Make 17th Raid Permanent

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by beeroke, Apr 6, 2016.

  1. RangerDanger#1 Lorekeeper

    I'd like it to stay. Also, I can't understand why some people are so vehemently against this aug being more accessible. It's obvious that based on past anniversary content there's been something easily obtainable. With people now having 160, 170 and 180,000 hit points, will an aug that gives maybe 200 hp and 20 ac more than group augs really make any difference?
    It was supposed to be bonus content for everybody. It didn't work out like that. It's not too late to fix that.
    Agrippa likes this.
  2. Roxxanna Augur

    It's a wiener pulling thing. The Plane of War aug and The Black Pearl were done right, I got mine, then helped other people get theirs. Anyone could get them if they just asked for help, not locked behind a raid guild tag.
    Faerie likes this.
  3. Kamea Augur

    You can't compare this to previous anniversary raids because the gear drops beyond the aug are still better than TBM gear.

    Previous anniversary raids dropped junk gear (junk to top tier guilds that is), where as this raid's gear is best in the game in many cases.

    The fact this raid has better gear than tier 3 TBM (again, beyond the aug) makes it odd that this "tier 3.5" raid is temporary.
  4. Bamboompow Augur

    The augs are a reward to the key people who have contributed the most. They are prestigious but raids will not be won or lost based upon how many people obtain the augs. Typically those being rewarded them are already the tops in their archetype, and the stats are not going to make much of a difference other than to Magelo pad. I am perfectly content to allow this raid to fade off until the next anniversary.
  5. Duhbeast Augur

    The only reason I am against the aug being more accessible is because it is the best aug in the game. The fact that they didn't create a group version aug for everyone else for logging in during this time is not a reason to come after the exclusive content with pitchforks.
  6. Xanathol Augur

    They need to leave it in, if for nothing more than the fact they gave groupers nothing this anniversary (no, the ridiculous gnome race for an ornament does not count). Perhaps groupers on open raids can eventually defeat it if given enough time...
    Agrippa likes this.
  7. Iila Augur

    The 13th anniversary raid (TOFS) dropped gear better than the T4 VoA gear that was still pretty hard to get for most guilds. It stayed around for 13 weeks.

    It also initially dropped a limited number of augs per a clear, then later on, an achievement gave everyone who completed the raid an aug of their choice. The raid was still worth doing for 2nd augs, gear, and a cool ornament. And it was the funnest raid event I've played in the past 6 years.
  8. Warpeace Augur

    TDS raid = 7
    5 actual raids with 2 one off raids

    TBM raids = 10

    I know math is a pain but really meant 2-3 more raids than TDS.
  9. Hellboy007 Augur

    if make 17th perm. then dump at least half of the trash clear and change the lockout to match other typical raid lockouts.

    Also add in TBM currency to the win along with adding TBM currency to plans wins.
  10. 31neelas New Member

    You selectively ignore pohate/fear to strengthen your argument? 7 raid chests from TDS versus 15 from TBM.

    I will not waste my time responding to your nonsense again. I know logic is a pain but really meant there aren't 2-3x more raids in TBM than TDS.
  11. Tevik Augur


    Plus Hate and Fear. Still doesn't make his math right, but leaving stuff off isn't right either.
  12. Axxius Augur

    If the 17th Anni raid is made permanent, its loot needs to be nerfed then? A raid that's easier than even the first tier of the expansion dropping the best loot in game - that's fine for a limited time event, but not for a permanent one. No?

    PoWar was by far the hardest raid in its expansion. Hate's Fury - not even close.
  13. Cicelee Augur

    Considering you can still cheese the event, it should not be made permanent. I would imagine several guilds are taking advantage of the cheese to get end game loot/augments.

    Now if the door would lock once named hits 99%, and not re-open until every mob in the event is dead... well, that is different. I would argue maybe not permanency, but rather an extension. But as long as the event can still be cheesed, then I vote to keep it as is...

