For Fun - The Ultimate Group

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by silku, Jan 12, 2015.

  1. silku Augur

    Just for fun, and because I've spent a few days arguing/philosophizing with friends about the ultimate group for doing the most content of Everquest successfully... what would be your ultimate set up of 6 real players? We've talked about having 2 tanks, 2 healers, 2 dps; others have said the holy trinity, and still others have said just get 5 wizards and a chanter. What about you?
  2. Ravengloome Augur


    4 people I like

    1 person we mutually dislike but is a good player that makes dumb mistakes or says dumb things.

    The last one is for the amusement of the first 5.
  3. RPoo Augur

    1 druid, 1 bard, 4 chanters.
    Dramatime, silku and Silv like this.
  4. Ratbo Peep Augur

    6 players with the new Siren illusions. :D

    OK - I'll add a straight answer (because I feel sorry for you). :)


    Tons of survivability and aggro tools.
    Tons of range DPS via the 3 casters.
    Chanter and Knight can both pull singles.
    Chanter adds Caster ADPS for all 3, CC and Crack / Speed.
    Wizzie can snare runners and port.
    2 Tanks can handle "overflow" till Chanter can get control.
    Mage can COTH, DPS, and Pet tank a near wipe.
    silku likes this.
  5. Sancus Augur

    Below is my dream ADPS group :p
    2 Enchanters
    2 Druids
    1 Bard
    1 Mage

    For real stuff, I'm partial to casters:
    guado and silku like this.
  6. RPoo Augur

    ok ok, maybe 1 bard, 1 druid, 3 chanters, and 1 mage, but only if the mage keeps surge of shadow and magmatic veil on me.
    silku likes this.
  7. Sancus Augur

    But I want that double Black Wolf :p
    silku and Iila like this.
  8. Silv Augur

    Enchanter, Druid, Paladin, Mage, Mage, Bard.

    Of course I almost never get to have my ideal setup but yeah... I personally don't consider Healer + 5 Casters viable because if you're depending on 'ping pong' or in an area you can't stun etc. it's just too chaotic for 'ideal' consistency. Suppose I could drop the Pally for another caster DPS but I like having the Pally for backup heals and intelligence compared to a pet tank.
    silku and Lisandra like this.
  9. RPoo Augur

    silv could prolly figure it out better but something like iog2//bw2//fe1.5, third1.5//iog2//bw2//iog2//fe1.5... lots of overlapping
  10. Claan Elder

    I'm shocked no one said "6 Necros" here yet. I really expected to see that right away, or maybe 6 Mages.
  11. Silv Augur

    Kindof depends on fight duration but with an Ench, Bard, Druid in a longer fight I'd do BW+FE+Vesagran // Ench 3rd + IOG + Bard 2nd // BW+FE+Vesagran // whatever. If it's shorter then I lead with IOG. Personally, I prefer stacking a few of the +Crit chance mods if they have a low damage mod (while a large one is running). If you know what your DPS casters are popping for +Crit then you could probably separate Ench 3rd, FE, and Vesagran to some extent if they're hitting 100% crit chance anyway so you have more burn spread out. If we're just talking a single group then you're probably going to have to stack some crit chance mods though since you wouldn't have Auspice like you would in a raid.

    Like Renaii said though... lots of overlap any way you spin it.

    Anyway, that's kindof off topic but from the ideal ADPS setup that's why I'd want Ench+Dru+Bard. That's one advantage of having relatively "set" groups (in and out of raids) though... you have a normal synergy and know who's popping what when to maximize your ADPS. Although, I would guess getting into the co-ordination, data mining, and numbers game isn't very fun for everyone. I also suspect that's a big factor in separating the top guilds from everyone else - it shouldn't be like pulling teeth getting a Druid to hit Black Wolf, Bards not to FE over IOG, or casters to use Mana Charge, etc.

    Would 1 Mage with double BW/IOG really be better than adding 2 more Mages with single BW/IOG? The refresh on BW is already relatively quick. I suppose if you're aiming to have BW/IOG up at all times that is one way to do it. :p
  12. Bigstomp Augur

    War, Clr, Clr, Clr, Clr, Clr

    And if you want the ideal raid:
    War, Clr x 53
    Elricvonclief, Obiziana and silku like this.
  13. Iila Augur

    The Dru/Enc/Wiz/Wiz/Wiz/Mag (or whatever mix of wiz and mages you have hanging around) group should be able to melt anything in group content before anyone in the group dies. And hell, when the whole group can evac, you're never going to wipe!

    If the group is trying to do something OTHER than keep 1 mage in full burn as long as possible, then yeah, you'd want more DPS classes instead of doubling up on adps. GBW is a 3:45 duration, with 7:30 reuse. Two druids gives 100% GBW uptime. a Dru+Enc gives like 10 minutes of initial GBW/IoG uptime. But two druids don't give any adps to each other. We have self BW to cover the time GBW is down. Two encs can make use of the other's haze procs and IoGs.

    I'm pretty sure the 2nd druid is worse than a 2nd enc in terms of total group dps, assuming they're also putting in personal dps. Druids and Encs are somewhere around half the DPS of the classes they're supporting, so you need to applying their adps to enough real dps casters to make up for the difference or come out ahead.
    Benzarden likes this.
  14. Iila Augur

    You misspelled Mag X 54.
  15. Edrick Augur

    Minus 1 magician, add one druid to reptile the pets.
    silku likes this.
  16. Momentum Elder

    6 Enchanters
    Sirene_Fippy and RPoo like this.
  17. silku Augur

    This is pretty close to what I've been looking at running. Warrior, Paladin, Cleric, Enchanter, Wizard, Mage. Though I was considering druid in the mage spot. (Coh is pretty darn handy though.)
  18. Whulfgar Augur


    (alt Druid outta grp with alt chanter) healing / adpsing .
  19. Whulfgar Augur

    What I actually run .. Is very close to that very set up sub 1 Mage for 1 wiz and there it is..
    Elricvonclief and silku like this.
  20. Whulfgar Augur

    Haha sup big my thinking is..

    3 war..
    3 Clr..
    24 rog
    23 wiz
    1 Mage

    Pew pew !