Exit polls looking good!!! *SIX MONTHS*!!!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by TarewMarrForever, Jun 24, 2015.

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  1. Barton The Mischievous

    Hmm that is not how I read what she wrote, but I guess we shall see
  2. Iputthegrrrinranger Elder

    A majority also voted 3 months or longer.
    Xanadas likes this.
  3. Numiko Augur

    I voted 6 months just because I want to see if the raid guilds can keep the socking up for 6 months straight!

    Grish, Xanadas and Kray like this.
  4. Freki Augur

    im all for a new vote to clarify. because if the choice is between 3 months and six maybe some of the three months are going to then vote for six as that is what they might have done. i am not arguing against a second clarifying vote, i am saying taking two voting options and comining them into one invalidates the vote period.
  5. Xanadas Augur

    I'm getting the feeling that DBG has already made up their mind that they want to get Kunark going early and they're just trying to find ways to rationalize it with polling. This is only my opinion. We're free to speak opinions here, right?

    Anyway, we just hit 1,001 votes on our after-market poll and the standing are such:
    NO PREF: 14
    ASAP: 245
    3 MO: 254
    6 MO: 488

    The 6 mo option had been hovering around 55% of the total vote but has slipped to under 50% as of the last 12-16 hours. While our poll results are hardly scientific and don't account for box crews who could easily put the 6mo bucket over or under 50% (and assuming DBG doesn't normalize votes by IP - which we really don't know if they do/don't), I predict the 6mo vote will certainly be the biggest pie slice, but it's all in how DBG decides to interpret the poll results.

    I'd also like to take a second to warn people to not make alarm-raising posts on the forums here based on our poll data. I believe our data is fairly representative of what the final results will be, but don't draw any conclusions from it, especially since the main question at the moment is whether or not 3mo and ASAP, if combined, will overrule "6mo". Our data set is very borderline on whether or not that will happen.

    Yes, by definition there may be more people who "dont want 6mo" than those who do, but unless it's the overwhelming majority, I don't feel DBG should affect a change in advertised, established, direction based on a 49/51 type vote distribution. Many people subscribed under the premise of 6 months of classic. Yes, I know they left the caveat of "we may poll early". You don't need to remind me.

    In the end, even if Kunark unlocks early, I personally won't care that much. I actually voted for Classic+Kunark at launch, but we didn't win and I accepted (like an adult) the fact we'd have classic for 6 months. I could have been a sore loser and not spent several weekends making the ragefire spell site that literally thousands of people use and said screw it I'm not playing until Kunark, but I didn't.
  6. Freki Augur

    here is another though, if the split was 25%/30%/45% or even 30%/30%/40% there are more votes against the asap option.... it is all in how you look at it. and i will point that out in the first example 75% wanted 3 months or longer, vs 55% for 3 months or shorter. the second is 70% 3 months or longer and 60% 3 months or shorter....

    so say there is about 5-10% that would have voted 6 months but selected 3 months to try to make sure asap did not win.... that puts the majority to 6 months in my examples. what should have been asked is this: are you in favor of opening the expansion early yes or no. then after a no vote win ask 3 months or 6 months. the only way to get a majority winner usually is to only have 2 voting options.
    Xanadas likes this.
  7. Tarrin Augur

    "Don't make any conclusions or alarm-raising posts....unless they agree with me"?

    You tell people not to raise the alarm about the exit poll. You tell people not to draw conclusions....but then you literally do it in the next paragraph. For multiple paragraphs. You are trying very very hard to do your part to make sure 6 months wins.
  8. Tarrin Augur

    This old content is killed immediately upon spawning on standard servers..for what..15+ years now? Do you really think a handful of more months will be THAT hard?
  9. HellHound989 Journeyman

    Freki makes a very good point.

    In fact, theres a good split between those who want "3 - 6 months" vs. "ASAP - 3 months".

