Lockjaw - Efreeti now fully FFA cause one guild wills it? Chats from the Leaders channel

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by rekais910, Sep 28, 2015.

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  1. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    If you put that vote up and didn't back it with the threat of losing other rotation mobs, I assure you it would not have been voted 3v1 that Efreeti would be pure FFA.

    Faceless Insanity took advantage of the fact that guilds would more likely than not be content to allow Faceless to have unimpeded access to Efreeti in exchange for Faceless Insanity not molesting their dragon and god kills. That fact, and that fact alone, shows that they are not interested in "helping out the little guy." They want what they want and are prepared to make beneficial PR moves in order to attain it. But if those "little guys" had to fear losing their other rotation targets for not falling in line, that's nothing more than bullying, it has nothing to do with negotiations or fairness.

    Darth's unwillingness to accept anything less than pure FFA on Efreeti, and his failure to invite MM to the meeting, shows he has no interest in maintaining the true rotation. So he will bully and threaten to get his way, while keeping enough of a carrot for the other guilds to prevent them from interfering with him.

    If Darth breaks the original negotiated rotation, he is counting on the remaining guilds to pressure MM to fight with one hand tied behind our back. If Darth is going to be out for Darth and Darth alone, there is no reason to expect any guild to hold back.

    Darth has two options here - back off on his threat or maintain the course. Either way, he will use the drama created by his unilateral decision as a bargaining tactic when it comes time to figure out the Kunark rotation. Nothing here is new - this has all been done before, time and time again.

    Just remember this - Faceless is trading on their inherent power and overwhelming forces to garner support from the other guilds on this server. Darth knew well ahead that other guilds would prefer to maintain a dragons and gods rotation at the expense of Efreeti. He knew this would be a problem when he decided to pursue this course of action. Darth made this decision knowing it would cause drama.
  2. rekais910 Augur

    It's just bad timing and some on Faceless' part to try and derail the real subject.
  3. Gortar Augur

    Better to make sure our names aren't being used for things we don't do =D
  4. rekais910 Augur

    No enforced rotations. There is still is a rotation. Just no suspensions for with it is all.
    All Efreeti's were declared FFA by ONE guild in the rotation while as the same time saying "if this doesn't happen then there is no rotation." That's sounds like being under duress to me.
  5. Nerdz Elder

    Man I fraught through this whole read... Here are my notes.

    FI hates MM because of the antics that the MM guild leader and others have been pulling. FI presented convincing evidence that at least 2 of 3 new guilds were formed by people formally and currently associated by MM. The guild with the biggest ties is actively trying to break rotations. The most damning thing is that the leader of said guild is an officer in Citizen which, if I read correctly, is Gulfein's guild on another server. Why would it be even remotely acceptable for an officer of your guild on any server to actively break rotation on another server? These antics are absolutely unacceptable and should not be tolerated but they are brushed off by Gulfein because he "doesn't have control" over his officer's actions.

    FI hates MM and wants to troll/punish them their past and current antics by taking the Efreeti cycle away. (MM is still name calling the hand that feeds them in this post which baffles me). FI is being a bit of a bully here but MM is also involved in some shady antics.

    MM says if Efreeti is all FFA than everything is all FFA which is a bit unreasonable, all things considered. MM, just like Apok, doesn't want the rotation and will use any excuse to break it but they want to lay the blame for completely dissolving the rotation squarely on FI.
    Imdead likes this.
  6. Crymoar Lorekeeper

    Worthless Guildleader. He made some remark against gulfein and then was quiet the rest of the discussion because he didn't dare to stand up against the might of faceless. Get on yo knees son!
  7. iMugatu Elder

    You can blame DBG for completely dissolving the rotation, LOL. No punishment LOL.
    Simone and Alphont like this.
  8. Zublak Augur

    Well summed up. MM is a lot like Apok. However, they want a rotation, but they want it their way. Faceless also wants it their way as you can obviously read. However, Faceless is more in control than MM since they are the powerhouse to deal with.

