I think I have just about had it...

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Argu, Jul 21, 2015.

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  1. Argu Lorekeeper

    Really sick of the way players act on Ragefire. Getting tired of finally getting a camp and a lvl 50 box army comes in and takes it. To top it all of there is NOTHING we can do. Nobody to report them to, you can't report their name so others watch out for them without getting in trouble, and if you try to defend yourself by training them your also banned. Sure lets cater to the cheaters, heaven forbid someone who works full time wants to try and just pay their monthly fee for one account gets to enjoy the game.

    The problem seems to be getting worse and worse. Only reason I upgraded to all access was for this server. Guess it is time to cancel my subscription. Not going to pay for a server I can't enjoy.

    If daybreak wants to cater to people farming krono who don't respect camps, killsteal any mob that drops useful loot, and bend and break the rules at will I will have to look for another game to play.
    Kittany, MamaBear, Rhiyannon and 2 others like this.
  2. Asheran Augur

    Come to Lockjaw. People are nicer :D
  3. Darth Augur

    Until the 30th, when the not nice people transfer over en mass.
    MamaBear likes this.
  4. Banuvan Augur

    I'm really curious to see how this works out actually. I think that the main antagonists that are on RF already have a presence on LJ. I think most of the people who transfer over will just be looking for a place to relax and play the game without worrying about the idiocy we have on RF. There will be those that want to raid but having a fairly well setup over there makes for a nice breath of fresh air.

    Me and a buddy are seriously considering transferring over all our characters over there.
  5. Tulgin Augur

    I run 3 groups of 6 mages. Any camp I want I take, so it's probably me. I'm transferring to LJ, cya there.
    Frenzic likes this.
  6. Druz Augur

    I seriously would, but I can't take 3 more months of sitting at 50 in classic.
  7. Destroying Angel Lorekeeper

    We have our own uber-guilds. I am sure they are laughing and saying "bring it".

    I hope you come, get rekt'd, and then have to transfer back with your tail stuffed between your legs as there is plenty of room there to accommodate it.
  8. Detheb Augur

    Just /guidehelp and see if they will do something, its there for a reason. Or retaliate. Only time i've had someone try to steal my camp was early on(Level 30ish?) and they failed miserably. Since then i've had zero issues(Aside from some Efreeti fun!)
    Porygon likes this.
  9. Erydan Ouragan Journeyman

    Mage bot armies exist because people are buying the gear they farm. If all the casual players move over to lockjaw, so will the mage bots, because that's where the customers will be.

    Mage armies isn't the problem, it's a symptom. Players create a demand, mage armies supply to that demand. As long as there will be someone willing to spend plat or krono to buy something, there will be someone willing to box 6 mages to sell them that something.
    Rimamok and Rhiyannon like this.
  10. equinox23 Journeyman

    I want a progression server where 3rd party software is instant permaban. (Not including log parsing and Magelo for tracking your characters' gear & skills, naturally) Better yet, start taking that attitude with this pair of servers. Hardcode EQ so it can only be executed once per machine. Want to box 24 characters? Going to need 24 computers for that! I've put a hell of a lot of work into developing my characters and it just doesn't mean a thing with all of this cheating going on. I'm tired of these anti-social losers botting a dozen accounts at a time parading around Norrath like they own it, taking whatever they want, disrupting whoever they want, and doing anything they want without having to interact with other people or face consequences for their bad behavior. I'm tired of the AFK bots parked all over the place killing everything in sight so they can go sell for plat and then buy Kronos. EverQuest used to be a good game. I remember a time when it was more important to keep cheaters out of the game rather than prioritizing Krono sales. Who is in charge of this, the accountant who has never played a game in his life? Cheaters OUT! I don't care if I have to pay $50/month for my subscription fee, get rid of the cheaters. No 3rd party software allowed of ANY kind. It is a damn shame to see what is probably the most epic game of all time go down the tubes because management fails to police this bad behavior and openly tolerates cheating. Given Holly's attitude it would seem that cheating is even encouraged nowadays.

