Raid Changes coming in July

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Aristo, Jun 18, 2015.

  1. Ootax Augur

    I disagree with this. First you assume that the people posting on these boards are the majority of the player base when in fact it's just a small amount of people posting over and over again. DBG has limited resources not only for this but the game as a whole and you're not going to make everyone happy and trying to do that is impossible. Anyone who's played this game for any amount of time knows you're not going to see the end game content while it's current in the older zones. The devs have literally gone out of their way to make as many changes as possible and make as many people happy as possible, but the simple fact is no business including this one is going to make everyone happy. You talk about competing, wasn't it your guild leader before these servers launched saying something to the effect of being able to bring the heat when needed when someone made a comment on another forum about TL, well now is the time put up or shut up. Not once did anyone from DBG say that raid bosses would be instance, people knew this going in, they have stated multiple times that competition is part of the game. And having raid bosses instance is having loot handed to you. It's not beating the bosses that are hard it's getting to them and out dpsing someone else that is.
  2. Gregolo Augur

  3. squidgod Augur

    The casual, invite-everyone guild I was in on LJ instituted a new policy the other night in response to poor turnout for their level 30, Hole trash mob "raid": Any player who is within the declared level range for the raid who doesn't want to attend must stop playing and log off during raids or be kicked from the guild.

    That's when I realized that EQ raiding in the 21st century just wasn't for me. I'll just keep my own schedule, farm lots of plat and hope DBG converts either RF or LJ to an FV ruleset at some point.
  4. Finwen Augur

    I'm not going to lie and say I have never belittled anyone on these boards, but I assure you that I wasn't belittling him. Also, this post makes no sense. EQ is my hobby. That's why I'm here. If a hobby needs a time requirement of 5+ hours a day, I guess I have no hobbies other than my job, but at least that pays better than EQ.
  5. Zaknaffein Augur

    I haven't started to play on ragefire too much yet as I am waiting until Kunark or Velious to open up but I have been skimming the threads here for entertainment value in the meantime.

    I just have to say that these changes to this server are fantastically worthless.

    I have a hard time trying to figure out the logic and rational behind some of the changes, because they make zero sense to me. I kinda feel bad for people playing at the moment and wanting to raid ( though I don't consider sitting around at one spot for hours and then watching a mob die in a few seconds or sending in mass pets as raiding, as no skill is involved in this). This really doesn't solve any of the issues that a lot have braught up, and actually these might cause more now. It will be interesting to see though how it pans out, and I do thank the devs for continuing to provide good entertainment for me to read about.
  6. Hexaholic Augur

    Yeah, faster Hate / Fear spawns will be great.
  7. Roxxanna Augur

    Guys, they made their decision, just live with. Your not doing yourself any good beating your head against a brick wall, just wait and see what happens. I for one will spend my raid time on live, while continuing to level my clerics. Hopefully, after the dust settles, things will be different.

    And Ionz.......dude, breathe in and out, your gonna have a stroke.
    Finwen likes this.
  8. Hexaholic Augur

    I knew you weren't you said they were legit questions. My hobbies are woodworking / cabinet building (my job / company), and playing video games. Even if I'm socking, I'm still playing some other game, whether on the XBox, or something else on the PC. It's just how raiding is, so that's why we do it.
    Finwen likes this.
  9. RainbowTest Augur

    The irony that they can police the forums but not their money maker game lol.
    Koggar.Bertoxxulous and squidgod like this.
  10. Vaclav Augur

    *61. Always *61. (Or whatever your local exchanged used for disable call waiting)

    [Or later *66+more numbers that I won't list because I can't remember the phone number we used in 1999 anymore for Call Forwarding]
  11. Hexaholic Augur

    HAHA the inception!
  12. Arrk Augur

    Not irony... This is the public image of the game. They are going to censor this, so people have a "marketable" picture of EQ. In game... well we know what it really is..
    Koggar.Bertoxxulous likes this.
  13. Numiko Augur

    I wonder if Lonz has "do not display afk characters" turned on in his option.

    Even with it off I have noticed the engine will stop rendering my characters on my screen if they stand around to much not moving, as soon as I move they "pop" back into the screen.

    This may be what he is seeing, though I'm sure some warping happens it is not very common anymore as daybreak has developed some very good tools to detect such activity.
    Barton likes this.
  14. Flobot New Member

    Guys.. this game is not World of Warcraft or any other MMO that has come since that caters to people who play 1 -2 hours a day for raid content. I am in TL, work full time, have a girlfriend I have to spend time with and still manage to raid and show up when I can. The requirement to be online 12 hours a day is total . If you want to raid, quit about it and join a raiding guild and give us some competition. I enjoy competition, its honestly the only reason I play this game. I played in original EQ, I was in a top tier raiding guild during Velious and Luclin, and got cockblocked out of VT for EVER but that is the nature of the game.Then we emerged and took the top guild spot during POP LEARNING from the mobilizations we have had previously.

    I mean really you just and , but don't even attempt to contest a raid mob. Contest it, you may be surprised and beat us, or learn from it and get better like any other video game.
  15. Vaclav Augur

    /follow in some spots does some weirdness too - I'll have the wife on /follow while she's in the bathroom and flip to an F9 view where I can see here, and sometimes she'll do some weird sidestepping on /follow that looks warpy while I know clearly she's not running anything unusual in the background. (Basically identical setup to my machine top to bottom besides case and Nvidia vs. ATI)
  16. Gregolo Augur

    That's not irony.
  17. Ootax Augur

    You definitely where trying to belittle them, or basically all raiders that spend a lot of time on eq. The time requirement is irrelevant. If someone want's to play eq 5+ hours a day and they enjoy it, then more power to them. You keep making these snide comments like "I asked why you guys want to do that instead of doing something else with your limited lifespan" or "If a hobby needs a time requirement of 5+ hours a day, I guess I have no hobbies other than my job, but at least that pays better than EQ." Don't worry about why, or how long some else plays, it's none your business. Don't act as though you're better than them because they play EQ all day and you don't.
  18. Finwen Augur

    If you guys want competition, DBG should implement static spawn timers for raid mobs during prime time. I expect that you will see quite a bit more competition.
  19. Frenzic Augur

    That would be awesome. No more bat phone! Rosengard prob not gonna like that though.
    Finwen likes this.
  20. Dark_Intentions Augur

    This is why you have an alt that's not in the guild.