Raid mobs in group content

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Adept, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. Adept New Member

    I know I'm not the first to comment but I wanted to post this as a bitter goodbye. I've been playing this game since March 24th 1999 and have had from 2 to 7 accounts paid from that time until now (I have 3 that are paid for another 1.5 years). Short circuit the stories of those 14 years to today's "group content".

    About a month ago I moved my hunter hunting camp fest to Chelsith reborn and got "A Huge Mistake" to spawn. How aptly named... In my opinion there is no way to kill this mob with a single group in group gear. I have given up. I used to raid but most of my guild is gone (there's me and 3 others, still not enough to down this). I've achieved hunter in the last 3 expansions boxing. Some mobs were ridiculously hard and required hours of effort and strategy -- these new raid mobs require a raid and I do not accept that.

    So long and thanks for all the fish. No, you cannot have my stuff.
  2. Rogue Augur

    um, you do know that it isn't meant for a single group in group gear, right?
  3. Rogue Augur

    so your definition of a raid is 7 people, lol
  4. Stubar Augur

    They always come back.
  5. Tobynn Augur

    As the current group maximum is six, anything more than that is a raid. Yes, this is a raid target and intentionally designed as such.
  6. strongbus Augur

    if i remember right the reason they made the 2 names in cr that are for mini raids was that it was ask for more event/etc like that lol
  7. Falos Augur

    The undefeated blade is one of the most overtuned pieces of **** in the group game that i've ever experienced in the heroic (SOF and beyond) era of eq .

    I've killed it before, i could kill it again but that doesntchange the fact that his damage output from his abilities + the adds against group geared players is way out of whack.. it takes pretty much flawless execution to beat in group gear, or you need a raid geared tank which pretty much trivalizes the fight hardcore.

    I realize they are tuned for 2 groups but it's not really a very practical design decision in todays game.... as someone that can overcome anything this game throws my way I still must re-iterate. I never want to see this type of content ever put in the game again (the undefeated blade)
    Edrick likes this.
  8. Axxius Augur

    1. Undefeated Blade is not overtuned. He's easy with 2 groups for which he is intended.
    2. The OP is complaining about A Huge Mistake which is much easier than Undefeated Blade.
    3. The OP's complaint is not about the mob itself but about the existence of open zone mobs designed for more than 1 group in general. And he claims to have played since 1999, no less. :D
    Tegila likes this.
  9. Makrus New Member

    Hey Bro,

    I hate to see ya go, I understand and respect your wishes. I totally agree, some of these mobs are ridiculous for group content. Thanks for all the fun, gears and chat in game, Adept. You will always be a exemplary player in EQ! Drop in and say hi sometime, we wont bug pressure!!! ;)


    100 Ranger
  10. Falos Augur

    He's overtuned in a practical sense and the whole two group thing flopped horribly.. it's great that they tried something they haven't done in a few years with this but the test failed and now he needs to be made doable by the *average* 1 group setup of groupers. Kill credit only goes to the highest dps group as such most people that wanna kill it are gonna have a hard time finding a 2nd group to tag along, and you shouldnt have to be an elite player skill wise to beat this guy.

    I actually feel the huge mistake is probably slightly overtuned as well (in a practical sense) but i see less reason to adjust him because his adds are CC'able.... if the undefeated blade had cc'able adds then he'd be a much more reasonable mob to deal with for groupers.

    This isnt how I killed the mob personally but it feels like they almost expect you to have a tank hit rip disc then have 2 groups of people just blindly burning down the mob before rip disc fades... that's pretty silly, the adds aer the biggest problem in the fight imo.

    I'm not really sure why there has been resistence to this mob being retuned, it's pretty obvious he needs a tuning pass.... I have no interest in ever fighting him again (i don't need anything from him) but for the sake of others this guy really should be scaled down and nothing like this should ever be implemented again.

    I totally am in favor of the devs fiddling around and trying to implement things like this BUT on the flipside when they do implement something like this and the experiement fails horribly they really need to be prepared to adjust and adapt and re-tune things based on how the target audience takes to it (in this case the target audience is group geared players)
  11. Battleaxe Augur

    I'm a raid geared tank and I can tell you, it doesn't pretty much trivialize that fight hardcore for a single group. BTW, had we beaten it I wouldn't have had a use for any of the loot. My RvR is moderate (2 groups) to high (1 group) risk/little if any reward. He ain't targeted at the raid geared tank audience sir.

    And 6-8 threads further down someone asks for SOE to create more small force raids. How do you propose SOE pleases everybody?

