commonlands still needs a higher cap

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Xanadas, Jul 10, 2015.

  1. Xanadas Augur

    250+ in prime
    30, 40, 30 in instances of the same.

    250 seems to be the cap....
  2. Xanadas Augur

    So I finally got in to prime.. There's only 48ish people in there, yet /pickzone still currently says 257 or something whack and isn't letting people in, despite *actually* only having 40-50 people in prime.
  3. Tinyhiney New Member

    Looks bugged somehow. Maybe a result of the ddos stuff or DBG implemented the timer removal poorly. I am now alsoin main but there are very few people here.
  4. Queena_Brokenhearts Augur

    Another Friday Evening outage to correct this.. thanks, Grats on Spawns Holly!
  5. craigts New Member

    Also, for most zones I've been to since the DDoS the /pickzone window only lists one or two other instances. Lguk, for example lists prime and 3 only.
  6. Rauven Augur

    The reason for this is because when you /camp (not /quit or /exit) the game puts you at character select. As long as you remain there your 'spot' is reserved in the zone. The downside to doing this is buffs/food are still consumed of course.

    With autokick, people in the character select used to be booted. Now they are not.

    Want the commonlands freed up? Ask for the auto removal to come back. We're not going to see the limit increased. The zone will start crashing otherwise.

    I don't know why you all don't do your business in East Commons, there's no limit that I know of since its a city zone. But whatever you wanted auto removal gone. Take what you wanted and deal with it.
  7. Baldur Augur

    What? You're telling me people at character select still count as being in the zone? No way, say it ain't so.

    There is something seriously wrong though, something needs to be fixed.
  8. Detheb Augur

    I'm really beginning to wonder if you even play this game anymore?
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  9. Rauven Augur

    It was something I found out by accident, recently. I logged out but not all the way and hit the sack. Came back and all my buffs were faded and my food was gone. That means it thinks the character is still in, even if they are not 'in'.

    Having a hard time debating the issues, that you got to go personal? I'll take it as a compliment. :D
  10. Detheb Augur

    No, just that you don't actually lose buff timers if you're /q out. Maybe 30seconds of buff timers, and if you camp to character select you don't either.

    Also, there is no "East Commonlands" anymore. Commonlands is all merged together, so it would be impossible to use East Commonlands?
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  11. Rauven Augur

    I didn't test it with /q. But it did work with the camp button everytime I did it. And you have to make sure you don't LEAVE the character select. If you login with another character or exit the game then it counts as a full logout.

    I brainfarted that one. I meant East Freeport.
  12. Detheb Augur

    East Freeport doesn't work because both Paladins and Guards path through most areas, so dark races would have a hard time, also, you can't port directly into EFP like you can commonlands, would be my assumption.
    And just tested the log with buffs and log back in 3 times. Still didn't reproduce what you're saying.
  13. Baldur Augur

    Did you press the Camp (Exit) button on the Actions bar? I'm assuming that's how he did it since he said he pressed the camp button.

    Regardless of what you think or not, something is wrong, so I'm not sure why you're arguing. Go to commonlands and try and log into the main instance, you won't be able to. It says there are 280 people in it when you do a /pick, but there aren't. There are only like 80 when I logged in there with my seller.
  14. Shmef Augur

    if this was the reason wouldnt all zone be showing incorrect numbers on /pick and not just CL?
  15. Porygon Augur

    First of all, they didn't have to raise the cap anyways. All you have to do is move to another instance. It's not really that bad, if someone wants your item bad enough, they will pick over.
  16. Rauven Augur

    How to avoid KOS guards in East Freeport:

    1. Create new character.
    2. Pick Human.
    3 Pick Warrior, Magician, Wizard, Enchanter, or Bard
    4. Pick Agnostic.
    5. Pick Freeport as starting city.
    6. Used Shared Bank.
    7. Buy or Sell without fear of attack.

    Its actually much easier than that, but there's one sure way. I know Dark Elves function fine around the paladins as long as they aren't SK or Necros, but even then with a few orc kills in the commonlands they lose the KOS status quick.
  17. Ducreux Augur

    Commonlands needs to be brought down and rebooted entirely to get rid of these ~200 ghost players currently taking up slots in the base instance.

  18. Ducreux Augur

    12 Hours later, still about ~190 "ghost" players taking up the primary instance.

  19. Recnarp Augur

    Yeah, the main Commonlands instance is broken. I think it may have to do with people crashing or exiting EQ incorrectly.

    I've noticed the problem more recently when you go LD. Sometimes your character will remain in the word indefinitely until you kick it off or the server restarts. Others won't be able to see your character, but the server will still think it's logged in even though you went LD hours ago. Add that weird bug plus the DDoS attacks we had Thursday/Friday probably screwed up the instance population counting of LD players and actual real/live characters in the instance.
  20. Rhiyannon Augur

    i avoid commons like the plague now, i will not go there to buy/sell or farm skins, it's laggy as all hell. it was bad enough before the changes, wanting more? nuts...