AA people would like to see added

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Crokker, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Crokker Lorekeeper

    Way to often we see simple tier increases on abilities already in place. Once in a great while we get something new, but much of the time it's a new name for a high level version of a pre-existing AA. There are better solutions to adding new AA than falling into these useless patterns.

    Please give your ideas on the types of AA you would like to have access to in order to improve your game play and to improve your overall enjoyability of EQ.

    My thought was, we have useless pet AA that seemingly do nothing, why not the same type of treatment for our Mercenaries:

    1-Hp Increase
    2-Mana increase
    3-Defense increase
    4-Faster ability use
    5-Reduced reviving time
    6-Reduced switching time

    I can go on and on, but you get the idea. What are you thinking would be a good departure from the usual?
  2. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    I want merc AAs... like how pet AAs are, less damage taking, mana regen, etc -- all passive AAs, not useful on raids, but assist the group game.
    Maybe an AA that fixes EQPlayers, too? ;)
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  3. Tarrin Augur

    I need more AA options for turning people into wolves that don't want to be wolves. Ideally, a wolf form tied to a buff thats awesome enough people won't block.
  4. Rowacorn New Member

    How about an AA that lets you feed potions to your merc, and have them work?
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  5. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    And make the buff stack with wizzys self buffs.
  6. Astehroth Elder

    You will get more of the same and like it or leave.
    BlankStare_001 likes this.
  7. Diptera Augur

    New AA line "Nonconsenting Lupine", 5 levels. Level 1 removes any existing illusion, /dismounts the recipient, and turns them into a wolf. Level 2 enables the new social animation "/buttsniff". Level 3 makes it a counterless debuff, so it can't be removed. Level 4 makes the debuff persistent through death. Level 5 is a viral version of level 4...
    Nolrog and Elricvonclief like this.
  8. Burdi Augur

    I want a AA that allow me to polymorph anyone as a pig.
  9. Tarrin Augur

    Yeah...I hardly ever use group black wolf because of this :(
  10. Shang Augur

    hastened forage.
    Lighteningrod likes this.
  11. Xebadiah New Member

    How about some AA's for monks. Monks are expected to pull, but they don't have the tools to be the best. How about more hastening for imitate death? An aa that allows monks to lull maybe 2 mobs at once? An aa that extends the range of thrown weapons? Also for a dps class, monks are pretty weak, extremely weak actually. So more dps please.
  12. Retro Elder

    be cool to....

    SK: get a target's target FD/agro wipe aa
    Wizard/Rogue :target's target Full aggro transfer dump aa
    General: a sustain buffs through death aa
    synergy aa, when grouped / raided with others of certain classes increase their/your power.
    forever alone aa: other side of synergy, when soloing / only archtype/class of yours in group/raid power increases new abilities etc

    But really can't think of stuff outside upgrades of our current aa/ spell modifying / hastening /targetable /group enabling/perfection buff timers spells/aas. Nothing I really want for paladins thats off the wall atm we are in pretty good shape even if I want more dps but thats not new. Mostly just features for the game in general.
  13. Rafather Augur

    I can see it now, some group is killing a named that you want..... fd the tank and wipe them out..
  14. Diptera Augur

    We've sort of got those already - several classes have abilities that provide adps to their group members, some of which provide more benefits to certain classes (chanter's mana reiterate aura, for example).

    How about something to give added reason to group with members of the same class? E.g. AA's that trigger an effect on your group, which adds a fixed value to heals/spell damage/atk/whatever according to the casting class. Make it stackable, so that if multiple instances of the same buff are on you, their effect is cumulative (or even progressive). E.g. Give Wizzies an AA that puts the buff "Firetender" on their group members. When somebody casts a fire-based spell, if they have one counter of Firetender on them, it adds 100 damage to the spell, if they have two counters of Firetender it adds 250 damage, 3 instances adds 400 damage, etc. Something similar could apply to healers, melee, etc.
  15. Retro Elder

    How would that be any different than training people with mobs while they have a named or chain dispelling their named? Uhhh tanks would block the target's target cast anyway right? so... yea moot point there
  16. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Need about 40 ranks of it to make forage less annoying :)