Franklin Teek

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Millianna, May 1, 2016.

  1. CrazyLarth Augur

    I forced my wiz to due the quest to get the wiz port spells to
    Pillars of Alra

    . hopper frogs are at the zone in on the rocs hard to see but easy to single pull.
  2. Aghinem Augur

    Well, now you asked for it. Allow me to assist your memory. This is from your first thread.

    You basically didn't like what anyone really had to say, and the subject matter ended up dead for the most part namely because not enough people really had any interest in your complaining, including myself admittedly over something the devs tried to do to give Hot Zones a new flavor. Now, lets move onward to our current date. The next quote is from you obviously, with an inclusion of a few key words & phrases underlined.

    Your first thread was a full on complaint thread. Upon my first view of this, this looked like another complaint thread. After you argued with me about the context of both being different, but of the same subject matter - I decided to take a closer read into both threads with more depth, because I don't like to wrongfully accuse. After wasting my time reading through all your babble with the egregious claim that these are two different conversations of the same subject matter, as I suspected from the beginning - THEY ARE THE SAME!!!

    You even acknowledged that you aren't trying to repeat yourself, but you want this addressed. Making that your first assertion was indicative that you knew what you were doing was walking a fine line of being obnoxious and multi-posting on the same subject matter. Moreover, you stated you aren't going to offer suggestions - so this isn't an idea thread, its another complaint thread. Hence, it is the same conversation, whether you like it or not.

    Now as far as your remark about me not being a moderator, well - I will give you that. That is the one thing you are actually right about. I am certainly not a moderator, but I won't ever refrain from speaking my mind - especially if I see someone clearly being an agitator. You aren't the first and won't be the last to make a remark about people jumping off sinking ships or leaving EQ, etc etc. This has been said since Planes of Power & Omens. I don't know about everyone else, but even with the changes (both favorable and unfavorable) - EQ looks like it is still going strong and has been rather enjoyable.

    Now that we got that out of the way, lets address your core issue: You!

    On my journey to level 90 starting 5 years ago when I returned to the game with nothing, I didn't make use of hotzones. It took me only a couple of months upon returning to the game after a 10 year hiatus to reach end level content. Since then, I have made use of quest rewards and grinding in other non-HZ areas to get to the next level increment. 95% of the group game is not that hard, especially finding places to grind it out.

    I operate a mega-sized guild, and only a small fraction of my team mates even use Hot Zones - moreover, no one has complained about the changes! We are talking about 70-100 people online everyday, and not a single complaint. The only conversation in fact that has transpired is if the fun of me getting people through Resplendent Temple to get to Alra. I jokingly said, "RT has never been safer for passage now that I am here."

    Of all things that are legitimate issues with the game itself, this is really scraping at the bottom of the barrel. You can't have your cake and eat it. As I stated in a previous thread, I commend and applaud the devs for pioneering on creating a different HZ setup. Having done hobbyist development such as MUDs and other lower level online game projects, I know the pressures of demand and its not as easy as people think it is. Devs are not robots, and when you are dealing with code - the slightest change carries an array of potential different outcomes, especially if the codebase is getting bigger and bigger. Couple this with the fact that there are less resources to work with and less developers, I don't see a reason to crack the whip in the manner it has been by some select people.
    Viper1, Thraine, Frael and 1 other person like this.
  3. KaoK Lorekeeper

    Let's see...

    1. We want new hotzones!
    2. Okay... we'll work on a system to give you new hot zones so you don't get stuck with the same ones for 2 years that will not require us to spend tons of time on it in the future!
    3. Hey, we've developed that system you asked for!
    4. OMG I HATE THE HOTZONES plz give us back PoAir for another 3 years!
    5. Repeatedly complain about player requested feature that they actually implemented

    I believe that about sums up the entire hot zone scenario :rolleyes:

    Instead of complaining about how HORRIBLE it is maybe some constructive feedback detailing the issues noted would get a better response. Or just deal with the fact that you are not going to like every zone that is a hotzone every time.

