Disqruntled Return

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Valkeiper, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. Valkeiper New Member

    I am was a returning player. Everquest was my FIRST MMORPG and I have played more than a dozen others since leaving it.

    To give you an idea when I first joined, I bought the game as a box at a Circuit City store and the box included a statuette of the 'princess in blue' (never learned her name). There were no cat-folk, no plane of knowledge, no trips to the moon. The lizard-folk were brand new.

    When I quit, the Frogloks had just been enabled to be a player race and there were about 75 zones (now, there are over 200). The new tutorial had just started and the starter cities were getting depopulated because most players were skipping them by going up to 10th level in the Gloomingdeep.

    I just tried to re-enter the game and got very frustrated. The download took over 6 hours, which was unavoidable and something I expected because it took at least that long from the beginning... even when initiated by the CD (though THAT was on a MUCH older computer than I presently have).

    I started a barbarian warrior (to relearn the basics) and entered the Gloomingdeep. After a little time, I logged out.

    The problems started when I logged back in. I had no pointer in the character selection/creation screen. I could not select the barbarian I had previously created and was very frustrated in attempts to create another character... both problems due to not being able to see where my pointer was.

    After 2 and a half hours, I gave up and rebooted. The problem stayed, though I rebooted 2 more times in the attempt to clear the problem.

    Now, I have uninstalled Everquest. I definitely NOT going to attempt a game which gives such difficulty just selecting a character or creating a new one.
  2. Smallpox Augur

    Wow... just wow.

    If you get that riled up over some technical issues, it is probably for the best that you do not play. Sorry to hear you had issues, but don't you think you gave up too easy?
  3. Zari Lorekeeper

    Did you try calling CS to see if they could help you resolve your problem? I called to recover my account a few days ago and wasn't on hold more than a minute, and they had me fixed up in less than 5 minutes. It sounds like you've already given up, without actually trying to find a solution.
  4. Nolrog Augur

    Weird things happen when you install it in the c:/program files directory. Move it to another directory (create c:\games for example and put it in there.) Also make sure you are running it as administrator. That can solve some problems like this as well.
  5. Tual Augur

    K, bye.
    UncleUms likes this.
  6. Valkeiper New Member

    Actually, I haven't given up. I did uninstall the game, but I am presently waiting for it to install again.
    As for giving up easy, let's just say there are a few opposing AND ally players in other MMORPGs who would "ROTFLMAO" on that idea.
    I presently play almost exclusively artillery in a certain MMO which also features tanks, tank destroyers, but which arty is almost universally hated by those who don't use it.
    I also "kill rocks" about 60 hours a week in a SciFi MMO named after Adam's second wife (though most people think she's his ONLY wife)
    Neither of those particular pastimes is considered 'easy' and both are considered rather boring to most people.
  7. Valkeiper New Member

    I haven't given up. In fact, the game is downloading again in hopes the first was glitched. I did indeed contact tech support and they asked for certain files from my computer. They even told me had to retrieve those files for them. Unfortunately, I had already uninstalled, but I informed them I was installing again and ensured them I would update them on the problem.

    I was a trucker 19 years, 'giving up easy' is not something that goes with that particular occupation. Besides, I tried to create a character 2 1/2 hours before deciding to take more drastic measures... LOL
  8. Valkeiper New Member

    I have it downloading onto a flash drive. If I determine that is the problem (I have other suspicions as well), I'll make sure it is downloaded into my 'documents' folder under 'MMOs'.
  9. Sebbina Augur

    I like artillery, long ago, I was involved with some folk who decided to play a tabletop campaign based on Chainmail rules, I used my logistic beginning to build a catapult backed by light infantry. One of the others decided I was easy target, until my second round shattered their formation and reduced them to a 3rd rate power, next meeting, the campaign had been suspended. Good luck on getting EQ installed, I never let the game pick its directory, and always make a new one in C: so that windows doesn't get in the way.
  10. Icaen Elder

    200 zones these days lol? There were maybe 200 zones in 1999. Now there's 2,000 at least.
  11. Random_Enchanter Augur

    your problem sounds like a windows based problem that i have encountered myself. i would delete the UIFILES directory in the EQ folder and rerun EQ. This will will force redownload of the UI folder, basic UI and force any and all char's to return to the default UI. If the mouse doesn't show up after this well. . . more information is needed as to what you are doing when you do see it vs when you dont (Alt-tabing out etc)
  12. Espiritun Augur

  13. moogs Augur

    Seeing as thousands of people have come back to EQ in the last year without incident, I suspect the installation was faulty. OP, it's not built to run off of a USB device. Try to make room on your disk. It should take up about 10 gigs. Right-click the installer, Run as Admin. Install to the default directory or something else such as C:\Games\Everquest and you shouldn't experience any trouble with the mouse cursor.
  14. Fendy Augur

    You didn't say what type of mouse you're using. I found this on a logitech forum.
    1) Open: CONTROL PANEL 2) Select: Mouse Pointers 3) Disable ALL ancillary pointer behavior (e.g. shadows, trails, non-default pointer shapes, precision enhancement, Snap-To, Hide-pointer-while-typing... EVERYTHING! Just to be sure!
    Hope it helps.
  15. Ozni Elder

    I've actually had the same issue with the mouse pointer before, but it was in EQ2. The problem ended up being that awhile before I'd done some registry trick to make the pointer render in software, rather than hardware, so that it would work with some color calibration-tweaking program I was trying out. Anyway, setting the pointer trails to 0 fixed it.
  16. Siddic123 New Member


    Mining in eve is not considered easy ? even in nullsec its cake if you watch local, dont try to call mining in eve difficult. you sit in one spot and click on a rock for about 5 - 10 min, then you move for 10 seconds, stop, click on a rock for about 5 - 10 minutes, all while watching local and aligned to gate, combined with the low traffic in a ton of the nullsec regions, yeah, super risky.
  17. Zari Lorekeeper

    This is pretty much what I was thinking, although it has been a very long time since I played Eve. Also, 60 hours a week?! I'm lucky if I get 7-10 hours a week to play games at all, between work/family.
  18. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    I am not aware of a statue given away in Ruins of Kunark -- however Firiona Vie was given away during the Planes of Power expansion, which is EverQuest's 4th. The Shadow of Luclin was the 3rd in which the Cah`Shir (cat people / moon) were around. Guktans running amok was part of the Legacy of Ykesha mini-expansion which was EQ's 5th. If this is the case, you didn't last very long, especially long enough to learn the damn princesses's name the is on the box art of the first umpteen expansions; she was also the center of why the Ruins of Kunark came around with the "lizard folk" Iksar. She has a zone named after her...
    Borek-VS likes this.