Unification - a Lockjaw Manifesto

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Warrior007, Oct 22, 2015.

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  1. taliefer Augur

    more confirmation you arent interested in working out a rotation with the server, thanks Darth.
  2. Simone Augur

    My own personal conversations with Memry actually backs up most of what Darth just posted so don't accuse him of making stuff up. They agreed to a new rotation and Daybreak once against decided to drop a surprise on the server with a new vote. Neither Memry nor Darth thought it was worth implementing a new rotation that would potentially be obsolete in less than 2 weeks which leads us to the current situation we see the server in now.

    As I said in another thread most drama that you see on these servers is the fault of Daybreak as they have no vision or transparency and constantly flip-flop and often makes changes with little to no warning. Between dubious votes, over buffed mobs, enforced rotations, mobs becoming unbuffed, rotations no longer being enforced and surprise votes; Daybreak has shuffled up the deck far too often in the few months these servers have been open to make it even realistic to come up with a meaningful rotation for the long term as Daybreak is constantly changing the facts on the ground which changes everybody's calculus.
  3. Just_Saying Journeyman

    Wait, do you mean that the guild leader of the only guild on this server to work with MM is a liar also? Say it isn't so!

    Those were talks of setting up a rotation of sorts, you always have to start somewhere. But Modest Man 101 is that if it isn't something I like, it isn't anything at all. Good reading comprehension.

    The takeaway from that is that Memry was looking to shaft MM, and then you guys are holding hands literally the next day.

    Also, when your coalition of mental cases goes nuts on literally every mob that you get? It doesn't help your case for wanting anyone to work with you. (/ooc FACELESS, /ooc Ready for a rotation?). That last one is actually a bit ironic, since there were talks between darth and memry about rotating some mobs before kunark. Guess Durth isn't privy to what his guild leader does, shame.
    Simone likes this.
  4. Decrepid Journeyman

    Porygon, are you MM? Because your need to use ad hominem attacks against me to try to defend MM shows that its probably the case. And no, the MM dialogue is so dishonest in all of this that the only people who believe it are the puppeteers on the forums.
    Simone likes this.
  5. KumbayaMyLordNagafen Lorekeeper

    Hey at least they don't make fun of dead children, you psycho.
    Orienn and Kobra like this.
  6. Aethilgar New Member

    I've pointed out much the same thing and told my buds over in FI as much when they asked why the server was turning against them. To many people on this server, it does not matter who broken which rotation first; though I agree with Fireblaster's account. It matters who killed the rotation mob they when it was their turn... and who kept the drops.

    Perception is everything.
  7. Nechi-Brell Augur

    So your choice as a guild leader would be to start giving away loot your raid force killed? And any guild that kept a sufficient force up to protect their mob did and a few times some of us joined their raid and helped them but didn't take or ask for any loot. You onlybhear half the story. The whole point was because mm desided to go for other guilds mobs that the ones that weren't able to be protected by that guild weren't going to be killed by MM. It had nothing to do with us getting any more loot. If that was the case why was it that FI was the guild that went to bat for 24 hour engage times. That alone lost us a LOT of loot, not only in less mob spawns but less FFA targets because mobs went FFA after the 2 hour engage timer was up.
    Simone likes this.
  8. Mwapo Augur

    Ehhhh. The context definitely matters on this one. He was definitely not just making fun of dead children out of the blue. He was making fun of a fake dead child. You should really hear the whole conversation. You'll be talking about this guy's dead kids too before the end.
  9. Fireblaster01 New Member

    Just pointing out one line. This is the mental attitude I eluded to earlier. We have a person on this server that thinks he owns it, that thinks he has the power to dictate to everyone else, that feels he is above everyone else and every agreement that has been negotiated.

    If you cant see the problem for yourselves, I can't help you.

    I hope you are watching DBG.
  10. Fireblaster01 New Member


    1) If you guys are really all about competition why not let the people who's mobs are being taken defend them?

