Who Broke EverQuest?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Nedrom, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The XP in older Heroic Adventures was changed after the launch of TDS after it was noted that the difficulty of them did not scale in regards to the rewards from chain killing mobs in them over and over.
  2. Nedrom Augur

    Ok, but why should that negatively affect my ability to catch up? Trying to find a group with 100 or lower is proving to be an impossibility. I keep reading posts about problems getting people to play newer content. I'd love to, but I can't get the XP to level, so there is the problem. They have crippled the ability of new or returning players from catching up by playing with players that are at max level.

    I've been around long enough to understand the risk vs reward factor for EQ as a whole, but this is just awful. I've never seen such grand penalties to players in any other game.

    What's more puzzling is that they grant me 3500 AA when I login. They're sending quite the mixed message. It's flat out illogical.
    Yinla likes this.
  3. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Did no one tell him of Guard Hamron in ETWK yet?
    And what about Franklin Teek?
  4. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    *shrugs* in your original post you were grouped with a bunch of people around your level with one exception.
  5. Brogett Augur

    That doesn't sound right to me, but did you actually complete the HA? As other have said, most of the XP got moved to the final hail. It makes no sense to me, but that was the fix to stop people churning the same HA without ever finishing it to grind XP.
  6. Nedrom Augur

    Hit cancel last night, not worth the bother.

    Not going to fork over money to play a clearly broken game with these xp nerfs.

    Killing mobs for no xp is not fun. Doing dailies by myself is not fun.

    Maybe one day the Nerf will be removed. Until then... Adios
    Yinla, Xeladom, Iila and 2 others like this.
  7. Serriah_Test Augur

    The XP nerf was not made to get people to group in TDS zones... but they sold it off as that to make a massive negative seem like a positive.

    Real reason: It was to stop power leveling so they could sell more heroic characters and XP potions.
    Granted you can do some decent DS power leveling until about level 70 to 75, but XP is slow as sin at that level when you're moloing, so people will opt to upgrade to heroic... and ironically be stuck moloing in harder content and having even less fun than they were having at level 75.
    Wayylon likes this.
  8. Harabakc Augur

    I don't see how bogging down leveling in RoF which you're going to be taking upper-80s at lowest is going to help sell heroic characters.
  9. Battleaxe Augur

    I've seen numerous returnees play in level appropriate content and reach level 105. They basically ask how things work currently and play accordingly.

    I've seen one player take a break over experience policies. They basically want to use Glyphs (at a cost of 5AA each) every fight requiring them to get something on the order of 50 AA an hour in content that's rewarding in other ways to a level 105 player. The game doesn't work like that. They knew how the game works and elected to play contrarily.

    I claim the TDS grapes are pretty sweet Mr. Fox. It's not clear to me how you, having not tasted them, can say, "Those grapes are probably sour."

    (It's not hard to get a level 85 Heroic toon to level 100 btw. The biggest challenges are acquiring the necessary EQ knowlege to help you figure out what to do and establishing a social network to assist you in doing it - not gaining exp. Climb the knowlege and network hurdles and you don't fail to do the final hails in HA's and have Shard of the Guardians in your aug slots at level 95+).
  10. Casidia Augur

    I could live with this for now, but i'm not going to pay the $40 they still want for TDS.
    It's an unbelievable price for the condition the game is in, and the unclear future.
    And without TDS you couldn't do anything with your guild, that's what it has come to...f2p yea right.
  11. Gumlakx Augur

    The developers can either listen to the issues people have with the ill-advised nerf to exp in RoF, or they can wait until player exodus decides the issue for them. It is their choice.
  12. Greymantle Augur

    Welcome to the age of instant gratification :( . What's the rush to get exp? This is a game, explore, do quests/missions. PLAY. Part of the problem with previous expansions was it took all of a day to get to the new/next level limit. Folk got bored because it was to easy. When this game first started it was not uncommon to take months to level. Now you click a button and get a level 85 char with 5k+ aa. I think they should put a break in that you have to level at least one char normaly before that option is available.