    Again, at the end of the day... Faceless allows rotations to exist, take it how you will, but it is what it is. Also I'll say again, be thankful you have the ability to see raid targets. It could be much worse. MM may allow everyone to find out. Which I still doubt as I know Faceless fully supports about every guild in this rotation and I'm sure will back them if MM tries to attack them.
    Simone and Alphont like this.
  9. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    Neither Yukan nor Dupre should be attacked for their contributions to that discussion. They are both trying to make the best of the situation that Faceless Insanity created for them. There was zero reason to try change the rotation, other than to create drama.
  10. Zublak Augur

    Thank god. Punishment was stupid. Shouldn't be punished for playing a game. Leave it to the server to handle themselves. If people act out, blacklist them in game. Don't guild them, don't group them, don't help them. If it's an entire guild, make their lives hell. But going and telling mommy (DBG) someone hurt your feelings in a video game is pretty sad.
    Croak likes this.
  11. rekais910 Augur

    You clearly didn't read that then. So far you have basely accusations about the alt guilds. No proof was made. Second Citizen is currently the ONLY guild on Fippy which as Warpower as an officer. Warpower (the officer) is on this server of his own volition and used to be GL of ion back on Fippy. Now he is guild leader on here (Ion United) and it's far beyond Gulfein's scope to tell him what the he should be doing on another server with a guild that belongs to him and not Gulfein. Gulfein has control of Warpower on the server named "Fippy Darkpaw", as you can see this server is called "Lockjaw" and the said control doesn't extend to all parts of life. If you had a boss that told you that you had to let him sleep with your wife or else you're fired? You'd go tell him to himself. The other guilds are completely random and I see zero proof to any of those accusations.

    Faceless' meeting/threats were not voted upon by all of the guilds in question instead they were told this was going to happen and that goes against the entire point of the rotation and he clearly admitted it.
  12. RandomStrategy Augur

    Oooh! Ooh! Obligatory!


    I don't really have a stake in all this, but I sure as hell think this all is funny.
    Alphont and sleka like this.
  13. Crymoar Lorekeeper

    I hate to break this bad news to you and darthy but ion united was not just created recently. In fact i've seen them on the server before modest man.
  14. iMugatu Elder

    Trust me, I'm glad they wimped out and did away with enforced rotations. I just find this whole situation on Lockjaw hilarious.
    Alphont likes this.
  15. Tulgin Augur

    From reading the logs, Darth isn't going to break anything in the agreed upon rotation.

    There's also nothing to back off from, or anything to maintain. The decision has already been made, that is the rotation as it stands. Efreeti is FFA. The rest of the rotation remains unchanged.

    It's now up to other guilds, either keep the rotation going or break it. I can't imagine anyone will break it, since it appears to benefit all guilds (apart from Faceless ironically, who would greatly benefit from FFA everything, which begs the question, why did they even start the rotation? #facelesscares)

    Maybe MM will break it just for the lols, will be interesting what happens if they do.
  16. rekais910 Augur

    This is true. Ion United was on Ragefire and I believe also created before MM. It's just Faceless baseless drama.
  17. Glowerss Augur

    See, this is the problem. "We can do what we want, therefore this makes us right and you wrong".

    I don't know about you, but "Might makes right" isn't a very community friendly stance to take.

    "We allow you to raid mobs" is also pretty condescending, don't you think?

    I thought "Faceless cares"? Or is it really just "Faceless cares about Faceless"?
  18. rekais910 Augur

    That was not a decision. Decisions in the rotation include votes and debate. There was neither. They announced their plans to break the rotation basically and now MM has announced that if Faceless breaches the rotation then it's over. Of course it could still stay in effect if everyone stands up to Faceless instead of just sitting there. This will be a chore for literally everyone in the rotation and that would be because of faceless
  19. rekais910 Augur

    Did you see the comment to one of the other guild leaders/officers in that chat? Darth and a few others pretty much told every single guild with one statement that they don't have or deserve any vote. I hate to say it but I wouldn't be surprised to see Faceless receiving a lot more trains from people after their .
  20. Crymoar Lorekeeper

    Haha, dupre tried to stand up against yawg about that but he knew his role and his hole and sat right back down.
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