New Spell Ideas for Classes

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Coruth, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. Coruth Augur

    Not sure if like previous expansion where we got a few more spells at 2nd release if we will be getting any new ones. I doubt it. But why not make a thread of ideas:

    Druid: Earthquake Based Heal. PBAE 50. 2 second cast.
    Basically another twist, like the shaman got a DD Rain turned into a heal.
    Slightly larger PB range since unlike Shaman one it wouldn't be targetable.
    Probably Slightly Larger 1 Shot heal too.

    Ranger: Mini Bullseye Type Bow Disc.
    Basically a disc that was up 24-7. (So it doesn't stack with bullseye line) that adds (not multiplies) damage to each arrow. Purpose of Disc would be to for Non-Bullseyed Archer to do about 80% of their melee. Flexibility for encounters that aren't melee friendly.

    New Proc Line. DD+Mana Recourse
    Rangers suffer huge mana issues effecting them. a Mana Recourse proc might be one way to deal with this.

    Shaman: A long duration weaker Proc Line Buff (Talisman of Snow Leopard line)
    30 minute duration, but uses procs from 1 expansion ago. So you get less damage, but added flexibility if an an encounter is too busy to keep up talisman.

    Warrior: 3 Discs that each require a specific weapon set up.
    Shield Disc: Bashes heal warrior
    Dual Wield Disc: Upped Parry Rate + Off Hand Damage
    2H: Hundred Hands Proc
  2. Bluejaye Elder

    Mage: a knockback that pushes an add outside of melee range to off-tank it with melees in the group
  3. Explicit Augur

    There's a pretty lengthy thread going on right now about warrior stances and various weapon setups so I think I'll suggest something different here.

    A +heal defensive disc. Short duration, say 60 seconds, its own timer, will not stack with RG or HTL but provides a higher % bonus to healing and possibly some extra avoidance for the duration. 5 min re-use
  4. Edrick Augur

    Paladin: Enforced Act of Valor. Same as Act of Valor, except you switch who gets healed and who dies.
  5. Recnarp Augur

    Second Life: Brings back your dead warder with all previous buffs/items that it had.
  6. fransisco Augur

    AE heals for druids sounds interesting. large range PBAE heals for druids could work out well. Especially since they wouldn't be group limited
  7. porky Augur

    Even better change it to a 30 minute song buff similar to certain raid dots now. Then go and change all other auras to this kind of buff. Kill the Aura-extra NPC problem and make it less of a pain for players to constantly recast them/notice they faded.
  8. Sanh Elder

    I never bought act of valor. I refuse to kill myself.

    Are you proposing to make it so that you can choose who dies?(instead of you)? Now THAT I would be all over :D
  9. Edrick Augur

    Yes. Paladins know the meaning of sacrifice so we will be fair to whom we distribute it to.
  10. Yesway Augur

    I'd rather just be given the ability to use bows.
  11. Dre. Altoholic

    Warrior - Evasive Discipline update, unique timer
  12. Lenowill Augur

    MAG - Essence Storm - targeted rain nuke that autocasts a rain heal that can only affect pets.

    DRU - Naturalize - summoned bane nuke that heals the target's target, different timer from Remote line

    BRD - Duet of Dueling - target's armor is debuffed and target's target receives a large buff to AC and aggro generation.
  13. Sanh Elder

    i like the way you think Edrick :D
  14. Pirouette Augur

    It'll be a bad day to be an Iksar. *winces*
  15. Noken_Xeg Journeyman

    This is awesome, sign me up!

    Remote line is very popular with the class, so that's a good start, but I'm no fan of conditional spells in general so no thanks. Add to that there simply aren't enough spell gems to load anything conditional. We're not like wizards or bards who cast the same small number of things a billion times over - double the number of gems and we can talk about this sort of stuff.
  16. Baramos Augur

    Mages need an unlimited range beam with zero recast, which allows them to be invulnerable for 30 minutes.
    Marton and Kurayami like this.
  17. Kurayami Augur

    Pretty good, but I think it might be too under powered since it probably costs mana right now. Make it all those things, cost no mana, and now we are talking! Can't let those poor mages suffer the indecency of not being able to solo any current raid target now can we?
  18. shiftie Augur

    Why not use act of valor? There are so many uses least of which heal someone and get a divine Rez.

    Having trouble getting to a tough camp spot? Put merc on passive da to the spot, put merc on reactive and aov and accept Rez.
  19. Baramos Augur

    I'm still laughing... :)