Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lwee, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. Wilder Midnight New Player

    i wanna fight em.
  2. Lwee New Player

    There"s much MUCH worst out there , is it really that offensive to you? Like really?
    ...maybe the whole world doesn't necessarily share the overly conservative and obsolete views you and your stuckup elitists Pollyanna friends have...
    Know what I'M wondering? Why am I being stalked on this forum by you? Who are you? What are you?I don't talk to you, I didn't provoque you, don't know or want to know you and yet here you are...

    Why don' t you go have a prayer, salute the flag, goose step, talk about the master race or whatever your little fascist prissy-posse do and perhaps leave me alone?

    I'm usually a nice, polite and to a certain extent compassionate person but that just ain't cool...
  3. TheForsakenEvil Well-Known Player

    What if you got sweet chinned by a giant robot, then what? I call hacks. That's not intended, yo.
  4. Lwee New Player

    Depends, if its a trinket I mean as long as they dont make it ridiculously OP it should be fine, someone using a pet or a CC trinket is not hacking right?

    If not well like I was saying earlier if its part of an instance or PvP level I guess it would be more like part of the objective or something to help you and your team win... Think something like the batcomputer in the Batcave but instead of activating a console you get into a giant mecha and have some form of advantage for doing so, for a set ammount of time or whatever (like the flying part in that Toyman mission), more powerful but at the cost of some points, I don't know... Details, rules, that can be worked out later guys.

    All I want is for my toon to have a tricked out Mecha with a custom paint job :D
  5. Lwee New Player

    I was hoping this thread would've picked up more support... :(
    Oh well...
  6. BumblingB I got better.

    Oh Jesus Christ man. They already are removing form changes and pet trinkets (aside from mainframe) from PvP arenas. This would be strictly PvE. Why do you have to be such a Debbie Downer? :p

    I like this idea. I love trinkets and pet trinkets. Add to my collection. (Minus Boos, as I got ninja'd twice from leaguemates.)
  7. Swamarian Committed Player

    I've asked for a villain quest chain to build a giant robot. At the end they'd get something that can pick up and throw cars one handed, and be able to tool around Metropolis/Gotham in it, until the heros manage to take it out.
  8. Volaron New Player

    You didn't get the point of my post. I was saying we need Water powers first.
    BUT if Robot powers = 10 pets. No thanks. lol
  9. The Kitsune New Player

    IF it is giant robots then we need this
  10. Lwee New Player


    Heck yes!!!! Four people doing an alert could combine their trinkets and make a huge robot/Megazoid/Voltron-esque robot!
  11. Midyin New Player

    YES! that would be AWESOME!!
  12. xhalur Well-Known Player

  13. Heartsbane Committed Player

    What is your in-game name?
  14. Luthia1281 New Player

    Home turf daily missions in strkers and Ace che, (hero side) sometimes have a mission that turns you into a Transformer Bot. Would be awesome if we could buy or get that as a trinket out of the vault ^_^