Manaburn is trivializing raid content

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Watajoke, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. Leex Pewpewer

    Let's be honest here, the only hard raids are Damsel of Decay and Enslaver, and when I say hard..I just mean it's more difficult then the other events, no raid this expansion is hard.

    Mana burn isn't the issue, it's lack of creativity on the devs part/lack of mechanics.
  2. Vdidar Augur

    Granted we haven't beaten the expansion my take is if you just pay attention and follow emotes most raids are pretty easy in TBM. Then you have events like stem the tide that make you want to smash your keyboard but it definately isn't because it's hard.
  3. Blurred_Memories Augur

    i can't make my maths produce these numbers. please show me your maths.
  4. Sancus Augur

    It would come with the (rather ridiculous) assumption that every single counter of mana burn was used by a DD caster with full ADPS/crit chance. The damage added by each counter of mana burn is 19200. Mages (Wizards can hit higher) max out at around 811% for a crit damage mod (it can be higher, but not with mods generally available on a burn). 8.11*19200=155712 damage per counter, so 155712*500 is about 78 million damage.

    Now obviously not every counter is used by DD casters. If every counter was used by melee procs, for example, the total damage from the procs would "only" be 9.6 million. Neither extreme is going to happen in a raid, so the actual damage is somewhere in between the two.
  5. Behelit Augur

    Melee have innate spell crit dmg (30% from empowered ingenuity), on top of Monk/Rogue are running Glyph of Cata during main burn so there's another 60% and if they have a bard there's another 12% from FE. So if every charge was used by PURE melee (hybrids will obviously have higher spell crit mods from Destructive Fury), you're still talking ~14-19mil.

    I'm not arguing that 78mil is a normal amount, but alot of casters lowball the amount it adds to melee procs.
    Sancus likes this.
  6. Sindaiann Augur

    who cares? lol
    KaoK and Iila like this.
  7. Kaliko Augur

    And this is why I made a gina trigger for when mana burn hits to hit my proc every swing AA with dual proc augs to pad parses :p
  8. RangerGuy Augur

    Focus effects worked on this as well, at least they did prior to any recent changes. So you could get 300,000 or more per counter from a DD or dot caster under full burn.
  9. Sancus Augur

    Focus affects don't amplify the damage on nukes. It's possible they did on DoTs before it was changed to not work on them.
  10. Bigstomp Augur

    Manaburn is not trivializing raid content.
    Many raid events lately have a dps check. Other raid events are trivial if you bring the burn.

    That's not a problem with manaburn. That's event design.
    Faerie likes this.
  11. Bigstomp Augur

    But warriors might do VoA era dps if other classes can do things, so nerf em all.
  12. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Focus effects (124) increase damage on nukes and dots. They crit for dots but not nukes. They have nothing to do whatsoever with manaburn pre or post change, which is itself a separate mod.
  13. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    You blame me, then Klak calls you a bad player.
    Klak likes this.
  14. Bigstomp Augur

    I really think anyone complaining about mana burn isn't using it right. It certainly doesn't trivialize things or daybreak would be breaking more than usual.

    It very much helps for dps but it is very much NOT an I win button.
    Faerie likes this.
  15. Iila Augur

    Lets be honest here, Klak will call him (and plenty of others) bad. Completely independent of who gets blamed.
    Klak likes this.
  16. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Well I didn't mean that the one relies on the other. Perhaps I should have said "and" instead.
    Klak likes this.
  17. Sancus Augur

    Right. For clarification, I suppose my post should've read: "Focus affects don't amplify the damage from mana burn on nukes."
  18. Wonton Apprentice

    If it's trivializing raid content, why haven't more of y'all finished the expansion?

    Wizard shortage? ;)

    This thread is silly.
    Vrinda, Sancus, Iila and 2 others like this.
  19. KaoK Lorekeeper

    Pretty sure they have... EGL just hasn't been updated in 3 1/2 weeks ;)
  20. Watajoke Journeyman

    Poorly designed ability that will end up getting the wrong classes nerfed from parses that dont tell the full story. Bards and enchanters give up personal DPS to play the strong ADPS role, yet wizard gives up nothing for the best raid ADPS.

    This game need's less ADPS not more, if we ever want to have somewhat balanced classes.