anti swarming policy?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by frands481, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. frands481 Elder

    many zones and instances in eq are meant to be swarmed. like "welcome to my nightmare" and many raids. if soe is going to cut down on swarming they need to look at that instead of taking things out on melee classes. if it's just an anti zone hogging policy i can understand but the game nonetheless requires swarming so i don't get where soe is going.
  2. Stubar Augur

    I'm a beast and can't swarm, I have completed that task without swarming. Not sure swarming is required. As well, I'm not sure of anyplace that REQUIRES swarming. Maybe you could be more specific with the examples as to how and why they NEED to be swarmed. No trying to be facetious, just trying to understand why SoE would make a quest/event where you NEED to swarm. I can name lots where you have to kite though.
  3. tarquinn21 Elder

    He's saying that "swarming" is killing 3 mobs at a time. This is where there is a major, major misrepresentation on these boards as to what is going on.
    Perplexed, Bearforce and Axxius like this.
  4. Romance Augur

    Pretty sure three's a crowd, not a swarm.
    Pirouette and Stubar like this.
  5. blood & gufts Augur

    3-4 mobs = not a swarm.-

    Swam > 10 mobs.
  6. Slasher Augur

    10 is not a swarm.
  7. tarquinn21 Elder

    Swarm is 150+ or even over 200. It has to be enough to lag the zone out entirely and see 100 mobs warping around non stop.

    3-4 is a pull. 10-15 is surviving. 50 green/lightblues is overgearing/AAing the content.
  8. Moklianne Augur

    A swarm can be any number that either:

    A) affects zone stability
    B) removes enough mobs where the zone can no longer support another group.
  9. silku Augur

    Maybe that's something we should have Piestro or Elidroth give us a number on. What constitutes the sort of swarm that were not part of the 'vision' of the designers of these abilities? 10 mobs? 20 mobs? 50 mobs? 100 mobs?
  10. Axxius Augur

    You are confused. Tanking 4 mobs at once in the task you mentioned has absolutely nothing to do with swarming.

    No zone in EQ is designed to be swarmed, let alone raids.
    Pirouette likes this.
  11. Kreacher Augur

    I doubt the target limit of 12 to beams is going to change anything too much.

    I don't do exceptional large beams, normally around 60-80mobs. It prolly takes me as much time to gather the mobs than it does to nuke them down. It'll still be the (for me) fastest way to level a toon, but now I have to cause 4 times longer zone disruption. The other factor would be lesson as well - there wont be a "sweet" spot that I can bring a lessoned toon into the zone on for the final brief kills shots and then gate him back to lobby to preserve lesson.

    My apologies in advance to anyone affected.
  12. Gragas Augur

    Or you could not be a jerk and get an instance, maybe?
  13. Ravengloome Augur

    ^ This times x1000. Its the people that don't have any class running around beaming in open zones that are disrupting others gameplay.
    Elricvonclief and Perplexed like this.
  14. Detra New Member

    I'm not going to dig and quote a Dev, but EVEN in an instance you still cause zone disruption. Stop being a dingleberry and stop swarming. I hope the devs can and will check your acct and put you on notice.
  15. svann Augur

    No need to be a meany namecaller. The problem wont be fixed by appealing to the general population to change their behavior so the update will stop it.
  16. Camou the Persistent Augur

    I would prefer to have players accepting their responsibility for the game and the community. This would also involve to stop doing things that force SOE to take actions against it. There are always "glitches" and "exploits" to be abused, especially in a huge world like Everquest.

    Ask yourself, swarmers. Why are you in Everquest and for how long do you want to enjoy logging on. Most of the top players have spent years to achieve what they got. I really enjoy looking at my toon and the history it has in Everquest. When the servers will be shut down i will truely loose the pixels i ve spent years with. And the more players are abusing techniques the quicker the end will come because of increasing costs.

    Those that need to use swarming for the few AA left to make or to level up should go on some "beginner player server" or "still need level and AA? come here!"-server as mature and experienced players dont need such techniques. And if you really need to abuse on other servers than those lower-tier servers, they should be banned or moved to those servers for some time until the can move back instead of ruining the game experience for all others.
    Detra likes this.
  17. Detra New Member

    Re-read his post. He's saying he will continue his behavior regardless.
  18. Sinestra Augur

    Only really large swarms really affect the servers. I have swarmed with my SK before in instances, and most of the time I keep it to 20-70 mobs. No lag has ever been present.
  19. pk76 Augur

    i been leveling my friends or alts from lv 43 to 61 in ( griegs end ) and after that in steppes up to lv 71 pulling many mobs and using high lv DS , about 75 or so mobs but they coming at me pretty fast still tho ( and after that i keep them grouped with me in the ground ) .. do we still be permitted to pull that many mobs ? ....when i am doing this no others in zone usually...
  20. fransisco Augur

    Swarming is really just a symptom of the much larger problem - the gigantic number of AAs players need.

    Even with the auto granting, that only shaves maybe 4k off the 10-11k total many classes have.
    The auto-grant is a start, but maybe it should be up to HoT.
    Sinestra likes this.