Can escrow be removed or increased greatly?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Klinkerz, Jan 25, 2017.

  1. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Unless a Premium player purchases an escrow token they are not truly part of the "supply and demand" of the economy, simply because they are limited in "selling or buying" off the broker.
    Unless they purchase an escrow token they are not placing or buying any items on the broker for millions, their option is to trade for those items and this game is full of scammers who take advantage of it. So a lot do not even try to trade.

    An escrow token temporarily removes that restriction for 7 days and they are "sort of" cheap compared to some MP items.

    Selling the premium players an "extra slot" for cash caps is my suggestion.

    I'm not going to enter the "debate" about the economy any further with anyone.
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Just the normal rhetoric when a person knows the argument is lost - resort to personal insults. GG
  3. RogerBlack Committed Player

    You started subbing 'for the perks'... but were you looking for all these 'perks'... BEFORE or AFTER... you reached level 30? Hmm?

    If you go back & read my post... I was addressing the reason WHY people are leaving the game BEFORE reaching level 30. (Keyword: Before. Not After)

    And its NOT because they are sitting on tons of money (in escrow) that they cannot access...BEFORE they ever start running their VERY FIRST Batcave & Kahndaq raids.

    So i find it highly unbelievable that you were soooooo concerned about the Cash Cap... LONG BEFORE you even finished the solo mission where you get 'accepted to the Justice League', when you finally reached level 30.

    Yes, I remember that time too. The 'cash cap' was a big concern of mine also.

    It completely overshadowed getting a Justice League Emblem to wear on my chest.
    And I felt compelled to 'subscribe' long before I even put on the JL emblem.

    Sure. I believe you.

    Just like I believe that your 8-year old grand-nephew popped this game in on Day 1... and knew the difference between Vitalization & Restoration.... or whether Dominance affected Aggro or not, by Day 2... because on Day 1 was the same day when he learned the difference between a 'shout' and the purpose of the LFG Channel... and how to send 'a 'tell'.... or respond to one.... and how to "invite" someone to form a "Group" without any assistance, whatsoever.

    He also learned what the "Combat Tab" & "Loot Tab" was for, Sure, I get it.

    Because when his character left Brainiac's ship.... that empty power tray at the bottom of the screen was a dead giveaway that he knew exactly how it worked, from the very start.

    Plus, I'm sure he knew how to 'change his loadout'... (with zero powers to choose from)... or 'switch his role' to the his off-role that he didn't even have access to yet.

    Yeah, sure he did.... I totally believe you.
    He knew the 'basic controls' of the game beyond pew, pew, pew.

    I'm sure he showed you how to 'respec' your powers also, by the end of the first week.

    Cool Story Bro.

    It's the CASH CAP (and all the missing perks) that drives folks away, before they even start running raids.

    Sure, I get it.
  4. Dwild50 Well-Known Player

    I don't mean to sound cruel but there are facts of life. First is that Daybreak is a company in the business of making money for its stockholders. No profit, no company, no game. Second, "free to play" is essentially a euphemism for "trial run." You get in, you fiddle around and if you like the game, you will pay something to keep going. If you don't like the game, you will quit. If you want all the content for nothing, that's not going to happen and escrow and limits on access to content and brokers and such are there precisely for that reason. Third, "Premium" is for people who want to play but aren't in for the long haul and/or can only afford bits and pieces now and then. If they stay Premium they are going to be nickle and dimed for every step forward. On the upside it allows those of limited means to stick around. On the downside it means you're going to hit the wall pretty much every time you play. Subscription may not be available for everyone. Some people don't have ready cash. But for a reasonable amount of money (about 75 bucks or so for six months which is less than a buck a day...about the price of a normal candy bar) you get EVERYTHING. Every DLC, access to brokers, no cash limits, no buying keys to open this or that box of stuff, AND a 10% discount on anything in the market place that you want to buy.
    So it comes down to can get a "taste" for free. If you want to go minimal cost, you can get minimal content. Or if you want access to all the content and ability to play for hours every day for months, you can get a subscription for somewhere around a buck a day. If the escrow annoys you, well...there are a couple ways to avoid it; buy escrow tokens or subscribe. Cause coming in here and asking for more isn't going to work.
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  5. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    Hello, welcome to these forums oldest and most heated subject, since the game went F2P.

    There have been an uncountable amount of great, good, bad and stupid ideas put forth on this subject over the years with mostly stupid push back against it.

    Sadly most of those like me who have advocated for a more sensible cash cap have just given up. With DGC's continual stance on it and the sub up or get out types attitudes, we have gotten tired of smacking our heads against the wall.

    DGC has stood on that it is perfect as is and that they have created options (outside of subscribing) to take care of any needs that may come up with the withdrawals.
  6. Phokus Active Player

    I did when i was 5, when the sega Saturn was out and they gave me a demo disc with it.
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  7. Dwild50 Well-Known Player

    Oh, by the regard to the current "Buy your way to feats" complaint, specifically about collections that can only be completed by a) getting incredibly lucky in a Cap box (talking Flaming Phoenix Feather here) or b) by agonizing over whether you're going to spend those Gold Coins for top level armor bits (and increased CR) NOW or if you're going to try and save up 250 of them to buy the last collection item (which is ONLY available by purchase) to get a 50 point feat, I admit I was extremely irate when the issue first came up. However there IS another side to this rather disreputable coin. As bad as it is, when you've pretty much topped out your CR and you have over 230 or so Skill points, those "feats" start getting pretty thin on the ground. And these new "Buyable Feats" are still feats! They're feats that weren't there a couple months ago. So, while they are incredibly difficult to achieve, they are out feats, new chances at skill points...another rung up the ladder. Like food to a starving man, the stuff may smell bad but it is sort of edible.
  8. Unida Dedicated Player

    I'll take "Things Free or Premium players say" for 500, Alex.
  9. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    I actually think with Jackster this will be looked at and addressed. Just make sure that you keep bringing the issue up so that people can see it. I posted the numbers and its obvious there is a reason why 90% of the people that try DCUO quit before reaching level 30.
  10. Gimpy Loyal Player

    I became a sub before I reached the end of 2 weeks and it was before I made it to level 30 and before I settled on my main character after deleting 5.

    The perks that drew me in, cash , ability to trade, I hadn't even made it to content I couldn't play as an F2P.

    As for the rest of your dribble,

    people that come in as F2P and leave before 2 weeks are up are most likely those people who want "stuff free" and wouldn't pony up the cash anyway.

    My grand-nephew has been playing games on consoles, computers, tablets and phones since he was 2, did he pick up a controller and know exactly what to do do?

    NO, but it doesn't take a genius to learn what pushing a button does or to figure out when a menu pops up how to navigate it,,,,,,,,
    by pushing a button.

    The other crap you spewed about the vitalization etc., etc., etc., etc., I have not met anyone past or present that were
    "knowledgeable" about any or all of that on day 1 or even at MONTH 1 unless someone took the time to explain it to them.
    There are players who have been here 2+ years and still think dominance affects agro no matter what is shown to them.

    If you claim you knew all about Vit, Resto, Dom, and the rest before the end of 2 weeks I call you a liar right now.

    I still offer the suggestion of an "extra slot" token in the MP for raising a premiums cash cap.

    The F2P can stay at 1500, if the F2P wants extra cash let them pay $10 for the token and then they are a premium with an "extra slot" for more cash.
  11. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    ??? Cr43? When was it changed?
  12. SUPERMANPRiM3 Well-Known Player

    I dont know. but the first DLC minimum cr requirement is 43cr. but i see what you mean. you can go higher. Cr 83 will be the highest they can reach if they grind on the T1-T4 Content.