Welp, I'm retiring

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by RetiredRaider, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. RetiredRaider New Member

    Been playing since 2000. I'm not waiting around to watch this game get flushed down the toilet and that is exactly what is happening right now. I'm not waiting around to watch the walls burn down around us. There is no future in this game anymore and its not worth putting money into any longer. Its a sad day, but oh well. It happens. It was a good run. No, I wont be back. The "They always return" ship has sailed. Current day EQ1 is easier than ever to walk away from and never come back. Especially with how the game is being treated and the direction that its headed in post-sale. Do yourselves a favor and get out while you can.

    Adios amigos.
    Norathorr and Geroblue like this.
  2. Caixaa Elder

    Can I have your stuff???
    Thewiz, Tarvas, Romance and 8 others like this.
  3. RetiredRaider New Member

    Only if DayBreak allows that under their current CS rules.
  4. Repthor Augur

    dont worrie they dont mind their GM are busy not doing anything
    guado likes this.
  5. Ferry-Tunare Augur

    I always hate to see someone go, especially when someone is forced to leave not by choice. I can certainly respect and understand your decision though. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors.
  6. Garanle Elder

    Good Luck to you,

    People who post can I have your stuff need to get out of their parent's basement and get a real job. If people like this keep leaving you will have to find some other way to waste your time than in EQ. Instead of posting can I have your stuff, how about trying to add a different point of view that might make the person reconsider? Maybe, this game wouldn't be flying off the cliff.
    Ferry-Tunare likes this.
  7. Inictus Elder

    This notion has been in my head the past few days myself. There's been many times when doomsayers come out and predict the death of EQ in the past over a nerf or some sort of policy change, but this is different.

    In my opinion (and I only speak for myself), but I'm starting to have a lack of confidence in where EQ is heading. It was very disheartening to hear about how a few accounts were hacked, characters deleted and CS stating that they would do nothing about it. They COULD but wouldn't. This is what raised a red flag in my head. In the past, CS has been very good and very prompt (at least when I've needed it).

    When a game this old gets resources shifted away, there really is no going back. It's not like there's going to be a sudden boom in population that would justify the addition of new resources. It's going to slowly bleed away as the user base shrinks.

    I can't believe it, but I guess I'm one of those doomsayers now. I have no doubt that EQ will be around for some time yet, but EQ's best years are behind us.
    KC13, Aanuvane, Harabakc and 6 others like this.
  8. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    68 days left on my subscription, the clock is ticking...

    Sorry to see you leave, hope you find something great to do with your time. :)
    Wayylon and Ferry-Tunare like this.
  9. Diptera Augur

    My accounts have already gone F2P - mostly hanging around the forums now in hope of a reason to resub =/
    Geroblue, Yinla and Ferry-Tunare like this.
  10. Laronk Augur

    You're either having fun and you should still play or you're not having fun and you shouldn't play. The idea that the game is going to go in the gutter is a really dumb reason to quit. It's alright to quit because you're not having fun though that's a really good reason to quit.

    If you still are having fun in game then stay until you're not having fun. It's not wasted time to have fun today even if the game closes next week.
    Dramatime, Aghinem, Devildawg and 6 others like this.
  11. Weverley Augur

    I agree go play the game if you still enjoy it.It's like watching the news on tv all day long.Do that for a few days and you start thinking god this world is awful.Go outside talk to people and then you see bah it's not as bad as the news were making me believe.
    moogs, Dramatime, Dandy and 2 others like this.
  12. Sostenes Augur

    Yet another New Member to this forum who has been playing since blah blah blah and now is gonna retire because blah blah blah...c'mon now! Ive seen at least 12 posts like this in the past 90 days.

    If I read an Elder member of the forum announce his retirement I'll believe it.

    Dramatime and Devildawg like this.
  13. Cicelee Augur

    Some of you guys act like there is a gun pointed at your head, forcing you to play Everquest.

    Reality check time- there isn't.

    All of us are free to play the game if we wish, for a nominal fee per month if we also choose to. We all also can end our subscriptions and walk away. But to say that you are being "forced" to leave is a bit absurd.

    I do not know who the OP is. The power of the anonymity on the Internet results in that. I would imagine that OP guild mates and friends, and possibly his/her server, will miss OP. Those who don't know the OP, or not on OP server, probably will not to the extent that the others will. The game will miss a subscription, which potentially affects my game play with lack of content, expansions, patches, etc.

    But I don't get these random, out of the blue, anonymous threads about retiring cause the game is going downhill, it is terrible, etc. Maybe for OP it is. Some of us still enjoy the game. And when we get to a point when we do not, we will be free to leave and move onto other things...
  14. Mediik Augur

    Hey, before you go. Don't forget:
    1. Add a gamecard to your account for station Cash
    2. Login to your eq account at 4am from a different IP address
    3. Buy a server transfer token
    4. Transfer to FV
    5. Strip your character of all gear and give it to some random bazaar toon
    6. Delete your character

    Cause apparently that's what people just do.

    Seriously.. I'm sorry to see you leave. Gluck
  15. Ferry-Tunare Augur

    Not everyone is free to play the game. Some are forced to just roll another char.
    Yinla likes this.
  16. Necromonious Augur

    I had a lot of fun playing EQ this weekend. Just figured I'd share. I am totally willing to accept free stuff if any quitter would like to donate
  17. Porterz73 Augur

    Odd... Why is it people who dramatically quit after playing for the last 15 years are always new members on the forums???

    Anyway the game is old and maybe it does not do it for you like it use to, sad to see people leave but it is just a game and if a game is not fun then the easy solution is to not play it. I still have a ton of fun in EQ so I'll be here until the servers are smoking, I look forward to seeing all my friends with a long attention span as often as possible. I will be here when it's Too Late.

    Long Live EQ!
  18. svann Augur

    Im I clear that you made a new account to post this thread "new member"?
  19. Iila Augur

    Forums have switched & purged user account styles a few times, most recently around oct 2012.

    The devs are quite fond of letting the forums know that we're a minority of EQ players, and that only a small portion of the player base ever reads the forums. Except when they're nerfing exp in 95% of the game and not even putting a notice in the patch notes, because 'everyone already knows about it'.
  20. Nolrog Augur

    My old friend TC used to say, you'll be back. They always come back.
    Xanadas likes this.