PvP Seasons and Progression

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Tunso, Mar 12, 2013.

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  1. Itazuki New Player

    Someone earlier in one of the threads said they manage only around 5 wins when they PvP so asked if they would be left behind, and a Dev replied saying they wouldn't be. So I don't think it'll be too much of a grind and won't create huge gaps. Also Mepps stated the seasons would be roughly 6 months apart... 6 months is a long time in DCUO standards compared to how long it takes to gear up here.

    One of them also said that they plan to keep PvE and PvP gear release consistent with each other. Again... Not sure where the actual replies are to quote, lost in one of the various new PvP threads haha. Sure the business side to this is going to be good for them....All MMORPGs need progression though... Or it comes to a standpoint where DCUO gets no money, and the players get bored and move on.

    Honestly I'm not sure yet myself about how the whole seasons thing will be, good or bad. Won't know until it comes, though I'm keeping my hopes up. All the other new implements seem to be great though.
  2. Madholm New Player

    Actually I have a lifetime subscription, quit playing around time of the server merge and I started playing again in January. I have 5/8 of my T4 already and I started with only a few pieces of T2 bombadier gear. I have absolutely no issue with gear resets at the end of each 'season'.

    You must be one of those newbies who is terrible at pvp and relies on his gear as a crutch.. Haha
  3. BASSNUT New Player

    what he said
  4. Madholm New Player

    Actually what is pretty sad is to see people complain about seasonal gear resets for 3 reasons:

    1. If you don't want new players to have reasonably competative gear then you don't actually want to PvP, you want to beat up on undergeared newbies.

    2. If you think you need to burn replays to have an advantage over other players; see number 1.

    3. Lastly pvp is already dead compared to pve because; see number 1.

    Edit - if you have any problems with what I have to say; see number 1.
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  5. Aqua New Player

    The five new sets of gear every season seems like a really bad idea, but I'll play ball here for a second.

    Say the five new sets are released, how long would it take to grind my way to the top? Or if there is no specific timetable yet on something like that, what is the rough time estimation you would give a task like getting all five sets? Let's say I sat down one day and successfully won 20 arena matches, would those victories be enough to propel me through a set or two, or would it only be enough for like 2 pieces of gear at a certain tier?

    Also, I'm assuming (hoping) your only locking weekly awards from arenas now since the map rotation will only be 5 maps? In other words, would I be able to earn the new Marks of Valor upon each victory no matter how many times I played a map in a given week, as opposed to now where my Marks of Strategy are capped sans using replay badges.
  6. Yallander Loyal Player

    If they implement gear prices similar to the styles dropped during seasonal events it would be ideal imo. That way players can buzz through gear fast enough to feel like they are progressing, but not get everything (all 5 sets) in a day.
  7. MrSage New Player

    Awesome changes i cant wait. I love these new shifts with marks and I LOVE that there will finally be PvP Belts :D
    BUT the last point on PvP Tiers and Styles new ones every season is a bit "ify" hope you rethink it. Other than that great plan

    BlaBlaBla FTW
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  8. Madholm New Player

    You should probably read the threads because you wouldn't have any of those questions, but I'll give it a quick shot.

    depends on you
    depends on you
    no, no

    A quick glance at the FAQ and you would know there is 5 maps per day with lockouts in addition to weekly award boxes for each map. How often you do these will determine the rate you go through the tiers.
  9. Gravelcaster New Player

    No skill to play, our way!
  10. Aqua New Player

    If I'm understanding you correctly, you're saying that the daily maps that would be in rotation are going to have a daily lockout on marks? So I win one map and that's it no more marks for the day on that map?

    Can you point me to the link that says that too, can't seem to find it.
  11. nightcloak74 New Player

    Wow, this is a real sore spot for a lot of people. By the way, I am one of the players who refuse to PvP because the shear improbability of beating a fully modded T4 with the garbage that you start with.

    That being said, all it would really take to get a lot of us interested in PvP would be to have a beginers PvP arena, or a system to match people with similar power levels. The best way to do this in my opinion, would be to to sort them by cr based on the gear they are wearing, and lock them from gear change for the battle. This of course means assigning a cr to each piece of PvP gear, but keeps someone from exploiting the numbers system to get in with weaker players for an easy kill. This also allows players to lower their cr for a fight so they can fight with their friends. This would keep from alienating your current players, while encouraging new players to try PvP. At least in theory.

    We don't need hand outs, we just need the ability to get started before we get crushed in 3 or 4 hits. Besides, this new system looks like an endless grind, which is equally unattractive. I don't know about the others, but my plans include getting my characters to max, then starting new ones. With an endless grind, there is no such thing as max. Probably just a play for more of our money, which kinda puts me in the mood to hold on to mine.
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  12. EvilGenius New Player

    Okay, this is my first post here. I am enjoying the ideas you sharing with us about the new PVP features.
    Maybe if you consider some of our ideas too, and try to implement them into the game... I have a few which I would like to share.