    2) If it really isn't about the loot then why not parcel the stuff to the guild that had claim on the mob through the rotation?

    3) MM would not be in position to go after other peoples mobs IF FI had not initially broken the rotation concerning MM and from that point forward blocked MM out of any rotation or rotation discussion to the point of not even being willing to get on the same voice chat with any MM representative.

    You guys are pretty transparent in your goals to anyone willing to think about the situation logically.
  11. Imdead Augur

    Do you really know that? All I see are a bunch of one sided quotes and conversations.
  12. Vaclav Augur


    How does one know the child is fake on the internet exactly? Are you doxxing people (and pretty deeply at that to verify underage family) you've got in your TS? [If so, that's mighty classy...]

    Some things aren't meant to be joked around about even hypothetically amongst people that aren't sociopaths, and clearly from how things were done there since it's two extended phrases it was something he continued to revisit.

    Heck, I'm still apologizing at times for making jokes about Gulfein's baldness being a recovery from chemotherapy because of the negative feelings that cancer recovery has from many people. It was light and indirect and it still deeply bothered people.

    I'd be shocked if anyone that lost a child wouldn't feel even worse than they felt about my off color joke - fake or not. There's things you just don't say. (I will be biased in such though, since I've lost our only child Laura and I had [stillbirth] and know that we realistically can't have one since I'm basically rolling 50/50 odds of passing on my genetics which can be either stillbirth or back-breakingly expensive with reasonable odds of being legally disabled and thus having limited quality of life for throwing a ton of money at it -- people that can have kids without such worries should treasure the opportunity)
  13. Vaclav Augur

    I've seen the pics he chooses to use of himself for his Skype profile - assuming they're accurate - I'd not label him as a standard trailer trash look. It did look like it was clipped from a wedding photo or something though, probably better groomed than an average day.
  14. Fireblaster01 New Member

    This would make a great episode of "Trailer Park Boys."

    Id laugh, if it wasn't so sad on sooo many levels.
  15. Macro Journeyman

  16. KumbayaMyLordNagafen Lorekeeper

    Here's the Darth quotes pulled out:


    Now the racial slurs are out of context, sure. However, Darth seems to have actually tacked on a racial slur about hispanics that was never used or mentioned in the entire 2 hour soundclip. So context or not, that's originating from Darth.

    The dead kid taunting was Darth and some guy from citizen. I'd like to think people who are in a position of responsibility should choose words more carefully because some of the things he said were beyond messed up.
  17. Macro Journeyman

    five random quote pulled from a 2hour clip, with no context of course will seem bad, but you can do that with anything.. anything also Its a form of yellow journalism very bad form too
    Simone likes this.
  18. KumbayaMyLordNagafen Lorekeeper

    I didn't originally provide any quotes. I jabbed at Darth saying what he said and that's that.

    Since you provided context, I justified why I felt Darth was way out of line, even based on the context.

    Some of the things he said, even in the context of the conversation, were not something anyone should say, much less someone who is in a position of responsibility.

    Oh, and I don't buy the "Well there was some guy from citizen there too saying bad stuff" line either. Darth can only control himself. In this case, he chose not to control his words and said some really vile things.

    Edit: And I'm not a journalist, nor do I claim to be. Yellow journalism applies to... journalism. In this case as well, I've listened to the original audio end-to-end, and that's how I can point out things like Darth being the first one to make any sort of hispanic racial slur/reference in that conversation.
  19. Macro Journeyman

    You yourself must admit however a lot of vile and twisted things were say, its two hours of one person just spouting lies, and trolling a whole mumble server. Everyone was saying up .. cause it was a fun situation, and honestly nothing in that 2 hour listen should be taken with a ounce of seriousness. I forget tho that Everquest is super serial right!!
  20. KumbayaMyLordNagafen Lorekeeper

    Keep drinking that Darth kool-aid, buddy. I'd hate to think of what it would take to shake your faith if you can be an apologist for dead child taunting.
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