Franklin Teek

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Millianna, May 1, 2016.

  1. Theophastus New Member

    Wishful thinking, but I'd like it if Teek had a curated list of mobs in each level range for his daily task, and whatever you gets becomes your hot zone for the day. I guess the downside would be spreading out the already sparse population, but how many people actually group up for their daily anyway?
  2. Velisaris_MS Augur

    You can go up either one of the towers, go outside on the ledge and make your way up the roof because it has a slight incline (takes patience, but I've done it), and then just lev over to the garden area where the Pillars zone line is.
  3. Millianna Augur

    You can tell who played old school EQ and the one who didn't. The hardest part of the temple run is knowing where your going. Use perma invis as far as it takes you and run the rest of way. It's not hard. Old school EQ was much worse.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Funk like this.
  4. Mitsune Elder

    Ask the WIZ or DRU of your choice and you get there in 30 seconds. It can't get any more trivial than this.
    Funk likes this.
  5. Zamiam Augur

    ^ this :p or box a F2P wiz/druid for FREE get them up to PoA lvl and viola have your own ports there . yes its alittle work but its FREE
  6. Aghinem Augur

    It really never ceases to amaze me of how many goldilocks style players EQ has really attracted. No one really likes to earn anything anymore. It has to be handed to them. This trend really escalated when HC's were introduced. Fast forward to current time. People have been asking for a change to the HZs, they get it - and then complain. I guess I will never understand.
  7. Stomped Journeyman

    This is like saying MTV never plays good music anymore. That's not really the case, it just doesn't play music you perceive as good plays music for it's audience. It's audience has changed, you are just in the minority now.

    Similarly this game now panders to it's current audience, in which you are the minority.

    Not saying I agree with either view, I don't...but the devs themselves have stated repeatedly just because a person had to do it a certain way in 1999 (or at any point in the past) never means a player doing it now should have to do it the same way.
  8. Millianna Augur

    It has nothing to do with work... This game is 17 years old... People come to play with their friends... If it takes a year and half to catch up, no one is going to stay.
  9. Millianna Augur

    If this game was 2 to 4 years old, I'd flame away on my post.
  10. Aghinem Augur

    The point I was trying to make is no one is ever satisfied or happy (ie. Goldilocks - the porridge is too hot or too cold - hell, even complain when its just right). What is the point in even playing if a person is not going to be happy no matter what the devs do? For over 3 years, people asked for HZ changes - and the devs introduce a new system that would rotate the HZ's every 3 months. Now, there are some problems that I am sure are getting addressed - but the non-stop incessant complaining is just ridiculous.

    As far as I am concerned, the OP is complaining over a relatively non-issue - especially with the number of bonus experience weekends we have been granted since January. The core issue is the OP and either their inability to play or their lack of patience. I don't really know which. I do know there are a lot of people I have seen get from 1 to 105 in under 2 weeks. This whole thread, and the OPs previous thread from multi-posting just spouts off lunacy.

    I will agree there are some minor tweaks that need to be made to fix the HZ issues (such as kedge mobs in sarith, or the rotation happening every few days than few months) - the rest is fine. There are plenty of zones to grind in. Doesn't always have to be a HZ.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Frael like this.
  11. Frael Elder

    I agree. The original post was dealt with in the first two replies, imo. Camp some nameds, do some quests, work on collections, do missions. Play the game as intended. I haven't needed to grind exp in years, I'm max AA on my main and some 14k+ AA on my alt. There's so much more to EQ than grinding exp nowadays. Open up your achievement window, start at your level appropriate expansion and work your way through. You'll find it's far more rewarding than grinding ever could be.

    If none of that appeals to you, and you're tired of grinding then there's nothing else to say. You're playing the wrong game.
    Aghinem likes this.
  12. Frael Elder

    Friends don't wait for friends to catch up, they help them to. If they have heroic characters, no reason that they can't group together.
  13. Dre. Altoholic

    I'd be curious to see what their played time was and how much powerlevelling they received, particularly post-75. I'd guess a majority of the "rocket to 105" characters are boxes. Anecdotes of characters carried through content they aren't meaningfully contributing to doesn't really address OP's issue.
  14. Millianna Augur

    Getting to 75 takes me a couple hours with mage and druid pl. 75 through 85 takes a couple of days being PLd by SK. Then it's off to Gribbles. It's not the levels that take long it's the AAs. The skills are easy to get up with the use of autogrant and AAs.
  15. Stomped Journeyman

    People stay for other people, not the game. Only reason 40 people in ROI are the same 40 people from 5 years ago are friends, not super amazing content. Sorry to burst your bubble.
  16. Millianna Augur

    Please read what I said, and try again.
  17. Stomped Journeyman

    I did, my point was separate. This game survives because of social interaction, people continue to play because of their friends...if people want the game to survive and continue to thrive Daybreaks resources should be focused on promoting things that encourage group play and being social.

    Phinny is pretty much a perfect example, true boxing, no hacks...and boom, you have 200 real people waiting to raid in several top end guilds. Server has the highest population and I'm sure has made them the most money of anything in recent history. People also truly enjoy the server, minus the vocal minority.

    Creating content like COTF/TDS/TBM where you can sit in instance zones, never interacting with anyone...and doing raids that are simple and linear don't really promote socializing.
  18. Millianna Augur

    Let me sum up your post for you. DB should only consider producing raid content and nothing else.
  19. Stomped Journeyman

    I don't even raid.