Option to kick in duos.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Hellclown127!, Nov 1, 2019.

  1. Hellclown127! Well-Known Player

    Please I love DCUO so give us the option to kick people during duos, especially the stabilizer event. I know I'm not the only one that is tired of queing into these and the other person just stands there at the entrance. Does nothing and gets free loot.
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  2. Draconiano Committed Player

    Yeah, something like a vote where you could check if your partner is afk, and if he doesn't vote in 30 seconds he gets kicked.
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  3. Isif Committed Player

    Or make it so if you have 0 damage, you get no loot. Most of the time if I have a suspicion of a lazy partner, I'll just wipe and leave. Nobody has time for shenanigans. :mad:
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  4. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I had one guy getting inside the boss fight but doing nothing, so I waited on him 2 times to start doing damage before I did.
    After this he went on ignore list, and I usually just leave and put on ignore if I don't want to deal with this kind of lazy players.
    Earn your rewards, don't expect others to earn them for you. :rolleyes:
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  5. Tainted0Love Well-Known Player

    Send a PM (tell), or an email. Maybe real life had an issue for them that took them away.

    Slow down and enjoy the content.
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  6. Draconiano Committed Player

    And there is the people that queue and then go to the bathroom for 5 minutes in duos/events/alerts, can't they go before joining an instance?
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  7. OG ELITE Committed Player

    Do what I do, kill all the adds and go into sleep emote until the other player takes out the boss.
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    No offense but if you have to go, unless your house is on fire or your kid fell down a well, either sign out or send a group message for BRB or AFK. Hey, you might not even make it back on time if I decide to blast forward, but at least it resembles common courtesy. Personally, I barely notice if I get a leech in the stabilizer duo anymore...it's the difference between the run taking 1.5 min and 1 min. It's not worth typing a scathing message or getting irritated. If i do notice, I drop the person on ignore and I'll never see them again.

    Honestly the more irritating place a kick is needed is in the seasonals during the 'too early to kick' period. I'd say out of the 100+ times I ran the seasonal this year, I had 30 or 40 runs with a leech....had 2 last night. Even had a few groups where we wiped because the leech was a healer and killed the heal buff we would have gotten otherwise and I was on a scrub toon so I couldn't carry it.

    But yeah, some option to kick in duos would be nice, but it would definitely open things up to abuse if it was just as easy as the first person to vote made the kick happen automatically. Maybe have the kickee get a prompt for 'do you want to stay in the duo'...where they vote yes or are kicked after timeout. Or the minimum damage thing, or going past a point in the map. I'm guessing the programming for those things might be prohibitive.

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  9. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    why oh why oh why is MY gamblebox currency tied to ANYONE elses...ANYTHING!!??...should have been a solo could have been tied to the vault...another suggestion...keep the amount of stable pieces given the same...but make the whole amount up for grabs with no auto amount given...if you do EVERYTHING ...you get everything...i could stand next to soder machine long after youve left..no matter...i did nothing..i GET NOTHING!!!...just think of the greedy Fers faces light up when they realize their own laziness made them lose out...and that YOU got THEIR free currency because you WORKED...i bet after a few days of that your next gambelbox duo would consist of people bursting at the gates...they'd have no other choice...
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  10. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    So they go afk for couple hours in stab event?
  11. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    sometimes having a boot option would be nice but maybe they need to do like pvp put a timer on, if they don't move a certain amount of time, they are removed from the instance. I can see some high cr players take advantage of it and kick out lower cr players for they can solo the duo.

    My worst experience was in a duo, forgot the name, but heroes fought Catwoman which isn't that bad and villain side fought Donna Try which was way Harder. I was on my villain and my partner didn't move, or anything once we got to the second half, he wanted to do it with a league mate, instead of leaving and doing the whole thing with the league mate, he decide to hold up the duo. They waited until I got irritated and left, then decide to say something.
  12. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Harley's Heist?

    I can tell you're not a Taurus... otherwise you'd out-stubborn the guy and force him to leave because you can move ahead slowly and take out adds one or two at a time, assuming your DPSing is reasonably strong enough. :)
  13. Dwild Well-Known Player

    It's annoying, I know. But if you can do the thing solo, do it and get past it...or "rude gesture" and leave and get someone else to do the duo with.
  14. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    At the time, I was at the cr, so I couldn't solo it, if I could, I would of. If it wasn't for all the adds during the second boss fight, I think I could of soloed it.
  15. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I always find it amusing they have alllllll The time in the world to que up a event duo,alert,raid or stab duo but somehow go afk as soon as the match starts lmao smh **** with that crap ant nobody got time for that BS.
  16. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    Even better, do what u said and then warp to start - works great in stabilizer duo.
    And if it takes to long, u can still enter if u want and solo the boss...
  17. Brit Loyal Player

    A vote-kick in duos would be bad, because there is nobody else to vote, no majority consensus. Imagine getting griefed in something like that overly long JLD duo by somebody kicking you on the last boss so that they can invite their friend to skip all that opening garbage.

    In contrast though, there is this wonderful feature in PvP where if somebody fails to meet the minimum threshold of participation, then they do not receive any rewards. People who AFK in PvP get nothing. That should be a feature everywhere.

    Currently, when I run into a stabilizer partner that is afk, I armory over to healer role. As a Nature Healer, all of my powers do a literal zero damage, so I can just shield and heal indefinitely in the boss fight, waiting for my partner to join in or time out.

    I refuse to believe in the legitimacy of being AFK in the stabilizer event. If you queue and get an instantaneous pop, it will auto-put you in. That means this individual was sorting out their queue at the same time as they desperately needed to go to the bathroom, or that their kid was crying, or their house was on fire, or whatever. They are making the conscious decision to respond "Hey, I'm going to have to go AFK for a second. Just let me queue up for stabilizers before I do." And if you were to be at some off-hours point where you have a 2-3 minute wait, then you get the queue confirmation. "Your Stabilizer Event has become available. [Enter] Accept [Escape] Cancel". Then they have to hit Accept to enter. That means this person literally said "My event just popped. I have to race off to use the bathroom, but I'll click accept before I go so that I can be AFK when I pop in."

    Someone going AFK in the middle of a run, meh, stuff happens. Being AFK at the beginning literally means that they are at the computer to accept it, but then leave during the loading screen to be AFK by the time it begins. If they had to leave, then they shouldn't have hit Accept. That makes it intentional.

    Personally, I think a large part of it is Bots that are programmed to pop in and then AFK so that people can farm Stabilizers for free on hundreds of FTP accounts. The fact that those of us fighting back against them can hold the boss or refuse to finish the instance for an extended period of time and they never toggle to the (Away) tag proves they are not actually AFK; they're just unwilling to join in, the way a bot would be when it queues up but has no ability to know the layout of which map it will pull.
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  18. IonHero Committed Player

    Unrestricted kicking in a duo would be abused.

    Maybe if the instance was cloned, and the kicked person was sent to a copy. (However this itself would get abused in a different way, especially if it was applied to alerts and raids.)
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  19. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    Or Devs should just make the stabilizer event a solo like the vault, i don't see a need for it to be a duo.
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  20. Battle Hymn New Player

    When some 280cr comes into my Tier 1 or 2 Duo you can bet your bottom dollar I am going to go afk.