    1. Give us ability to have 'Wager Matches'. This could be something from Base items to Triumph marks for PVP arenas or even Dueling.
    This feature would make it more interesting, wagering exobits/triumph marks/base items etc.

    2. If you are going to keep bringing in new PVP gear every 6 months, then please reward winners in arenas with Exobits too. Like in a reward box or something. obviously only for Legendary members. Modding every new gear is a pain in the ***.

    3. Remove the ability to use Orbital Strikes, Supply Drops, Back-ups and Sidekicks from Arena PVP. The definition of PVP is Player vs Player, not Player vs 10 bots. This is not PVP, this is madness. We don't mind the new Home Turf Mods. The mods are not the problem its the bots. Where matches could last too long and boredom starts to settle in.

    4. DCUO needs some 'Dynamic Maps', how about adding some dynamic features into the PVP arenas and Legends. So each arena map could have a few adds spawn to attack heroes and villains alike. If a fight takes too long this could be a nice game changer. Obviously the adds would have pvp gear on etc. and the group that does not manage to defeat their adds can lose some points, and those who win gain bonus points. But also trying to keep the match flexible. This just an idea maybe you can enhance on this, like different things happen at various times.

    5. Watchtower Digital Billboards, to show current League rankings and player rankings, in real-time.

    Like I say these are just ideas, you can elaborate further onto them and maybe make it better in ways you may see fit for the game.
  13. Chungweishan New Player

    48 Marks of Valor maximum per week without using Replay Badges. So, 192 MoV every month. A proposed 6-month season is 1152 MoV (wins). So if each Tier's full-set was 288 MoV, you'll finally have full-T4 just as the new season starts. Depending on the full-set's price will determine the value of getting Replay Badges.

    (proposed numbers I guess)
    = 1510 MoV Total.

    A difference of 358 MoV needed with Replay Badges in order to get T4 before the new season starts. Again, considering you get 192 MoV/month without Replay Badges... yeah, that's something to consider.
  14. Dark Votive New Player

    Right before launch of Origin crisis, which is when???, If I may deem myself worthy of asking. You cannot give us a fixed date but you can most certainly specify the month. Also, about pvp I do not bother much with arena's since some players just mop me off the floor, sometimes its just annoying but I'm exited about the pve content and expecting some legend characters to pop up any time soon, that apparently is more of a fair ground for pvp.
  15. Itazuki New Player

    Where did they post those numbers? Not liking how that looks... That'd have me not getting too far.
  16. Purple Diesel New Player

    I think alot of people are getting a misconception of what is actually happening with the gear related issues. With all the new content that is already out( white mod ), how important will it be to really mod out your lower seasonal gear? Did you Mod your T1 and T2pvp gear with IV mods? No, you most certainly did not. Same is the instance with the seasonal gear.
    Now for all of us who are already T4pvp we will have the jump on everyone with our already T4 gear now 78cr. As for all the people that have not reached this level they will be able to jump up to around T3 with in-game cash( unmodded ). The already geared( us ) will at the same time be working on our next CR leveled gear.
    If you have any confidence in your and your teammates Pvp knowledge and technical expertise this should in NO WAY threaten or intimidate you. I know any casual player that picks up the Noob gear will not have a chance against me or my league mates.
    All in all I think this sounds very productive in the keeping progression going without having to do much revamping or reconfiguring in the future and will always keep a competitive edge between New and Old players alike.

  17. Octantis New Player

    Those numbers aren't in this thread. They seem made up. Mepps said no costs have been set, so it seems shady that in only a few hours they'd have decided on something.
  18. Octantis New Player

    Correct. There will be daily and weekly reward (boxes?). the quote for this is somewhere around page 1 or 2.

    Edit: it's actually the in the OP:

  19. Peacemakaz Committed Player

    Lol, in all honesty this would be an interesting idea, but to clarify do we need to replay at all in order to receive these marks like marks of strategy, because if we do it just sounds like a blatant money grab to force pvpers to constantly buy replays(maybe a last minute money grab before ps4?)
  20. Welcome2TheNhk New Player

    Map rotation is fine... Lets be real "Seasonal Gear" is just the release of new gear that they gave a fancy name; Seriously the release of higher tier gears as a game ages and players progress, Not really revolutionary stuff (Just expected).. I have no problem with the updates at all, i rather agree with them 100 percent. Problem is none of them go into fixing why pvp sucks so bad, why entire pvp leagues stopped playing. Why pvp is considerd "Grindy" and not fun <--- This is what needs to be fixed. Why did this game go from one of the funnest pvp mmos to one of the worst in a year.. Look at changes and imbalances..
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