Quest: Beyond the Barrier (and Pets)

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Smallpox, May 17, 2014.

  1. Smallpox Augur

    Just a heads up for pet classes that wanted to solo the Beyond the Barrier quest. Pets generate zero aggro on the mobs.

    This is really not fair AT ALL.
  2. CaptAmazing Augur

    Pet tanking is being killed off it seems. Years of AA building. Gone. All the work to make the class and my support toons function optimally. Gone.

    The retuning is getting ridiculous. Really Devs. Just take your ball and go home, you obviously don't like how we play the game.

    Rangers, wizards , Chanters, the list is getting very long and that's just the recent stuff.

    You should've fixed the tanks not broke another class. Really.

    And FYI this is a constructive post. It shows my displeasure and asks for reconsideration.
    Smallpox likes this.
  3. Smallpox Augur

    If this is the way it is going to be from this point forward regarding new content, SOE will definitely be losing two paying accounts for sure (me and my wife). To cripple classes to this extent after years of building their toons is just pathetic.
  4. sarthek New Member

    I knew something was weird with aggro on this quest! First 3 parts of the pre-launch quests were easy and fights went as expected (mage/necro duo), then I got to Beyond the Barrier and was getting wrecked. One dot or dd and the mob would summon me.

    Hopefully this is not intended...and not how the mobs INSIDE the tower will behave (but we don't know for sure yet since test server didn't get pushed the right files and there is no door to ToR in Dead Hills....)
    Smallpox likes this.
  5. Siddar Augur

    That will be the end of EQ if its what players can expect in the future..
    Smallpox likes this.
  6. Falos Augur

    I actually noticed this as well. It is indeed a HUGE annoyance. I actually died a couple times not expecting this 'feature' in the final pre-launch quest. It's not nearly as bad as the anti pet penalty for powar named mobs but it's a huge nuisance all the same. It seems like it's still possible to pet tank but the mob seems to frequently self blur or something. Pets do generate agro but the frequent self blur can cause the mob to beat on random people.

    Also opens up the possibility for a lot of griefing, just pet attack someone elses mob from a different group and sit back with popcorn while their mob starts randomly beating on different people in their group!
  7. Falos Augur

    Do you enjoy pet tanking? Do you have fun playing your class as is? if the answer is yes to those questions then yes it very much is intended that you no longer have fun. Recent changes back this statement up.
    Smallpox likes this.
  8. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    This hurts the pet class that can't Feign Death (or snare, root, stun, slow, rune, self heal, run speed buff...) a lot more than the other two.
    Smallpox likes this.
  9. ~Mills~ Augur

    I don't mind some named or an occasional mob type in some zones being not pet friendly to tank with. But when you start dedicating almost entire zones or content releases on it there is going to be a problem for many.

    Some classes have at least 25% of their AA, if not more dedicated to pets. And receive 11 or more spells of their alloted number of spells every level increase expansion totally for pets. Thats almost 45% of their spells in some cases all for pets. Nevermind focus effects, toys, buffs and such that also are put into getting them up to snuff. To then have them be useless or totally negated for large portions of content.

    Again once and awhile and its fine, just like mobs immune to melee or resistant to spells are ok in moderation. Please don't continue down this path to much and suddenly make this a common trend.
    Smallpox likes this.
  10. Orinwarf New Member

    Is anyone else's tank merc not generating/keeping aggro?
  11. Symbius Augur

    Tank merc's are working the same way on this stuff. Could just be a bug I suppose.

    However, with all the whacky nerf jobs that are being done lately I fully expect it is a feature of the content.
  12. Falos Augur

    I strongly suspect it's intended as well, it may be a bug that it impacts mercs as well but it's clear what their future intentions most likely are. Let's just hope they change their minds because this is gonna kill the game for a noteworthy amount of the playerbase :(
  13. Gnomeland Augur

    Blame that warrior guy.
  14. plobb Elder

    This is probably not even the half of it, get ready for the stick guys.
  15. Iila Augur

    The dev team isn't going to change things in a week or two after some parses were posted.

    Changes have probably been in the pipeline, expect worse in the future if anything comes from recent forums posts.
  16. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    If it is intended for tank mercs not to work, then dps and healer mercs shouldn't work either.
    Xanumbik likes this.
  17. Vivamort Augur

    So first Plane of War named... okay, I guess it is a very limited mob set. But now trashmobs (albeit temporary ones) too? I really do hope this is not going to be a trend going into the future.
    Marton likes this.
  18. Marton Augur

    If this is how pets will work in the future, I am finally done.
  19. sinderkad Augur

  20. Ragbert Elder

    I did this as a wizard by burning discs and tanking the mobs myself. I can verify that my merc tank was completely useless as he had trouble to hold aggro if nuked even once.