    Even though I would love that caster shield! I am resigning myself to not having the opportunity to acquire one, and having an extension/permanency is the only way I believe I will have an opportunity to acquire one. Unless we get four of them dropping next week /pray
  14. Aghinem Augur

    I don't think it should be permanent, but it certainly should be up longer.
  15. Draig Journeyman

    Just for the sake of argument :) :

    That weapon isn't just a fun factor. Pet AAs make it hands down the highest dps weapon for BSTs, and with inevitable upgrades to pet AAs it will likely remain a best in slot for at least another expansion unless they produce some ridiculously ratio'd new weapons. Don't know if anyone else does, but I certainly remember Fabled Savage Platinum Fists (a group content drop) being superior to the Crystallos and lower-end SoD raid weaps for BSTs. We didn't have Bloodlust back then either... It is very much in league with the aug being a current end game raid level pet proc weap.

    Given that the raid is arguably more difficult than any TBM raid (in coordination and execution), I see no reason why it should be so exclusive. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to allow the guilds capable of clearing it to get ALL of their members who desire pieces from it to do so, rather than only a select few? I napkin math'd a possible maximum of 15 kills (assuming a kill on day 1), hardly enough to get everyone in a full 54 man raid force everything they'd want from it - and most guilds roll with a slightly inflated roster closer to 60 or 70. Let the ability to beat it be the exclusivity in it's own right, just as with Plane of War (in general, not just the raid) or any current end game raid. Putting such a short time limit on it only alienates your own fellow guildmates and not so much the guys that never stood a chance at beating it ;). If not permanent, at least extending by a few months to June 8 (nampkin math'd 29 possible maximum kills), the end of all the anniversary events, would be a much more reasonable compromise IMO.
  16. Riou EQResource

    Those fabled pet weapons were crazy then, even as a Paladin with no pet AA at all, the pet DPS gain made the fabled weapon on par with 2nd to end tier of SoF Raid weapons, as long as the pets lived their full duration.
  17. Duhbeast Augur

    With bloodlust it is a strong weapon. If there is any type of AOE occuring, the proc loses its value and you would rather have one of the other tier 2 + weaps. Also too many pet spam if more folks get a hold of it! :eek:
  18. Makavien Augur

    Powar had better than at the time the best gear also with a group aug and a raid aug.
    Maybe make the raid permanent and remove all of the drops minus the weapon and the shields and make all 3 of them extremely rare and the augs always dropping a set # ? Or make the lock out open once every 2 weeks instead of every 5 days.
    Warpeace likes this.
  19. KaoK Lorekeeper

    It seems like a waste of dev resources to create something to this extent that is only available for 6(?) weeks? If anything, let it stay live for the duration of all anniversary events which puts it at ~12ish weeks I believe. I didn't double check the schedule but I think it's about that time frame. Maybe a bit longer. If they were really smart they'd release the new content at the beginning of summer which would help subscription retention since attrition is at an all time high over the summer. I think that's one thing most people could agree on. It would encourage more to stay active during that time.

    IMO, that seems like a decent compromise between the 'make it permanent' and 'zOMG it's so easy, no!' camps.

    Also, for anyone suggesting temporary is fine since you'll have a chance next year... do you really think it's a great strategy to produce content, then extremely limit its availability when we are already receiving minimal releases of content? I mean... they probably could have given us nothing for the anniversary (more or less what happened to groupers), spent a lil more time to develop a few other new things, and released a "campaign" we'd all blindly pay for in June or July for new permanent content (like this event) and no one would complain or blink an eye.

    Maybe they should have added special achievements to the event that were very difficult but the reward was a one-time aug choice reward?
    Agrippa and RangerDanger#1 like this.
  20. Blurred_Memories Augur

    i don't understand why so many people are acting like this is the first time an event was temporary and everyone couldn't get some uber raid aug. every anniversary raid in the past except one was temporary and alot of them had the best gear of their time.

    i've completed naggy raid several times and still have never seen a red dragon scale pop up in a reward window. why isn't anyone complaining about that? people still raid temporary naggy raid for augs, just like they will raid temporary hate's fury for augs when it comes back up.

    the only thing that seems a precedent here from my limited knowledge is the lack of useful items from group events. yay more hero's forge!
