Bronze, Silver and Gold

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Leerah, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Rykard Augur


    I am f2p/silver at the moment. I made 1 account around the time frame of when F2P started and I at least hope certain options are available. Silver option extended AA cap to 1000. I really have not checked that account in the marketplace but also hope rank 2 spells and additional AA caps can be purchased for FREE accounts.

  2. Brohg Augur

    rk2 spell unlock can be purchased. AA caps can. Character slots can. Chat channel access cannot
  3. Leerah Augur

    Even so, if you purchase 3 extra character slots, that only brings you up to 5. Am I the only one who wants one of each utility class on each account?
  4. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    Buy 3 from the Marketplace, and 3 from the loyalty vendor? That would bring you up to the standard 8.
  5. Leerah Augur

    There are 16 classes in EQ. I start with 8, buy 3 with SC, buy 3 with loyalty points for 14 total.
    1. How is a green/free account going to get enough loyalty points?
    2. When you drop back to free, it's back to 8 slots. We're saying that once you've paid, you should never have to drop back to 2 slots as your base.
  6. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Those 6 slots are one of the perks to paying a subscription fee, if they where to add exceptions for more things just because you paid at one point for a month then it really takes away from the benefit of paying the subscription fee. besides for how many years was everyone limited to 8? I don't see how "only" having 8 character slots (after purchasing 3 from market and 3 from loyalty) is a problem for a f2p player considering that was the most anyone could have for years (outside of the station access +2 bonus they had for a while)
  7. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    Not every class is a "utility" class, either. Enchanter, Druid, Cleric, Shaman, Ranger, Beastlord, Paladin, for buffs. That's 7. If you prefer ranger or beastlord buffs over brell's, you can actually reduce that by one.

    I don't anticipate them changing this anytime in the near future. It's not really Sony's problem that you didn't buy silver before it was taken out, nor that it wasn't grandfathered in as silver when free to play happened. The information was out there and available, and I know you spend a great deal of time on this forum. You could have been proactive about it, and not drop to two, but to four. *shrug* Why should they change it at this point?

    To the best of my knowledge, going gold for one month has NEVER given you silver status when it lapsed, barring the grandfather clauses. When f2p launched, those that had been gold at any time prior to a specific date were grandfathered to silver, and would revert to silver. When All-Access launched, those that had bought silver already were grandfathered for silver, I can't recall if those that had gone gold AFTER f2p launched, but before A-A launched got grandfathered in or not. But just buying gold for 1 month certainly didn't do it as a standard.
  8. Abazzagorath Augur

    I'm still trying to figure out the sense of entitlement that someone has to feel they have a "right" to play the vast majority or all of the game for free.

    Newsflash: SOE is a business entity that has one purpose, and that is to make money. The only reason FTP exists at all is to allow people to more easily try the game, and to help maintain a healthier population to reduce subscription attrition. They want you to subscribe, which means giving reasons to subscribe.

    Be grateful for how much it gives you as is.
    Tarvas, Edrick and Nennius like this.
  9. Leerah Augur

    You're wrong. And you forgot magician, rogue and wizard. Can do without a beastlord.
  10. Leerah Augur

    Newsflash: People are NOT playing the game if they are restricted to New Players channel forever.
  11. Edrick Augur

    They're playing for free. It's a great deal, you used to not be able to play this game at all without paying a monthly fee! Neat!
  12. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    When did it?

    And why do you need a wizard? I would think the logical work around would be to choose which "utility" classes you want on an account, rather than complain that they need to change the status quo because you want to have 9 characters per account that are just utility. I mean, a rogue isn't going to need pet toys, so I'd think you could safely put the magician and rogue together on an account, and be able to buff or explore respectively.

    At this point, I'd say you probably should learn to work within the confines of what you're given, rather than tell them they need to fix it so you can do what you want. You can have 2 slots, and pay cash for 3 more, and wait for the loyalty to accumulate to buy 3 more, and have 8; or, you can pay a Krono or the subscription fee and have 8 slots, and have the option to pay cash for 3 more, wait for the loyalty to accumulate and buy 3 more, and have a total of 14.
  13. Leerah Augur

    Why are you trying to make this about me? I have 6 gold accounts currently, normally 4. The fact that new players can't join General is a PROBLEM. After they've been around for a few months and after they've paid at least once, they are no longer new players. I understand EQ is trying to keep free accounts from spamming but this was poorly handled.

    Winnow, magicians have to be on separate accounts from rogues for fellowship reasons. The rogues set the campfire for the magicians. But like I said, this isn't your business.
  14. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    If you didn't want it commented on by the public, perhaps you should have sent a PM, rather than posting it on the forums. And why make it about you? Because you're the one that keeps pointing out that 2, 5, or 8 slots isn't enough, because you want utility classes on each account. I have 11 character slots. I use a grand total of 5. Winnowyl (main) Clearbrooke (retired druid) Dewshine (first character) a bazaar bot/researcher/tinkerer/enchanter, and a shaman for alchemy. You'll notice I combined several into one, so I didn't need the extra spaces.

    While I do agree that free accounts need access to general chat, as well as other chat channels, I think that's the only change that needs to be made. They can buy more character slots for 6 total. They can unlock several different things in the marketplace, or they can spend plat for Kronos, or cash for a card/sub like other people that want All-Access do. Beyond the chat channels, I'm just not seeing the problem.
    Lighteningrod and Brohg like this.
  15. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    Too late for me to edit the original post. They can purchase 6 total, bringing them up to a total of 8. I can't math it seems.
  16. Lighteningrod Augur

  17. Kravitz Augur

    Agree. Free accounts should get access to "General" channel. A new player asking for information is less likely to get a clear response if any from someone in the "new player" channel vs "General" channel.

    Some people will get frustrated by the no response to their questions and just quit the game way to early. I see no harm in adding "General" chat to new players.
  18. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    If free accounts get access to general chat after being around for a while then the spammers just set up free accounts and let them sit around until they gain access to general chat and can start spamming again.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  19. Fendy Augur

    General chat is full of idiots. I've had it turned off for years. For every 1 useful reply to a question you'll get 10 abusive responses. Why should free players be spared this harassment?
    Nerishau and Malachi like this.
  20. Leerah Augur

    If you use /autojoin, you can join other channels. You just can't leave new players or enter general. I'd just as soon leave new players. I join general only when there's drama.