    ps. Pillars is an awesome zone... not only can you do your daily or w/e but you can work on your tear, or kill the bazillion mobs for more xp, etc. The run is not really that far... and more than likely, a kind Dru/Wiz will Zephyr/TL you there if you ask.
  4. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    If only this wasn't already done by the first post :(
    Aghinem and KaoK like this.
  5. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Reading from this thread, it seems there are 2 legimate issues with the new hotzone quest-system:

    1) the mobs you are asked to kill are not plentyful enough to support multiple groups.
    2) there are faction issues and some of the mobs are not meant to be killed(they were probably randomly selected without any thought put into it).

    The devs want to automate the quest-coding, instead of handpicking the mobs for each quest everytime they introduce a new set of quests for teek.

    A solution could be that teek could function like guard haman (the daily HA-npc) in ewk, such that teek offers a daily/time-limitted xp-bonus for completing an already existing mercenary quest for the hotzone.

    This solution have a few advatages:

    1) it encourages players to explore the zone more, instead of staying in the same camp each day.
    2) when the hotzone changes, a majority of players will have completed their mercenary achievement. /cheer for them :)
    3) the mobs you have been asked to kill, are supposed to be killed without any negative faction-issues, and there are probably enough of them to support multiple players.
    4) it can be implemented as an automated system(cycling through already tested quests).

    It will probably be slower for the player to complete the quest, than just killing 5 random mobs, so the xp-bonus would have to reflect that, they could even throw in the hotzone-aug as a bonus for completing them all(for the player who was unlucky with the drops).
  6. Millianna Augur

    Go take a grammar class. Subject and topic are not always the same. We are talking about the removal of hotzone quest entirely from the game. My first thread is not about the removal of the entire hotzone quest from the game (delete franklin). Please feel free to report this thread if you dont like it. YOU have lost all credibility and I will simply ignore your spam.Go take a grammar class. Subject and topic are not always the same. We are talking about the removal of hotzone quest entirely from the game. My first thread is not about the removal of the entire hotzone quest. Please feel free to report this thread if you dont like it. YOU have lost all credibility and I will simply ignore your spam.
  7. Broozer Augur

    So let me get this straight- disliking the way a specific system works and not wanting to use it means no one else should be able to use it...

    Hmmm, when a person is a vegetarian because eating meat makes them sick, does that mean everyone else should be deprived of steak?

    Is it far more difficult than the mindless rinse/repeat that the hot zone quests were before? Certainly. Are there issues? Particularly with mobs needed for quests, yes (and thus fixing or fine tuning is in order here). Is it broken to the point where no one can do them? Not at all.
  8. Aghinem Augur

    Okay, we all need to take a grammar class. You win at EQ, forums & life. Bye!
  9. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    No one that cares *this* much about something dumb like hot zone quests (or acts this childishly about them) is "winning" at EQ.

    Never ceases to amaze me how people will completely and utterly erode reasonable concerns - and in this case there are actually some valid ones with the new hotzones - by spewing an irrational, emotional river of tears.
    Aghinem likes this.
  10. Aghinem Augur

    I personally understand there are some issues with the HZ situation; I'm not blind to it. None that are to the level of catastrophic though that warrants what I call 'suicide threads' (threads that basically are, do this or else this happens). Typically when new code is written, more often than not - there are always going to be some minor unintended consequence. I'll give an example.

    When I was doing a lot of hobbyist development on a MUD, I wrote a code that allowed players to push, drag & carry each other around from room to room. I designed it to check for racial size modifies, weight modifiers, conditional checks to see if an exit exists, conditional checks to see who is carrying who, etc etc etc. The one thing I forgot was a conditional check for a spell effect called 'pass door' - which allows players to pass through doors that are locked. Well, the result was a player that had the 'pass door' effect walked through a door while dragging another player who didn't have 'pass door' - and this caused the player to get permanently stuck... That was a fun fix.

