Phinny down

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ducreux, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. Ducreux Augur



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  2. The Badger Lord Augur

    O goodness, sure hope not. They also weren't rollbacks in the past, they were something else...........Deletion of any progress I like to call it. Rollback to an old driver, and it resets everything as it was before. A rollback rolls something back in time,,,,,,,for instance, the trades I made on the Lockjaw "rollbacks" would have been rolled back before the trade was made, I still have my item, the buyer still hast he plat, Both the item and the plat were deleted on both parties.......................................Not a rollback, It's a Simple Deletion.
  3. uk6999 Augur

    Weeee. Riding it down now.
  4. Wulfgang New Member

  5. Auedar Elder

    Way to go Obama. Way to go.
  6. uk6999 Augur

    The Illuminati
  7. MamaBear Elder

    Oh no.. no... no. Don't reset my last 2 hours of grinding it the heckcicles out.
  8. Voss Elder

    hey DBG, i just popped an xp potion. If it's not either still in effect or not back in my inventory...yall owe me.
  9. Nyte New Member

    Not enough to feel like 1999 yet sony, 26 days and 1st crash? :(
  10. Numiko Augur

    phew, i thought i had clicked my spells to fast and got caught up in the anti box code :eek:
  11. Nickatropolis Augur

    ! Got the camp I wanted... bowl was packed... Was shaping up to be a good night. /sadface
  12. TLP Addict Augur

    Only our server locked, someone been doing something dodgy?
  13. Miss Shortcake Elder

    minor rollback

    everyone is level 3
  14. TarewMarrForever Augur

    Guess in S Ro main stayed up a lot longer than others. By the time I got bounced it said Phinny had been down for 5 mins here. I also dread the scope of this rollback...I almost *never* get any weeknight xp but tonight was a rare night. :-(
  15. anthemsong New Member

    Just killed a mob I've been camping for hours, that spawned the mob I needed on its death. So... there goes hours of my life. QQ
    Nickatropolis likes this.
  16. valek New Member

    So who was exploiting so bad they had to take the whole server down?

    I think I'm going to be very dead when I log back on to a full PoF pop.
    Nickatropolis likes this.
  17. MamaBear Elder

    Just purchased a haste pot myself. didn't show up in my inventory and I wondered why... 10 seconds later... boom.
  18. Ducreux Augur

  19. Brumski Augur

    Most annoying thing about a server reset is that the picks that have been maintained by only a few people (particularly overnight) will now poof. Now everyone has to jam pack into main +1 with little hope of extra due to the attrition that has already begun.

    Id like to see a minimum of 3 instances of any zone, but that'd be too easy for all the old fogies that had to walk uphill both ways through lava back in 'Nam. They equate instances = free loot when it is simply increased opportunity. Increased opportunity is what is going to keep people playing on this server (i.e. instancing)
  20. Voss Elder

    They said..."potential issue with phinny."

    I think the potential has been realized.

    Ninja XP boost pls.