Game enhancing ideas. (Summary of Posts)

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Braveheart, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. Braveheart Augur

    Post here your game enhancing ideas. Please avoid debating on if its a good/bad idea or whether you like/dislike the idea.

    1. Illusions with special abilities/attacks.

    Goblin Illusion: 5 minute stealth usable every 10 minutes.
    Golem Illusion: Special activated attack that doubles the damage of your next unmodified attack and would be based on the Golem type. (Fire=Fire damage, Ice=Ice damage) Usable every 7 minutes.
  2. Qbert Gallifreyan

    Make all/most group named mobs scale like the dogs in RSS.

    Feratha and Chailak, with their varying dps output based on the number of players on aggro is what I'm talking about here. The insanely high hit point totals in the past two expansions make long-time small groups a difficult match for group named mobs.
  3. Braveheart Augur

    3D Target Rings (Indicators). Why must the target ring be on the ground. This is a 3d Game, Why can't we have the Target 1, Target 2, Target 3 appear above or below the target's name. Could always go the way of WOW and use symbols. Hearts/Skulls/Numbers.

    Target one
    Chosen Prophecy
  4. Dre. Altoholic

    I want option window toggles to hide annoying and distracting visual elements.
    • Nimbus
    • Aura particles
    • Hero's Forge
    • Mounts
    • Swarm pets
    • Weapon particles
    • Familiars
    • Mounts
    • Non-player illusions
    • Pet names
    • Familiar names
    • Merc names
    Axxius likes this.
  5. Tinyfeet Elder

    I'd like to see all of the fluff removed from the UI (*or an option to toggle to a minimalistic skin) The borders around windows come to mind as an example of "fluff" that could be cut without losing a single bit of utility.

    I'd like for all of the windows to be able to fade their background to 0% without losing any useful content (an example of this is the pet window and target window, when it fades to 0% the buffs go away - additionally if you fade a hotbar with spell gems on it, the spell gems fade away as if they're considered background.)

    Another improvement would be being able to scale the spell gems window
  6. Xirtket Augur

    You can hide heros forge, under the display tab on the options window, there's a drop down box that says something like "new armor" you can select a few options for either displaying it, or not.
  7. Recnarp Augur

    Auto tribute activation/deactivation that is based on if the player is in combat or a resting state.
    moogs likes this.
  8. Braveheart Augur

    Shield ornament that matches the NPC in Guild Lobby; both kite shield and buckler form.
  9. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    LAA - Mark NPC, 1, 2, 3
  10. lagkills Slain by Fippy while guards stood and watched.

    A zone for raid geared people to group in on the off days(and there is alot of these nowadays) and not plow through the mobs while half afk.

    Also past beta rewards on SC store.
  11. Sinestra Augur

    Two and three group raids
  12. Gnar Augur

    2 default UI's. One with the old spell gems, other with the new spell gems. I dont know why but I just cant get used to the newer ones, I have 20/20 vision but when I look at them its like Im blind and they all look the same.
  13. silku Augur

    I'd love it if every enchanter illusion had some benefit to it. That'd make them worth casting again.
    Sinestra likes this.
  14. Sinestra Augur

    Un-nerf charm pets
    silku likes this.
  15. Sinestra Augur

    I use old spell gems, not original ones, but they are really old. Like first revamp ones. They are the only thing in my UI that isn't default because I can't be bothered to switch stuff out constantly. I just put the gems into a custom folder by themselves and load that folder, everything that isn't in the folder (all other ui items) just loads from the default and I never ever have to change it again.
  16. Engineer Augur

    Give UI windows an option to be "pass-through", so you can click on the game world even if you're moused over them. This would be especially helpful with faded windows. Can't count the number of times I clicked on the edge of my faded target window while I was trying to target or mouse-look.
  17. pk76 Augur

    same for me but i am using the old icon who rock ,from ----->>>

    and stop the dam class nerfs , that would be a good start for " game enhancing ideas ".
    if you are jalous about another class, you can just create one.
    Sinestra likes this.