    When writing code, devs have to literally imagine and think of every scenario that could or could not take place that may cause the code to act abnormally. This is why when new code is introduced and doesn't function as intended, I suggest to people to log it and be patient. It does take time to track down situations, depending on the size of the codebase and the backend language it is wrote in.
  11. beryon Augur

    I can understand wanting hotzones fixed, but if you want them removed, why not just stop using them? If you don't want them around anyway, it doesn't matter if Teek is there or not.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  12. Millianna Augur

    It's a band aid for a broken system. It simply not viable for new players to grind out content like the original content intended. There needs to be some way to speed up the process. The HZs are just old school. They tell me what content to consume. Why can't I choose the zone I hunt it? Besides, I spend more time traveling to some of these zones, than I spend killing things. There simply not fun.
  13. Aghinem Augur

    There is a process. Pay $35 or 3500 SC and you will have a nice level 85 heroic character waiting for you. Alternatively, pay plat and have someone power level you. Alternatively, get better at playing the game like I did 5 years ago. Getting to level 90 while brand new to the game in just a couple of months was not as if I were trying to scale Mt. Everest. In fact, I give credit to AlmarsGuides because it was his suggestions and leveling paths I took - and they all had nothing to do with Hotzones. As I stated earlier, the core issue is mostly you. The only time I have ever seen anyone complain about exp modifiers are people on TLP; complain that its either too slow or too fast. Are you from there by chance?
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  14. Zamiam Augur

    I agree with Aghinem .. also with Almarsguide I have lvl'd many alts thru the use of those guides and as stated alot of those zones majority of them infact are not HZ's .. dont get me wrong HZ's are nice but they are not the end all be all of getting xp .. when the HZ's were easy to get to and had enough mobs for all was great but over the years and im talking back in the day when HZ's changed every 6mo or so there were zones that were tough to get to and not worth it .. so we went other places and got xp other ways ..
    i have not been to grounds in awhile so not sure how the xp is there anymore .. but i do know there are kill quests there that give a bit more xp and mobs in there respawn at a faster rate 10min iirc and being it is not a HZ anymore im sure the zone might just be empty ..but with the kill quests and fast spawn rate im sure xp there might be better than the travel time/mob count in some of the new HZ's ? will have to test it out this weekend..
  15. Lily Augur

    I got Sarith once. Every day since then it's been PoA.
  16. Wayylon Augur

    I've gotten Pillars as the 95 zone every time on Bristlebane. It's pretty annoying if someone else is there, only about 8ish spawns with possible non quest placeholders.
  17. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Do you get to kill the same mobs everytime, or does teek cycle between different mobs?

    The first day with the new hotzone-system it was sarith with unkillable rebels and samhains in fear itself, afterwards it has been crabs(and unkillable kedges) in sarith, and toads in fear itself.
    Also the level 95 hotzone aug seems to be missing in sarith(checked in pillars too), I found a level 90 one in fear itself though.

    I think its just the buggy HZ-system that needs a patch....
  18. Millianna Augur

    Besides the first day, it's been Pillars of Alra with the same quest mobs. A small note - I hope we can avoid this thread being a "I hate PoA thread." Yes getting there sux0r, but you only have to it once. As long the quest mobs remain outside the pillars, then it's not to difficult - just waiting in line.
  19. Funk Augur

    Ruh Roh the thread police....Aghinem you don't work for DB and honestly you look like the forum junkie who trolls every thread and whines about other peoples posts.
    How about this, if a real admin finds a problem with the thread they will address it. Until then they don't need you to be their Cherub of Justice.
  20. Funk Augur

    Shards landing from guildhall to City of bronze (under 2min), City of bronze to resplendent Temple (1min), Resplendent Temple to Pillars (less than 5min) ....see where I'm going? It takes less than ten minutes to get to Pillars and all you need is invis, there is a easy path with no see invis on the way.

    I do agree with you 100% though that there are many other choices to make, just pointing out the ease of getting to Pillars which most seem to think is some big chore and it's not. We are spoiled and have forgotten not only how to navigate zones, but the joy in exploring zones.