Steel Legends

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Horrorshow, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. Horrorshow New Player

    Can you guys seriously nerf him already? This is a testament to exactly why you keep screwing up the game. You do not test your content out. Steel is a perfect example. Are you enticing people to buy him because you made him do more damage than everyone else? Or are you just extrememly blind and can't see how much damage he does to someone.
  2. ARI ATARI New Player

    its actually a very simple equation.
    complaints vs profits.
    once sales slow down further than the "im going to quit complaints" the fix for steel will be executed. It was actually designed prior to steels launch it just wont get sent to us live until people stop purchasing him.
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  3. Francesca Lima New Player

    No legend is op what so ever. It is all based on skill and you learning their weakness. Steel is slow and can be stunned out of all of his moves if you take the time to watch what he does. Hal Jordan can do damage but is squishy that he cannot take damage at all. Same as Lex all damage but squishy if being hit. People think of Robin as being the weakest. Robin is one of the best legends if you are skilled with him. He can stun you non-stop that he can kill you easy. Same for huntress, nightwing and catwoman.

    Bane is not good when it comes to blocking. You can fight right thru bane once you realize that weakness. Dr Fate can be killed easy because of him being a range type healer. Use a lung attack against him when he does his range and roll out of his little circle. His female summon is his healer help kill her off. The second summon is just a damage dealer. You do not need to pay attention to him. Go straight for his squishy master.

    Faust is a weak type of damage dealer and is able to summon two pets at once. If you allow him to catch you with necrobiosis while having low HP. He needs to be killed instantly and stunned so he cannot use the shield. It will still take power away from him even if it does not come up. Sinestro on the other hand needs to be fixed. Everything seems to be to block able leaving him as easy prey because he seems stuck in being disoriented to long. I notice this when playing as Catwoman I could keep him disoriented til he was dead during lots of different matches.
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  4. Kroye Loyal Player

  5. Buster Sword New Player

    Simple solution: Go buy Steel.

    But you're right though. He is a little OP. I could careless if Steel hits hard, but some of his weapon combos are hard to break out of. It sends you flying while you're unsuccessfully tapping the sh*t out of R1. Especially that move where he puts his hammer up; once you break out from that, you should be immune to it, but no. You get stunned again. Imagine 2 Steels doing that, all the while someone is up in the air, block-breaking. At the very least, that should be vulnerable to interrupt. Good Steel players will just lunge at you when you roll away or blockbreak you when you turtle up.
  6. Buster Sword New Player

    Also, that move where they plant a mine that knocks you back should also be vulnerable to interrupt. Just like how Two-Face can be interrupted laying down his barrels. Come to think of it, I've only ever block-broken Steel when he's using his range attacks. I don't think any of his powers can be blockbroken.
  7. Buster Sword New Player

    I don't even know what to say to this. So is every other legends if the player decides not to incorporate blocking.
  8. Death Throe New Player

  9. Zypher New Player

    This is 100% it.

    So long as people throw their cash at Steel to win in legends, SOE will keep him broken. It is, after all, his biggest selling point. Who'd spend 10 bucks on a nerfed character?
  10. Volaron New Player

    This is false.
  11. Talve Dedicated Player

    There is just so much wrong with this.

    Each character has some things they do better and worse.
    Each character can be played with different styles.
    Real counter comes out in middle of game after analysing the opponent.
    Yes, all of them are good characters. But...
    Huntress hurts from not having dodge effect on the frontflip (used to play her as my main).
    Robin hurts from long range backflip (can't overabuse dodge effects) (EUPC, sadly, lacks amazing robin players)
    Nightwing, easily in top 5-10 (one of the best legends players i know from EUPC plays him as main).
    Erm, what?
    Bane is in hes best when played in slow defensive style.

    Kind a hard to roll away if most maps are based on staying on a point.
    Also shortest version of right hold on HB has about 0.7 second punish window with quickest lunge in game.
    You can make 100% of your moves immune to everything except grounding.
    Nr of characters that have grounding effect?
    As far as i remember, its Catwoman / Batman / Bane / Dr. Fate / Faust. Unless they have changed something.

    He has access to hold on hes claw...which cannot be directly blocked (only by collecting taps...what a good Sinestro player keeps in mind). Hes a class cannon with no shields / dodge effects / protection, and hes very effective under right hands, specially in 1v1.
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