    I'm on the edge of deleting my characters and walking away from this shitstorm forever. I won't play a game where cheating is tolerated and sociopaths are rewarded for their bad behavior. If this is the kind of game EverQuest has become, I want no part of it.
    Devante, Kittany, Drexll and 5 others like this.
  11. Vivas Lorekeeper

    Totaly agree on this. And before all you people come in and bash this thread for being whiny or whatever you think is needed to defend all the cheaters out there. There are several post's a day about this topic, and not because people want to or whine, no it's because people do actualy care ALOT about this game and the enviroment it used to be.
    Drexll, Artemis-Entreri and equinox23 like this.
  12. equinox23 Journeyman

    Not necessarily disagreeing with you, but any time I want to try to farm something myself it is locked down by a mage army. Don't have a choice but to buy it, as plat is easier to come by than specific pieces of gear.
    Rhiyannon, Vivas and Artemis-Entreri like this.
  13. Vivas Lorekeeper

    It's sad that it has become this way, where volunteraly sharing is frowned upon. I guess it reflects the state of most people on this planet at this moment tho :(
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  14. Frenzic Augur

    Another boxer hate thread! Weeee!

    Anyone using cheating programs should be banned first strike. I think most agree with that. The problem is that people also want to falsely accuse people of botting when they use ixboxer. According to the senior guide automated keyboards and ixboxer are legal. I can't count how many times I've been falsely accused of cheating. Sometimes it's because they don't understand what I'm doing and how, other times it's just blind boxer hate.

    I had a guy tonight tell me that I was cheating and ruining the game because I use ixboxer. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the OP on this thread. The times match up and so does the blind hate attitude.
    Finchy likes this.
  15. Vivas Lorekeeper

    I am curious why would he say that? How many characters do you actualy bot Frenzic?
    Artemis-Entreri likes this.
  16. Bacon New Member

    Players have been boxing since day one on EQ, its exactly the same environment it always was. Nothing has changed since 1999..always were boxers and always will be boxers. Unless people are running bot programs afk, I don't see the issue. How do you KNOW they are running 3rd party software?

    I could feasibly run a dozen toons if I wanted to with no 3rd party program. using macros and and multiple PCs. Granted most probably are running 3rd party software, just like has always happened in EQ. Its nothing new
    These posts are always about whiners not getting the camp they want, have nothing to do with caring about the game and the environment EQ used to be, its exactly the same environment.

    Would it make you feel better if the dozen toons that kill steal you were 12 separate players?

    I have just returned to EQ after many years away and it seems to me that possibly this game would have died many years ago had it not been for people willing to pay for subscriptions to play on boxes.

    So at least be honest In your posts, It has very little to do with anyone caring a lot about EQ and a whole lot more to do with players unable to secure the camp they want .

    Claiming Sony did anything different than Daybreak does is just absolute horseshit..players boxed long before Daybreak was around

    Many players run 3rd party on every server, the only ones I have ever found to be an issue are the ones who set up afk bots for days or weeks on end effectively tying up camps for quests and tasks indefinitely.

    The issue is more the player behind the boxes than the boxes themselves, there will always be inconsiderate players and if they cant box they will all just team up and KS you anyway.

    Some players just like to cause grief to others and will do so no matter how they need to accomplish it.
    Finchy and Frenzic like this.
  17. Buku New Member

    I box so I don't have to group with people like you :) You are a symptom to my boxing disease!
    Reht, rune00, Bacon and 1 other person like this.
  18. Frenzic Augur

    I don't bot any. I do box 18 though.

    The guy zoned in and saw that I was camping something he wanted. He proceeds to send me a tell demanding that I tell him the name of the zone. If I don't he will petition all my characters for botting. I replied kindly at first, but his attitude got worst and worse as the conversation continued. Lots of accusations and name calling until he started charming and mezzing the mobs. At this point clearly I'm not a bot yet he continued his crusade attacking me at every point.

    These are the guys we legit boxers deal with on a daily basis.
    Elkay, Finchy and Oroso like this.
  19. equinox23 Journeyman

    For the record Frenzic, this is an anti-3rd party software thread, not an anti-boxing thread. The third party software I'm against is exactly the kind of stuff disruptive players like you admit to using flagrantly. You want to box multiple characters? Do it manually, no software assistance allowed.

    HINT: "Legit boxers" don't use 3rd party software to help them. I'm a legit boxer and I have NEVER been harassed for it, but it sounds like its a pretty regular thing for someone like you. I wonder why that is? /sarcasm
    MamaBear and Artemis-Entreri like this.
  20. Roxxanna Augur

    The allowance of [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] is a mistake...period.
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