    If there is any example, on one of my 2 accounts, I had voted 3 months, feeling that would be what I would like best, but I really wanted 6 months, and so voted 6 months on my other account.
    Freki likes this.
  10. nipper Lorekeeper

    It's encouraging to see that the combined tally of people wanting to open Kunark earlier than six months are winning in that poll. I stopped playing over a week ago as I don't see the point of playing until Kunark. There just aren't any places for a Necro to solo.
  11. Numiko Augur

    not hard at all, tedious would be a better way to describe today's raid scene on these servers.

    I just want to see if they can keep up these "wait for hours, press one button and check loot" raid's for months and months without imploding.

    Though hopefully the improved mobs will help, maybe they will have to press 2 buttons.....
  12. nipper Lorekeeper

    No, you can't lump people who vote for status quo with people voting for change.
  13. Dark_Intentions Augur

    I saw some people saying this in OOC last night.

    You aren't hurting anyone but yourself, and the server. It is a flawed idea to think that you would actually be hurting TL. They have several trackers, they have boxer groups on standby, standing for hours afk in safe zones. I've seen their boxers myself, waiting in Temple of Sol Ro. They have been doing this raiding stuff on Fippy for years. They are not noobs at dealing with these situations.

    You should have voted on what you wanted, and not what you think would hurt a guild that wouldn't even be hurt.
  14. Xanadas Augur

    I state my opinion in the next paragraph and I state that I feel (ie. opinion) that DBG shouldn't make change based on a 49/51 result. I don't make statements like "6months is gonna win!" or "the sky is falling because ASAP and 3mo are gonna beat 6mo!"

    Re-read the post.
  15. Freki Augur

    and by what you are saying you can not lump people that vote for x with y for any reason. the poll is invalid at that point. its like asking people if they would like apples, oranges, peanuts, or strawberries. given strawberries were already voted on and won the old vote. and you tell everyone that now because 30% said oranges, 30% said peanuts and 40% said strawberries that since 60% said no to strawberries and the compromise is peanuts... you will end up killing someone with a peanut alergy because you arbitrarily said that is the compromise...
  16. Tarrin Augur

    And it is my opinion that I feel you have been either intentionally or unintentionally trying to sway the vote for your personal option. The exit poll at least.
  17. Jordis Augur

    I'm one of the people that voted for six months both times. I have an alt account, but no one would consider my boxing efforts to be substantial or threatening. I have played on progression servers before and just got tired of starting then the character being left in the dust while the main wave of "we have to be first" folks rip through the expansions and raids. Great, they won EQ. The game doesn't end if they did (or think they did).

    The six month idea appealed to me because I wanted the fun of learning another class from the ground up and developing a history and friends with that character as I did with my main. I don't care who is raiding at the top, I'm still leveling up to raid level, but hey, three months or six months, I'll undoubtedly be at least 50 by that time even though I'm playing regularly on the main server. I won't buy anything that has been bot farmed, I'm not buying or selling kronos on the progression server. I'm there strictly to have fun and reminisce with other people that have played since the early years.

    The guild my Ragefire character belongs to banned discussion of how people voted due to "ragequits" and arguing. The discussions I did see before this happened had more people wanting to wait out the six months as originally intended, and the people that wanted to open sooner getting the maddest. The reason most gave was that Kunark was their favorite expansion and they were tired of playing with the limited resources, etc. and missed their Kunark favorite camps.

    I'm looking forward to Kunark opening, but I'm still having fun finding out things about the game I forgot or didn't know from those early years. I didn't know the Warrens weren't part of the game early on, or that you couldn't reach HHP from the Karana side with the road up the mountain barren of buildings. With the six month progression I can enjoy playing on both servers, and two different types of 'game' within the game.
  18. SBC0 Elder

    You think there are 6-10k individual people playing?
  19. Korillo Augur

    There is definitely somewhere between 1 - 427,368 individual people playing this game.
    Xanadas likes this.
  20. SBC0 Elder

    Lets be honest- there are many players that have voted on more than 6 accounts....
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