SOE, you get a 10/10 for the new outlines.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by OMAAR, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Flint Lockwood Well-Known Player

    Difference of opinion, bro. That's all.
  2. Vitality New Player

    I think they could have pulled it off better, cosmetically speaking, but they serve their purpose well. I agree.
  3. Im Charlie New Player

    yeah i wanted sparkly rainbows and glitter surrounding me so i can see myself better :mad: -6/10 devs
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  4. Vitality New Player

    Exaggerating a bit, are we? I was merely referring to the blocky rough edges that the outlines have, which isn't that big of a deal. Let's all pretend I was bashing the developers for something so trivial though, I'm sure it will get you that recognition you crave so much.
  5. TrueMarvel New Player

    The point is that it wasn't suppose to look good. It was suppose to be functioning. Great thing is that it did both. Cosmetics were not a concern.
  6. Vitality New Player

    Hence in my original post I agreed that it was an awesome addition, and highly functional. In no way was I dismissing it.
  7. nevadafenix395 New Player

    I love how only on the DCUO forums will you see Bohemian Rhapsody being sung in successive posts... lol :D

    Oh, and +1 for the outlines... helpful beyond belief in pvp for me, especially in FOS!
  8. Snowman5373 New Player

    Stupid question, where does one obtain an outline? Thanks
  9. TrueMarvel New Player

    options menu
  10. Im Charlie New Player

    no, i seriously want sparkly rainbows and glittery effects.