[Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] Legal?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Thorak, May 21, 2015.

  1. Argu Lorekeeper

    People will rage when a 6 boxer takes the frenzied ghoul camp.
  2. Tamier Augur

    Yes because pay to win is a classic eq experience for mmo'ers in the 1990's. No thats a new concept for this younger generation. I have the means and ability to box, I choose not to pay to win. Its a choice, some of us choose not to do so, because its not a classic experience.
  3. Diemond Augur

    I agree, now are you saying this server will never have expansions? If not then yes it is a classic server. If it will then nope, not classic.
  4. Diemond Augur

    If you ever hear someone say they were banned for using [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] you need to follow up with this question. What else were you using? Unless you are using another program to help automate things [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] is 100% legal and anyone that says they were banned from it is lying.
  5. Wichie Wtf New Member

    He specifically qualified "as close to classic as they can get it," implying, unambiguously, that certain portions are not inherently classic. Your deliberate mischaracterization of his statement to advance your own position is obnoxious.
  6. Tronk Augur

    It's classic EQ for 6 months, after that it is a era Kunark server. Sheesh. What is so hard? They used a name "Classic" to indicate no expansions. There are no expansions, it is the Classic EQ era. By your definition, P99 is certainly not a classic eq server either.
  7. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    I personally don't use [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software], because I am too lazy to learn a complicated system like that. WinEQ2 works fine for me to swiftly cycle between windows, where I manually push my buttons. But so long as someone isn't abusing [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software], I have no problem if they do.
  8. Theoequis Journeyman

    I've had 2 accounts and two computers boxing since 2002. But I've never used 3rd party cheats. I group but always let everyone know I have a box and will log that toon if they like (usually after it buffs the group). I've seen many that abuse boxing but there are more like myself.
    Tamier likes this.
  9. Keldaria Elder

    I think your logic is flawed. Yes they made some changes to match up some things with "Classic" feel, but there are a number of changes they aren't making and not just ones for pure coding limitation reasons. Case in point, the in game store, while limited, still exist. They also aren't bothering to limit things like leadership AA's and various UI enhancements with just a few exceptions. Even if they could give us the original UI back I highly doubt they would because of all the modding it would need just to be compatible with the UI features they are opting to keep for playability enhancement reasons.

    Point is they are making the "Gameplay" (the zones available, mob you find up to kill, experience you gain and loot that drops) experience, match as close as they can but they are purposely avoiding restricting other things that they feel would've been included in 1999 if the conditions were the same as they are today (cash stores being almost universal, boxing being almost universal, UI enhancements that are essentially universal, ect...) Just because it hadn't been conceived yet nor technically capable yet in 1999 doesn't mean its incompatible with the "Classic" experience.
  10. Ziggy Augur

    There are several threads about the suspensions already, and the response from the LeadGM is part of the post.
  11. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    Define "cheat". Because what I am taking away from that is if someone uses [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] or WinEQ2 to make boxing easier (not automated) then they are cheating.
  12. Tamier Augur

    I have met 2 boxers like you, and I respect them, and usually don't mind them being in my group unless it prevents a player already there from playing as well. My issue is with the 3-6 boxers, who do use programs, and do circumvent individual input per screen, and are in essence, cheating.
  13. gluteous Elder

    don't see how [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] is legal when you pay a 3rd party every month to use their software. thought 3rd party software use was illegal.
    Tamier likes this.
  14. Numiko Augur

    Sure it did, you just needed a strong desk to hold the monitors!


    I've been boxing EQ since Kunark and I knew lots of others who boxed in classic long before I started.
    Cart, MBear and code-zero like this.
  15. Tamier Augur

    Both of those programs "can" be used to cheat. Doesn't mean you are using them in that fashion, but they could be (and some people admit they are).
  16. Machen New Member

    On EQ2?

    Have not seen this on EQ.
  17. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    Yeah wasn't the guy that did the Dilbert comic strip well known for his hydra? Or was that guy famous for something else he wrote? I forget, it's been years.
  18. Numiko Augur

    3rd party software that "automates gameplay" is illegal.
  19. code-zero Augur

    Back in 2000 I knew a guy who was making a comfortable living 6boxing and selling stuff on Ebay.
  20. Tamier Augur

    Yes and that many boxing is using scripts, which has always been illegal in EQ, and most other mmo's as well.
  21. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    I know you can use [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] questionably, but have you ever used WinEQ2? Because you can't use it in a questionable fashion. I'm pretty sure that's why they moved past and built [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software]. Still, Smedley said several years ago that WinEQ2 was fine to use, and since he is still in charge, to me that remains the case until he says otherwise.