Enchanter Call of the Forsaken AA Ideas

Discussion in 'Casters' started by EverChanter, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Sinestra Augur

    No we aren't a curing class, but this wouldn't be a cure so much as a transfer. I know it basically does the same thing, but the end result is slightly different. It is something I could see for Necromancers or SKs too.

    Even if it didn't cure you or your group (could just affect you instead of your group) it could still copy all negative effects currently on you and/or your group and place them on the target or targets.
  2. silku Augur

    No. I don't think they are out of bounds. If you play a lot (and you do) then you'll also know that tanking as a chanter is risky in group gear. I dunno about raid gear. I do know that I can tank if I spam my runes, and then my mana is out very quickly. It's an emergency measure. It's one that makes sense considering we get beat up quick a bit when we ae mez and get resists, or if we pull and have more than a few mobs and the tank isn't quick (or doesn't bother to pick up the adds.)

    If you weaken our runes, you'll also break us in our abilities.
    Sinestra likes this.
  3. Teferi_Zebuxoruk Master

    I would like to see all of our burn AAs have the same recast timers after max hastened AAs. It's always kind of awkward when calculated insanity is down and Illusions of grandeur/improved twincast are up. More hastened calculated insanity would be nice. 15 minutes on all timers seems like a good number.
  4. Narye Augur

    Im raid geared.. a mob wants me dead, I'm dead, I see my healers message "heal on %t"
    silku likes this.
  5. Camou the Persistent Augur

    Enchanters are overpowered by far and i hope the next expansion will be more challenging.


    Imaginary Illusions
    Class AA, 0/3, duration 1 tick, reuse 10 ticks
    creates 3 invulnerable mirrors of the targeted player or pet that taunt the mob for a short period of time. Higher ranks provide an additional mirror per rank. The mirrors do low damage but have a high taunt value. When the mirrors fade they leave the targeted player back with a rune and a spellguard that absorbs up 10.000 points of damage.

    Improved Deep Sleep
    Class AA, 0/1, reuse 20 ticks.
    Targeted creature will be hit with with a triggered version of Deep Sleep.

    Triple Cast
    Class AA, 0/5, passive.
    Provides an innate chance to provide a repetition of a triggered twincast to fire another time. Higher ranks increase the chance that this occurs.

    Detrimental Quick Cast
    Class AA, 0/40, passive
    Reduces the cast time of detrimental spells by 0.5 % per rank summing up in a maximum of 20% lower cast time.

    King of the Hill
    Class AA, activated, reuse 4 ticks
    Pushes all creatures around the caster into a non melee range for 1 tick and binds them hypnotically (like lurch but vice versa) into this distance. The creatures cant leave this area until the spell fades.

    Ultimative Destiny
    Class AA, activated, reuse 20:00:00
    Binds a mob hypnotically to the player in his target, ignoring other players taunts, until the fight has ended. This AA does not affect raid level difficulty mobs or pets.

    Directed Permanent Illusion
    Class AA, activated, reuse 20:00:00
    When you cast an illusion spell on a player this ability allows to him to zone without loosing the illusion buff.

    Persistent Pet Illusion
    Pets will not lose their illusion spells by zoning

    Merc Illusion & Persistent Merc Illusion
    Allows the player to cast Illusion spells on mercs.

    Calm Mind
    Enchanter version of Quiet Miracle

    Refreshing Thoughts
    Enchanters version of Quiet Miracle for Endurance

    In general some kind of boost for melee ADPS.
  6. silku Augur

    I would like to challenge that if enchanters are over powered, you go to Rebirth, put on group gear.. pull 4 mobs and don't stun/mez them in the first few seconds.. see how long runes will last while getting beat on in there. I was pulling there earlier, and yeah I didn't die.. but my runes were stripped in single rounds several times. Group gear is much different than raid gear.
  7. Camou the Persistent Augur

    Im sure it is kind of very harsh in group gear. But in fact, if you go Sepulcher theyll kick your there too, and raid gear wont help you very much. T4 - these are end zones and the difficulty there is quite ok for that background.

    I meant it less specified on one single fact, i meant it more from a general point of view. What could also be defined as "grade of difficulty is much too low".
  8. Silv Augur

    How can you make the generalized statement that Enchanters are overpowered and then come back two posts later and say it's completely conditional? That is the antithesis of "overpowered". Pretty much ANY class is overpowered in a conditional situation.

    In general gameplay- I'd say we are fairly balanced; group or raid gear makes very little difference to a competent Enchanter. That's possibly the epitome of balance. However, where you get the idea we are overpowered from most originate from the Qest Enchanter fanclub newsletter.
    Sinestra and Lily like this.
  9. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    He wouldn't read my newsletter. I only have like 6,000 AAs. Therefore, in his mind, he knows everything, and I'm not even an Enchanter. When I finally get that last level of Innate Lung Capacity, he might consider me, but without that, I'm nothing.

    As far as my opinion, I think whether we're balanced or overpowered depends on the skill of the players. I would say that a very well-played max-level Enchanter is more powerful than a very well-played max-level character of most other classes, but that a mediocre Enchanter is probably under-powered compared to mediocre characters of most other classes with the exception of tanks.

    Enchanters are also weak until they get to max-level for an expansion, so 90, 95 and 100 are good levels for us, but 91-94 and 96-99 are very bad for us.