    Don't get me wrong , i have purchased Heroic chars myself. But only after i had been playing one for a while at max. The was current missions and things like collections are , its not uncommon to gather >20 aa per day. With the cost of later end game aa's this is not unresonable but damn, one aa=exp from 50-51 if i recall.

    Current HA's don't give much exp for kills, but a good bit for completion. Previous exp can give more exp per kill but its blues or lower so it balances out once you hit 105.
  13. Harabakc Augur

    When you're not making progress in a game based around progress, it's not very fun. And most people don't keep paying to do things that don't provide fun for entertainment purposes.
    Xeladom and Hoosierdaddy like this.
  14. Greymantle Augur

    Guess it depends on how you define progress and fun.I enjoy doing the merc/partizan/hero tasks/missions. But i don't rush to see how fast i can get them done. We take our time and play, explore the zones a bit, search for shinneys for collections. Family just got access to the end zone this last weekend. Once we finnish the missions we go back to work on the hunter tasks and the drop type collections.

    Thing is this game has been going for 14+ years, i am SURE you have not seen every zone or done all that is do-able. Exp is not the prize, the journey is.
  15. Harabakc Augur

    To some people. This 96 monk that's coming back after how many years is prioritizing catching up, he's not having fun.
  16. egregious Journeyman

    Daybreak has prefered content. He made getting auto grant AA's by farming trade skill items found randomly sprinkled about adherence to access OMM raid you participate in pens. Wolves fearlessly roam the whole expansion

    He took advantage of this progression role to 25% of an expansion. SOE creating and the overly generous content shouldn't have existed in pens. That's the capabilities of an eye out along the right to 10 guilds have a valid excuse for slumming in no one could scale Gribble HA's.

    That nerf something very little in preference to keep pace with every class has value for a major issues with my main day GoD - roughly on the final hail and getting exp gain. It's always the story like a level characters onward. The worst thing to people to get experience when it and turn right around complaining that to SOE.
    Momentum likes this.
  17. Harabakc Augur

    egregious, from what language are you translating this into english from?
    Nniki, Iila and Borek-VS like this.
  18. Nedrom Augur

    Some of you folks are making some grossly misguided assumptions about who I am so I'd like to bring you up to speed.

    Here are some true facts:
    -I've been around since just before LDON was released on Terris Thule
    -I ding'd 65 solo'ing turtles in Natimbi when GoD was released, this took me months, but i was persistent as at the time this is all the time I had to play
    -I used to group with the top tier guilds Valon and Clan Ta Veren
    -When everyone put a nail in the coffin that was Gates of Discord, I triumphed by learning how to play the monk class the best I could in content that was clearly overpowered.
    -When I couldn't get enough experience to join the top tier guilds on Terris Thule, I went to Povar and joined the still running strong guild, Firestormers.
    -I stayed with Firestormers though raiding Planes of Power with a team of 8-9 healthy strong pulling monks
    -When Firestormers ran into a road block on progression in Uqua, I got tired of folks going back to PoTime to hide. Sorry current members, but this is all true.
    -I then couldn't find another high tier guild to join on Povar so I transferred to The Rathe to join Precision Strike who was currently raiding the same content.
    -Around 2005 Brenlo and Ashlanne offered me a full-week paid trip to SOE Live at the time in Vegas just based on my community presence. Before the old forums were tore down from this one I believe I had over 8000 posts and was responsible for not only the restoration of the monk mitigation nerf but also helping rangers gain boosts by spending 8-10 hours a day parsing on test thanks to the developer Kavok.
    -Since I started playing EQ I have been a staple in the community bridging monk feedback with the devs for many years, mostly up until Rashere left. A lot of the AA's we had prior to Rashere leaving came from our feedback.
    -Precision Strike ran through some problems and folks showing up and it ended up being a dead end after some time so I then transferred again.
    -I went to Club Fu on Bristlebane and raided with them when DoN was released.
    -Club Fu was my home until TSS
    -This time I meant business and I really wanted to grab that brass ring and improve myself as a raider and see top content
    -I then switched servers again to Maelin and joined Triality during TSS, a guild which I had followed for years and proud to be a member of their team for a few years when I ended up having to quit EQ due to some RL issues during the expansion SoD when it was in beta.
    -after a few years I returned, to raid on Maelin with The Resolution where I saw Underfoot and some parts of Houst of Thule
    -an opening was available so I re-joined Triality just in time to see the end of House of Thule and raided with them until RL needed me more than this game, at which point I got married
    -quite a few years went by and I did eventually start playing again when Rain of Fear came out and I just simply played to group and have fun.
    -this is not my first monk, or my second, but the 96 monk in the magelo below is my third monk leveled fully from 1 - 96, a combined 7500 AA over all three monks (not autogranted), actually gained on my own.
    -so I have seen top to bottom the following expansions as both a grouper and a raider:

    POP, LDON, GoD, Omens, DoN, DoDH, PoR, TSS, TBS, Underfoot, HoT

    As a grouper I've only seen SoF, SoD, VoA, RoF, COTF

    I have not purchased TDS... because of the reasons I have decided to leave my subscription on hold until these daft xp nerfs are gone.

    I'm not a heroic character, I did not just hop on for a quick autogranted AA ride, I have lower AC augs because my 3rd monk is a grouper only not a raider and now that I have one child and married and a second child on the way I can no longer dedicate 8-10 hours camping every AC aug there is when none of the remaining friends in this game have time to help me, especially when their XP is nerfed beyond belief.

    For me spending 1.5 hours is all I have maybe all week to play, and if I don't get any XP for my play time, what's the point? I'd love nothing more than to spend time with my friends in current content and I'm unable to as the player base under 100 is non existant on Drinal.

    I want nothing more than to enjoy the game I've called a home for the last 13 years. To see the poor direction the developers have taken it is quite maddening and saddens me.

    I've probably seen more content than a lot of the remaining player base and have a lot of knowledge to share with folks if they were to just ask. But right now I'm not presently wanting to continue playing until the XP nerf is reversed.

    So yeah, that's me in a nutshell.
    Mintalie, Grove, Yinla and 1 other person like this.
  19. sojero One hit wonder

    If you are not gaining any XP in an hour and a half, something is going on that is wrong. I can do HA's in about 40 minutes running 105 sk, 89 bst, and 95 wiz, I just put the bst and wiz on auto follow, used sk healer merc, and caster mercs from the other 2. The 2 mercs did a total of about 8k dps, SK did 70% of the dps for the group. I was watching netflix taking it easy while doing this.

    Both characters gained >10% per. If you are not gaining in regular zones, make sure you have reg xp going and no % to AA, as that might mess it up too if grouped with a 101+.

    As for the grounds and valley, I will go there and root rot with my 101 nec and get xp for lower level too, they gain XP at a good rate, so I know that can be done as well. I also PL'd a shm and chanter the other night (77 and 79) in Ferrott the dream with my wives 105 pally and they gained great.

    I would check all variables and see whats going on. Glad to see you come back, hope you don't leave, and if you want a server that has a good all around population, consider coming back to The Rathe, we have guilds of all types on there, and a healthy 85-105 game.
  20. Nedrom Augur

    XP is set to 100%, since I learned of the nerf I basically have been avoiding grouping with anyone 101+, which is next to impossible to put a real group together. This has left me with playing solo, doing dailies for 85, 90x2 and just completing my Partisan tasks in HoT. I considered re-subbing my 85 bard but I'm hesitant to put any more money into the game at this time. I have a lot of Shard's Landing Partisan's tasks almost complete from last year but I can't do those on my own, or with my bard. I tried!

    Folks don't want to come to RoF anymore as they're all max level and they get no benefit via the nerf so they wouldn't have a reason to help someone like myself, a now casual grouper. They'd rather be in the new zones.

    I'm not looking for handouts, I just want to be able to play without having to worry about completing a puzzle in order to get XP in a group :p

    I'm starting to realize the grouping game is pretty dead on Drinal, things haven't been the same since Triality left really. The server's population is not healthy at all from what I've seen. Transferring servers has been a thought of mine but again, money to do so with the risk of things being the same as they are now.

    My subscription remains canceled but I have a month to play until it runs out. Who knows, maybe someone from Daybreak will see how much of a problem this is for players and reverse it. Can only cross my tail~