should I box". Oh well.

    8000+ discussions in VL I bet 500 of them are this same subject. Go read those.
    Perplexed likes this.
  8. RainbowTest Augur

    3 Necros and 3 healer mercs.
    RPoo likes this.
  9. Gearrwin Lorekeeper

    I run a ranger/mage/enchanter and a ranger/mage/bard 3 box group. Both are great. The enchanter can deal with some dire situations so for tough encounters I would say those are better. For every day grinding the ranger/mage/bard group has few rivals. The amount of steady dps a bard allows for some classes that are mana hogs is amazing these days.
  10. Picaresque Augur

    Bard - Pulling, aDPS, DPS, CC, set and leave
    Ranger - DPS, CC if needed
    Mage - Pet tanks, Surge gives high DS and with Bard over 4.7K. Occasional DPS from Mage.

    With this combination, you concentrate on playing Ranger, macro mage.
  11. Deloehne Augur

    I pull with the ranger. In most zones and for most mobs, beam root, snare, punt left, punt right, pull the middle works every time.

    And quickly...
  12. Sindaiann Augur

    I personally roll

    Merc healer
    Wiz merc (burn call assist til camp split, then burn auto)
    Wiz merc (see above)

    And it's totally over kill. I smoke all of crypt of Sul Devoured camp, all of the watcher room and have down time waiting for repops (when I actually needed stuff on alt toons and bothered to do Sul lol)
  13. Ravengloome Augur

    Sind you could probably smoke crypt of Sul with any of those classes and a merc though :p don't set the bar so low ;)
  14. gotwar Gotcharms

    Enchanter/Wizard. Most powerful box duo in the game, hands down. Arguments could be made for Enchanter / Mage, but the utility of wizard ports and the overwhelming DPS boost from shocking vortex makes Ench/Wiz the very clear winner. Boxing kinda sucks imo, and three boxing even more so, so I try to limit what I run when I'm not just soloing everything on the Enchanter. It's kinda hard to go anywhere without the Wizard after having a pocket nuke/portbot, though.

    For a third box... I really don't know. Mage probably, since they'd also get the massive Vortex dps boost and pet tanks are OP. Arguments could be made here for ranger or any other utility/dps class.

    Everyone's gonna have their own opinion though... I think it's most important to find a main that you really love and focus on being the best <insert class here> you can be, rather than stress too much about 3 toons at the same time. Just my thoughts on the subject. Groups aren't that hard to find if you're proactive and form your own.
    Sindaiann likes this.
  15. Sindaiann Augur

    I hate doing anything more than 2 boxing just to clarify, and skreaper is on sinds account and the enchanter is a box one I use for split raids.

    But yes, yes I could lol
  16. Sindaiann Augur

    Totally agree except for the mage part. /puke

    And I am so used to doing everything without wizard ports lol.

    I can 3 box for like maybe 2 to 3 hours and then I seriously want to stab myself in the eye with a pen. 2 boxing is not as bad but I would rather do it solo or group with people to help others with achievements or what have you, even for alts, over boxing crap
  17. Ravengloome Augur

    I did pally chant wiz for awhile, though with recent Wizarding developments, that might not be as bulletproof.

    And lol at mages pet being OP.
  18. gotwar Gotcharms

    Yeah... yeah. Definitely agree with all this. 3boxing is eyestabinducing.

    The Wizard ports are really helpful though, granted it's just a minor time saver, but 3 bind points and teleport bind + regular spell ports shouldn't be underestimated for their convenience!

    Mage pets can still tank every group content fight up to Damsel of Decay with group gear (EM18 earring). The only encounter they can't handle is Enslaver. Compared to what a 105 warrior/paladin/SK has to go through to do the same (AA's, full set of TBM gear, augs, etc)... seems a bit unfair. But I play an Enchanter, so I always use the term "OP" loosely, lest I enact fiery nerfgun vengeance from the gods.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  19. Ravengloome Augur

    Pets being able to tank at all does not mean they are OP, it means they can do their job, they are intended to be able to tank to some degree (what degree that is, is arguable)

    However, the 3 weeks it takes to get 105 + enough AA + Augs to out tank a pet. Is probably worth considering. A tank doesnt even need close to max gear, hell you could probably tank any of the TBM group missions at 100 if you had full vendor gear + COTF vendor augs.

    Add another few days for Pal/SK to do their 2.0s, Pally probably got rez stick during that time (if your smart and do the OMM raids on Lockout with a friend).

    I mean gearing a tank has literally never been this ridiculously easy (TBM/COTF made it so lolzeasy mode, its awesome, its almost like playing a DPS class and trying to gear it)

    Which personally i am glad, its about time. But I play tanks so that might just be me.
  20. gotwar Gotcharms

    I concede the argument, I was more using "OP" as a colloquial slang for "they're great!" anyway. I will still maintain that it's far, far easier to make a mage pet tank worthy that it is a plate tank class. Granted, you're very much right that it's insanely easy to gear a tank these days (which is a good thing, imo), but it's still not a cakewalk for your average scrublet to waltz in and fully vendor aug with ~40-50,000 remnants + marks of valor. Let's not even get into the topic of how many horrible tanks there are in the general population right now....

    Obviously a real tank who knows what they're doing will always outtank a pet from any class. But for the purposes of this particular post, most box teams, especially ones without previous and recent tank XP, are far better off with a pet tank.

    Or, you know. Solo Enchanter. To each their own. :)
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.