    I think tanks need the most help right now.
    silku likes this.
  10. Casidia Augur

    Agree with the guys who said Encs are well balanced currently :)
    We have nothing like a 250k dps burn, which i saw from one of our zerkers yesterday..which you could say is overpowered if you play i.e. a Rogue currently.

    About your runes and surviving examples, we have the tools.
    It's up how to how we play them, so yep it's nicely balanced and depends a lot on reaction times and experience.

    A deeper look into tanking (kinda weird way to say it anyways for us) and/or surviving would have to include a list of things.
    Firstly, the long lasting defensive spells and AAs.
    Here we have Color Shock, very powerful if mobs are stunable cos its on for a long time.and has generous refreshing times.
    Then we have Ward of xxx against the mezable mobs, also powerful long lasting and passive.

    So we are already rather well protected, if we remember to use these.
    Now we add another option to stun mobs with our Poly combo rune (forgot the current name :) ), Veil, and so on you all know anyways.
    It takes a lot for normal mobs to take us down now, that's for sure. It just depends on if we remember using everything, or have the experience to do so automatically..

    Overall not that much comes from gear here, you can do a lot as Chanter without raid gear too.
    Esp. cos mana is rarely an issue, so only the better heroics (Agi) and HPs would help you surviving from your raid gear (AC is not really important), but most of these you only need on..raid mobs!
  11. Camou the Persistent Augur

    Chanters are a support class, not a pure DPS class. We have more than enough DPS for a support class. It is not important to kill a mob in 10 sec like a wizard would do or in 13 secs like a mage does. I see us more as damage dealers that deliver a medium DPS, but that for a very long time. We might not be able to get down a mob quickly, but we can get it down more secure than a wizard for example.

    Through our abilities we can easily keep a mob off of beating us, which other classes cant do, and we can stand a bit more incoming damage than other silk wearers, plus we have runes and spellguards, providing us more HP than any other classes. Equipping us with more DPS would result in being so shamelessly overpowered just because of some whiners, who want more DPS and unbreakable mezzes and autorefreshing everlasting charms.

    I dotn want a WOW difficulty - or even worse - a Neverwinter-like interactive film. This is Everquest, it is not as easy and that is good and shall not be softened to a boring safe world where eeverybody is level 100 and has all AA gained in like 3 days to be UBOR.
  12. Camou the Persistent Augur

    Also i havent read it anywhere, but im quite sure, im not the only who would like to have the deep sleep icon changed.

    Also a bit annoying is the issue, that Improved Twincast AA is overwritten by the loaded twincast triggers from the chaotic series mesmerize. That would be some issue id like to have solved :) if possible and makes sense.
  13. silku Augur

    It's in the forums just a few posts under this one.

    Deep Sleep Icon
  14. Camou the Persistent Augur

    I never said it is "conditional". I tend to say that a class is overpowered when you can solo/molo hero missions in the latest expansion. That could seen as conditional, but in fact it is more the relation between the abilities of a class and the difficulty of mobs or content. Which was great in UF, good in HoT, fair to average in VoA and by lightyears too easy in RoF, especially since the power up patch.

    In so far i agree with you saying we are fairly balanced. If the content would be harder, it would be better. If you compare what all the missions were like in the first month after RoF release, then it would be a "normal" expansion. With all the softening and reducing grade of difficulty it is so tremendously boring that many lost interest on doing it.

    I really hope that CoF is more in the difficulty range of UF.
  15. Camou the Persistent Augur

    I dont know what makes you think that. Im like you. Im still working damn hard on max AA, will surely take me like further half a year probably, gonna tell you when i hit the top and become a grown chanter, but i doubt ill make it soon :) Does any Chanter at all have max AA so far? I think it is 10786 assigned according to Magelo, or?

    Life gets easier for an enchanter around 3500-4000 AA, at least it was my very personal experience. 6K would never make me think you are "nothing". Just some of your opinions i judge the same as you mine. A fact with which i can live :)

    Made me quite laugh out loudly, imaginating me judging you "nothing", because you dont have Innate Lung Capacity, lol. Good one, m8.
  16. Camou the Persistent Augur

    Thanks. But it was a missunderstanding, my bad - i meant i havent read it in this thread here, and just wanted, if the miracle happens and some dev reads this thread, to have it noted here, too :)
  17. silku Augur

    I had assumed your magelo was authentic. It shows you at 11k AA and your sig says that everquest only starts at max AA and level. (Which also gives the impression that anyone under that is not a real enchanter.) *shrug* I've been max AA a few weeks now, there are many others out there who are as well. I still run around doing the same stuff, just get a lot of those exp messages and I don't feel the need to make sure my grind sessions are moving as fast as possible.

    your magelo says authentic in the stamp at the top.... This entire post confuses me.
  18. Narye Augur

    I'm max AA, but then I usually hang out with Rangers.. plus collection AA's... and finishing everything AA's, ya, maxed
  19. Camou the Persistent Augur

    yes it is authentic. No, im not max, i still miss 2 levels of hastened banestrike (slayers). I cant control the impressions you have got, but this isnt meant to show im ub0r or better than anyone else. It just says, that as long as you havent accomplished every possibility to improve yourself, you are not finished. And improvement is the most important thing of all. Once you have finished that, you are an Enchanter, everything before that is improvement. :)
  20. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Skils, and a powerful ally it is. Play creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Real beings are we, not these crude pixels."

    -Said by some wise, old Enchanter a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away who didn't judge by AAs, or gear, or even level.