Sorry , Lockjaw is no more

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ohayo, Oct 26, 2015.

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  1. Ohayo New Member

    FI take everything , they wanted
  2. shaggster Lorekeeper

  3. Ebon Elder

  4. rekais910 Augur

    Ohayo. You're always welcome in Modest Man or LoZ. Things have been rough for other guilds, but we are certainly not letting FI take everything. Come join in on the fun.

    Put in an app!
    Lordik likes this.
  5. Zanarnar Augur


    I don't believe the server is dead by a long shot. Sure things are hairy right now in the top-end raid scene but even us little guys are getting some fun still. (We spent Friday night and Sunday night in sky, I wasn't with 'em Sunday but it looks like we managed to kill up to The Spiroc Lord based on loot drops I see.

    Sure there are still 4 or 5 things we have basically 0 shot at killing unless we just get crazy lucky with a spawn but don't let the drama scare you away. To paraphrase George Carlin, "Lockjaw is doing just fine. Its the raiders, the raiders are f**ked."
  6. Darth Augur

    Viva La Revolution?
    Zublak and Tseroth like this.
  7. Glowerss Augur

    Indeed. Thanks for the help buddy! Wouldn't be possible if you weren't ....... well, you.
  8. Ebon Elder

    Darth is a fan? I'm blushing...
    squidgod likes this.
  9. Simone Augur

    So show up with a bigger force and compete with them. Other people have done just that and FI actually lost a few times. Also FI doesn't want everything on the server on targets like Innoruuk and Cazic-Thule. FI probably really doesn't need too much more loot from them and, depending on what guild you are in, they would probably let your guild try killing them if you asked.

    Despite all of the nonsense currently happening on the server, Peace of Formosa EX is still raiding and killing targets with us killing Cazic-Thule about an hour ago. So it's still possible for a smaller guild to get targets if you're willing to show up for them. However if you just throw your hands up up in the air and say it's pointless because "FI take everything" well then you will 100% not get anything since you didn't even try.
    Zublak and Tseroth like this.
  10. Vaclav Augur

    So by the same account "EoE take everything" wasn't true either - it was similarly "mostly true" however.

    Funny how you thought that was horrible and this case isn't - because of small changes of perspective in a picture that's otherwise the same.
  11. Simone Augur

    Echoes of Elysium never was even willing to discuss a rotation so that makes Faceless Insanity quite a bit better already. Also I don't think Faceless Insanity plans to completely lock everyone out of zones like Veeshan's Peak and Vex Thal forever like Echoes of Elysium did; they are most likely much more amenable to allowing other guilds have a chance at those zones a month or two into their respective expansions.
    Zublak and Tseroth like this.
  12. Tseroth Elder

    Viva La Cupie!
  13. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Meanwhile, on Ragefire:


    (Relatively speaking, of course!)
    squidgod and Zaviere like this.
  14. Vaclav Augur

    a) EoE did discuss rotations once upon a time with a select few during Classic, those discussions were quickly abandoned however. (I as DHS's representative was there for the "pre-planning meeting" for what later occurred between them and Faceless for the short time their rotation lasted - initially we were to be included but then once the pre-planning happened they changed their mind)

    b) Zaide has already stated elsewhere of the intent to "Do the same as EoE" if he ever became frustrated with the rotation - guess what, he's clearly frustrated with the rotation...

    You're literally walking into an identical situation while happy as a clam about it. (For now, until you wise up)

    Those that do not learn from the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat them.
  15. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Threads like these are just another reason for instanced raids...... :)
    Aethilgar and Agrippa like this.
  16. Lordik Journeyman

    TL already doing that on RF by fully blocking Trakanon from Rosen.Guess what? Say bye to Emperor as well.

    The funny thing - DBG will do nothing about, so only way to deal with that, is the way of MM and LoZ
  17. Gumby Augur

    New server with instances is going to be so nice.

    Jaxarale01 likes this.
  18. taliefer Augur

    needs more tongue
  19. lalaloup Augur

    Shh, google is listening. If you're not careful you'll invoke the results of rule 34 in some future search.
  20. Bigz_Zupdarty Augur

    I'm here to interject on the mention of EoE.

    Multiple times EoE entered into discussion with guilds about rotations. However every time an agreement was met another party in the rotation broke said agreement so EoE didn't honor them.

    Zaide is probably the only guild leader on Vulak other then Simone, that tried to compete with EoE in some manner. They both know what its like to have someone monopolize content.

    Upon the launch of Lockjaw, Zaide made it very clear that he didn't want another vulak, that he would be willing to work with other guilds to prevent the same thing from happening. Everything was going well until the devs mandated a rotation, during the mandated rotation time is when MM decided to join lockjaw. Prior too MM joining lockjaw all guilds were able to come to fair consensus in regards too rotations.

    Whenever a guild is the "top" guild on any server throughout EQ's history they receive a bad rep. The little guy will always blame them for the reason they cant progress. Currently MM is feeding off of this syndrome pitting people against faceless for their own means.

    Things too remember. MM broke the rotation and proceeded to attempt to steal other peoples targets. Faceless created a rotation when it wasn't mandatory at all, and shared content when they could have taken it all.

    Dima is not a white knight, he is manipulating and abusing the population of lockjaw for his own means.
    Mahande and Zublak like this.
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