Non box, non merc, non heroic char, server.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Oranges, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. Oranges Augur

    What is it going to be called?
  2. blood & gufts Augur

    Mission impossible
  3. EQTrixy Elder

    Isn't that what the Stormhammer server was? The legends premium server. A server that offered players additional features and exclusive content for an additional fee. It was like $35 or $40 per month instead of the $10 or $15 per month it was on the regular servers.

    That might sound like something worth looking into bringing back. Charge a little bit more per month for a new server that offers a different play style than what is currently being offered on the regular servers.
  4. EMarr.Goldbug Journeyman

    How would you guarantee no boxing? Even when the client only allowed one instance per machine, people just used two computers? Not saying it is a bad idea, just don't think it is technically feasible.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  5. Oranges Augur

    IP or MAC address check
  6. Mithrandyr Augur

    Would that not prevent two people from using the same internet connection?
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  7. Samatman Augur

    So my wife and I, playing together in the same room... you'll ban that too? I don't think that's very nice.
    moogs and Xianzu_Monk_Tunare like this.
  8. Oranges Augur

    that's the only people who wouldn't be able to play on it, ppl who have families and connect through the same line, small price to pay for not having half the server boxed
  9. Oranges Augur

    can you play on the mac server with a windows PC? same thing
  10. Mithrandyr Augur

    I think that will be too high a price to pay to have any kind of significant population. There would be a certain irony if the non-box, non-merc, non-heroic character server had too low of a population to find groups.
  11. Oranges Augur

    there is no reason why a single account owner would want to deal with boxers, it greatly reduces the pool of potential groupmates

    no boxers, guarantees that every player is a potential groupmate, it would be a very popular server, much more popular than the anti-social servers we have now
    Kaneras likes this.
  12. Mithrandyr Augur

    I know many families and couples that play. Almost all of them single box. None of them will join as they can't play together. Much of your target population won't leave their friends that won't be able play. Right now, my circle of friends includes my girlfriend who I live with, three married couples, four two-boxers, and a friend that came back to play with me. That illustrates most of the people that won't play on a single IP/MAC address server.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  13. Khaibasis Journeyman

    My family and I would love to play on such a server.

    I think the way I'd do it is to have the launcher ensure there's only one copy of the game running on the PC, and just have a rule against multi-boxing that the community can help police. Otherwise, we'll be forced to tether a couple computers to cell phones or use shady proxies. May as well limit to one character per server, too.

    It should probably be a progression server as well.

    If you can't play from multiple computers from the same internet connection, do you end up with a server for social, anti-social people?
  14. EMarr.Goldbug Journeyman

    I don't think an IP address filter would work very well. Maybe a MAC address filter would work. I don't know that I trust the SOE servers to implement and remove such a restriction over and over. I would guess even a small rate of failure would lead to some really unhappy players.
    Westo and Xianzu_Monk_Tunare like this.
  15. Sinzz Augur

    sorry no one wants to group with you oranges but from the attitude I see from your postings and past posts id say look at it as more of a personal issue then forcing everyone to play your way... hope not to offend you just being honest.

    they should not change back to forced grouping because that is what almost killed eq in the first place, people have progressed to this and honestly these folks who box probably aren't looking to carry anyone anymore or have there play times dictated by someone else.
    Demandred, Tinytinker, Retty and 5 others like this.
  16. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Easily worked around. Could be up and running with 10 boxed chars. Your hate for boxing is silly.
    Nolrog, Bearforce, Dandin and 2 others like this.
  17. EMarr.Goldbug Journeyman

    Cutting out boxing and mercs will likely mean that good groups will be harder to find. Mercs and boxers help put more toons on the server. This means that you are more likely to create an ideal group. Before mercs, if two melees wanted to group, they couldn't. Now, with mercs, they both get their cleric or healer merc out, and you have a group. Once that core group is established, more people can join. Virtually the same thing goes for those who box. Whenever I two box, I often have someone from my small guild with me to make it more fun. I understand wanting more grouping, but I think this is the wrong way.
    Bearforce and Xianzu_Monk_Tunare like this.
  18. EMarr.Goldbug Journeyman

    Is anyone forced to use mercs right now? I thought they were optional.
  19. Khaibasis Journeyman

    Ya, but people act differently because they have them. For instance, some may do a quick check of /friends and guildmates, and then fill the group with mercs rather than advertising LFM.

    I'm big on grouping with real players, and try not to use my mercs, be even I use them a lot when I can't quickly find a full group.

    If there were a better grouping tool that paired LFG players with groups using mercs, that'd solve most of the problem in my opinion. Or cross-server instance groups.
  20. EMarr.Goldbug Journeyman

    What might be a good first step is to create a guild that meets these requirements. When it proves to be incredibly popular, you have that more leverage in requesting. Even if you don't get a whole server like that, then you at least have a strong pool of like-minded people. Just trying to find a way for everyone to get what they want.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.