Poll is open for Kunark in game

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Katmandu26, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. SBC0 Elder

    I don't think he is actually reading the posts....
  2. Trazzlo Elder

    They ... don't ... speak ... for ... everyone. And neither do you.

    Ok, I am bored here. I withdraw my willingness to be flexible due to intolerance of the community.

    You know how my votes stand, so you can simply overvote me. I just don't care -- all I want is for the servers to each be different.
  3. SBC0 Elder

    And while still missing the point- Oh well, take care!
  4. Arrk Augur

    You act like LJ miraculously appeared. The people playing come from the same pool of people who voted in the first pool (sure some may not have voted).

    The truth is this:

    The first poll was legit as potential customers who "could" play on TLP were polled, i.e. all accounts that were active when the polls came up.

    The current poll is badly designed. It is my belief that because of this design... Kunark will be open on both servers by mid July. If any server has a shot of prolonging it, it is LJ. I felt that way from the first notice of the vote, and it has changed due to the poll setup.

    And I don't speak for everyone... I speak for myself, and I speak to other people... and I am very socially active on LJ, and got the general feel of the server. Am I right... I don't know. However, I can make an educated hypothesis. RF wants and will unlock Kunark, LJ wants and will not unlock Kunark.
    SBC0 likes this.
  5. Lifebane Augur

    What would be interesting is if there is a 32% / 32% / 36% split. If 64% of the population wants some form of early release, but 36% want to delay the vote for 6 months, would we still get a 6 month vote?
  6. Arrk Augur

    Think of it the other way....

    what if 60% wants kunark to be 3 months + and the 40% wants it early ....
  7. SBC0 Elder

    I completely agree- I don't understand why we can have an opinion based on experiences of both servers, and others assume that we think we speak for everyone. People need to stop being so emotional..
  8. Behee Augur

    Voting No to Kunark on Rage. Same as I did before.
    Nolrog and arwilly like this.
  9. Makelite Augur

    Don't be naive, the rotation is only being honored at the moment because it benefits one guild more than any others. They are more than prepared to out sock others and take over if they feel the grasp is slipping. Good thing though is it will only take one actual organized guild to run them back to test. Kunark will allow that option tbh, the skill is weak.
  10. Greymere Augur

    so wait if everyone with an all access account on a TLP server and bothered to create a character on the server can vote its somehow bogus? Grow up, take the tinfoil hats off, and recognize if a signifigant amount of players that aren't playing only logged into vote on an option to spite a certain viewpoint it would probably be because A they really want that result oe B the group they are looking to spite musta really pissed alot of them off to make any difference which says alot about that group.
  11. Dark_Intentions Augur

    It's not going to kill anyone to have Kunark open early, and it won't kill anyone to have it open in 6 months. If you really don't want to wait 5 more months, just cancel and come back later. If you don't want it early, then stay in classic zones until you are ready.
    Indrigoth and SBC0 like this.
  12. Numiko Augur

    I'm voting no preference! .. Hope it wins! :D
  13. SBC0 Elder

    The rotation is being honored because those on Lockjaw dont want the stupid crap that is happening on Ragefire.. And exactly what skills are you talking about are "weak"..what "skills" do you need to take down these easy classic raid encounters exactly?
    MBear likes this.
  14. Thornpaw New Member

    I came back for that old feel of the game. That being said, I loved Kunark. However, it will spread the player base out over more zones which will make it tough for those who depend on groups.
  15. Tweelis Augur

    I'm still confused why the people that want Kunark open before the original vote simply don't go play there now. My wife and I started on this server because we wanted old school original EQ for awhile. Now here it is one month after server opens and we're already seeing polls/votes to unlock faster than was origionally touted.

    I like Kunark, don't get me wrong. When I feel like playing in Howling Stones or Sebilis or Droga I go play in those zones. Yes, I even doodled around in HS last Saturday for a little while.....on Bristlebane. I could have easily doodled around in HS on Bertoxx or Rodcet. Everybody here could do something similar......on a server that has Kunark unlocked already. WOW!!! What a concept!

    I voted to keep original for 6 months. My wife will more than likely do the same tonight. While DBG has my money (paid 1 year subscription) I don't see my wife keeping her short term subscription going much longer if Kunark opens on LJ before the 6 month mark. While we do enjoy playing when we can our lives have enough going on that we won't be hitting the level 40+ mark until probably around mid to late September.
  16. SBC0 Elder

    This was bound to happen- when people whine and complain enough, or give immature ultimatums of quitting if things don't happen, eventually the people in charge will buckle.
  17. Roshen Brand Manager

    Quick FYI: This poll is set up to run through the end of day on Sunday, June 28. Get your votes in before the end of the weekend!
    Katmandu26 likes this.
  18. Jaxarale01 Augur

    I don't think it was that... if you read the the original announcement of the second vote... it clearly says they will open Kunark early if that is what the majority on the server votes for.

    They had it planned before any could of started to poll the actual TLP players once the server went live. This is clearly stated before anyone knew the results so...


    Down towards the bottom is where it is.
    Indrigoth likes this.
  19. arwilly Lorekeeper

    Cast my 2 "no" votes. /crossfingers
  20. Xaile New Member

    Voted for 6 months. While I enjoy Kunark (and velious / luclin / pop / etc) - I voted against early kunark in protest of the dozen or so whiners on the forums pushing for change (you guys seriously sound like Al Gore / Bush years ago when demanding a recount in Florida - just sayin).