    How about when you con a mob it gives you some kind of indication that it's a raid mob. With open zone raid mobs the rule rather than the exception for years you would think people were familiar with the concept.

  12. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I read it that the OP cannot complete hunter due to these 2 group mobs. These "events" should never have been included in the hunter achievement and should have had an achievement of their own or as optional on the hunter list.
  13. Edrick Augur

    Precisely. Hunter has always been an achievement you can complete in a group, but the two mobs in Chelsith changed that. They require more than a one group - which is what I call a raid. Challenge is fine, like Xolok the Blind. Difficulty is great, like the Avatar of War. Outright impossibility for a single group, like the two in Chelsith, isn't so great. Besides, if they require a mini raid, shouldn't they drop appropriately tuned gear? They just drop twice the amount of gear that you can find elsewhere in that tier, which to me doesn't seem like such a great reward. Your solution, in my opinion, is perfect. I asked Chandrok if he would reevaluate this situation, and he replied they have no plans on changing it but will consider that feedback for future content.

    Adept, man, you lifted me up when I resubbed over a year ago. If it wasn't for your help and your group, and a guy to chat to, I don't know what position I would be in right now. I'm sorry to see you go. I hope you come back, some day. Either way, take care, sir. We'll have that beer some day.
  14. Dantibus New Member

    If your going to make raid mobs then make raid mobs. If your going to call them group mobs, have them drop group gear and be on group achievement lists then they should play by group rules.

    You can spew crap about raid mobs in open zones all day long and ill simply say , they played by raid rules, dropped raid type loot and were not connected to GROUP achievements.

    That said I like that they exist. I like that they went out of there way to provide something new. I dislike that ever since they were put in the game I have to go read a web page somewhere cause every named mob I come across might have been based on this mechanic and my group may just get slaughtered for no real reason. I'd like to see them tagged as something more then group mobs but not raid mobs if they continue to use this mechanic and I hope they unlink them from group achievements as I don't see how its fair to a grouper to force them to find a raid to do so.
    Ceii likes this.
  15. Nolrog Augur

    My old friend TC used to say that as well.
  16. Elizabeta Augur

    Multi-group or mini-raid (as a design) should not be in Hunter achievements or any other group progression requirements. It is fine to have these types of things, as people have asked for the content, but perhaps put them on their own achievement line or reward set.
    Lily, Edrick and Sinestra like this.
  17. Rogue Augur

    Judging by your inability to want to try to do anything that involves more than 3 people, i probably wouldn't want your stuff anyways.
  18. Filatal Augur

    I would agree with Beimeith's sentiment, except for the fact that currently only one group can get credit when they are designed for more than one group. Until that can be fixed, these really should be removed from Hunter achievements.

    As for those bemoaning the existence of these mobs, the game has lately been completely designed around your wishes and whims. Never has there been less challenge in this game. At some point, there needs to be a balance. We are at the point where a large chunk of people don't log on because of boredom. My guild has gone from a group of people waiting for a spot to open in a raid to fielding 40. You think that you and your 3 accounts are that incredible? I'm looking at 20 people with multiple accounts and who spend SC that have grown so bored they are having a hard time coming up with a reason to log in. Non-raid nights are worse. Much, much worse.
  19. Zurd Lorekeeper

    I've taken breaks from eq many times sine 1999. Sometimes because major changes really damaged my class, sometimes because my friends left and slowly rebuilding or finding a guild didn't appeal....but I never thought about leaving because I couldn't kill a mob (a single mob in a single zone?).

    One thing about EQ that always brought me back was the huge and varied world that was almost some place I could live in....immersive fantasy not FPS. The idea of treating it as a must do linear game lousy seems like it would reduce things to Mario brothers levels (or jump man if y'all remember that).

    I have a hard time wrapping my mind around the OP approach to things....but maybe it is illustrative of some issues that arise when the world gets split between content that breaks players into two classes (raiders vs ...).

    EQ is faaaaar from perfect but for some reason it's always been damn appealing. So at the point a single mob causes that much frustration either go re-explore some old nostalgic content or maybe read a book and watch a few movies ;)
  20. Tobynn Augur

    Until such time you can put 7 or 17 people into a single group --- its a raid. Raid leadership AA's unavailable until you hit the 18-count is entirely irrelevant. Requires 3 people for group leadership AAs, so based on that argument two people is not a group. right?

    Including these raid mobs in Hunter achievements was outright idiotic. Refusing to remove them from Hunter achievements is just plain stubbornness for stubbornness' sake -- nothing more. Simple refusal to admit a boneheaded decision.
    NaVi7512, Lily, Xeladom and 4 others like this.