Up-Votes Needed Here there be monsters Unprogressable

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by kabeq, Jul 8, 2020.

  1. kabeq Well-Known Player

    The gate opens on the final boss typhon but the beast doesn't come out. I tried leaving and coming back, boss still in cage. Waited long enough for the instance to reset, same result.
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  2. Sinakim New Player

    I can confirm this. You defeat all the critters, then cinematic of the Lair Boss plays, but it does not leave the cage. You cannot complete this quest.
  3. Sinakim New Player

    Ok, so here is a workaround, log out, log back in, this will reset the monsters in the warehouse, kill all but a few of the monsters, drag those to just in front of the bosses cage, and kill them there, the cage will open, the boss will attack and the cages shuts almost immediately. If you are too far away from the boss, then it simply stays in the cage.
  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yup was going to say just this. I've only seen this happen if you are killing the adds furthest away from the cage door. I generally save the last few adds for the ones right in front of the cage.
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  5. Forgering New Player

    In typhon’s monster invasion quest here there be monsters after clearing out the mobs the cut scene shows the gate opening to fight the boss. However the gate does not open and the boss can not be fought.
    I’ve left and cameback in several times but it’s still the same thing.
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  6. Starteller New Player

    Same issue
    Why they don't change so that the cage doesn't close?
  7. AndreasSylvan95 New Player

    Ah...most content virtually unplayable behind endless queues and loads of bugged quests for years. Good job not making me feel bad for not subscribing Daybreak!