Syncing PvP Queues is an Exploit?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Potent, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. Mista E New Player

    So you are for syncing... but against it at the same time?

    Funny, do you like ice cream when its hot too? LOOOOL

    the amount of pvp feats in the game is minimal, and like I said before, the amount of time it takes to sync 1 match makes it irrelevant. You will get it faster running with a premade smashing pugs.
  2. Zpirit Dedicated Player

    i like ice cream when it is hot lol, infact i melt it on perpose sometimes
  3. Shadow Vlad New Player

    Im pretty sure it's not intended is beacuse of boosting reasons. But thats not why (most) people do it. If people are boosting by sync then oh well. I really don't see it much different than knocking out some pve feats. Pvp'ers want competition as much as Pve'ers want competition and without a matchmaking or synching its like going to your on duty menu and selecting "PVE" and you and your friends keep getting thrown into Area 51 all night long and you guys just wanna do Prime, but the random que keeps sending you to A51.
  4. skabs New Player

    It comes down to intent. Don't know how many ways I can explain it to you.
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  5. Mista E New Player

    Also I would like to know about the advantage of someone trying to "boost" by syncing, because if it is for marks or for feats it wouldn't matter because they could get it much faster by steam rolling pugs. So exactly what is the unfair advantage?
  6. Freakangel New Player

    So cheating instead of grinding out the feats is ok. You complain about people abusing ghosting, pets, dogging which are in the game . Going so far as to call some leagues crappy for using them in the arenas as those leagues are exploiting the game. I think you may need to look in the mirror. You want to cheat do not get on your high horse about the ethics in the game then.
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  7. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Fuel on the fire; I farmed my duel feats with friends. How about you guys?

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  8. Aqua New Player

    lol the thought that some people would get offended by something like farming duels and syncing for feats is pretty funny.

    Syncs take a disgustingly long time to set up and then there's human error thrown on top of the crazy que system just not practical to sync for feats unless you like waiting a stupid amount of time. steamrolling pugs would be much more entertaining.
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  9. Peacemakaz Committed Player

    I mean I guess this logic wouldn't flow for the devs, but if you are stupid and would rather not only waste 3x+ the time, on something like a sync moon, but use twice the man power then who cares?
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  10. Redhot Well-Known Player

    pug smashing takes you 2 mins get with the times 30 sec tops unless they squirm
  11. Redhot Well-Known Player

    thats because they could not fix it ...
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  12. BASSNUT New Player

    Humm Devs can I have a stalk button to stalk REDHOT pls ?
  13. Potent New Player

    They have fixed many clipping issues, so I dont understand where you get this arguement.
    If they do not want something to be clippable they can make it so.

    But that has nothing to do wuth syncing queues
  14. Itazuki New Player

    I think what he is saying, is way back they used to hand out warnings and even bans for clipping, which was considered a PvP exploit by Devs early in DCUO.

    Then they came out and said it was intended. At least from PC side I remember this. Not sure how it was on PS3 side.... Still though this has nothing to do with Syncing ques lol.

    Mepps said they are working on something for matchmaking to even the playing fields... So hopefully all of this wont even need to be done.
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  15. Mista E New Player

    Before you get all emotional, reread my post... if someone were going to sync to "cheat" they would be wasting their time, have you ever tried to sync? We were lucky to get 2 matches in 1 hour, but as of late we are lucky to get a synced match at all... I had a season match last week and it took us 3 hours to get in ONE match... So tell me ... is it worth the time to try to "boost" considering the time it takes to get one match...

    You will get feats and marks faster by not syncing. as I have said multiple times but for some reason you ignored it.
  16. skabs New Player

    You know perfectly well that all teams in this tourney as well as the last know how to sync queues and have done so, otherwise no matches would have taken place in the first place. This includes matches against REP 2. On a side note I am sorry to see you guys drop from the tourney but I do understand why.

    Granted as of the last 2 or 3 weeks there have been issues with queue sync. Prior to these issues queue syncs took all of 30 sec max. "3-2-1 Q. Ok got it" sound familiar. What took time was finding a group, getting sc and sodas ready, and finally making sure everyone on both sides is ready.

    This is not an issue when both sides are from the same league and you are running a match with a predetermined winner. Once in the match both teams have the same objective. Example would be the statehouse where a player takes the rock without a fight and runs it in. As soon as first player scores the second player grabs the rock and runs it in. Wash rinse and repeat. Match over. Exit and re-queue. This type of cheating can be done with every map.

    Sure REP can steamroll most random queues but most teams are not of REP's caliber.
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  17. Mista E New Player

    like i said before... people were lucky to get 2 synced ques per hour. and syncing did not take 30 seconds LOOOOL that was a rare occurance when it did happen. When both teams were finished preparing which often times took close to an hour, due to freezing, dcing, crafting, getting scs ect. on average it took about 5-10 mins to get the sync threw...

    And lets say we were trying to boost, no scs, no crafting, it would still take an average of 5-10 mins to get the sync, and about 10 mins of prep (loading screens ,repairing gear, exct.), plus the time it would take to win the match... lets low ball it and say 5 mins. one team would have to lose to make the other team win, and then vice versa.... and with all that... they will still get about 1 win every 45-60 mins... while you can just que up with a premade, kill pugs and move on much faster.
    And I know not everyone is up to Reps caliber... even with a noob league, if you get a balanced team together they will still steam roll pugs... its very easy to do so, especialy if you are using the throng of pets and mainframe abilities most people use.

    And now with the current state of the ques it makes "boosting" even more irrelevant. So you are crying about something that is not even an issue even when people try to abuse it, because the exploit takes much more time than actualy queing and killing pugs.

    There are bigger issues with pvp that needs attention, rather than people "boosting" and get a win once every other hour.
  18. skabs New Player

    We sync'd 2 matches last night. From countdown to actually being the WT, the first took 2:47 and the second took 4:07. That's a fact.

    I do agree that there are bigger PVP issues that need to be addressed but ignoring the reality that some people have exploited queue syncing does not mean that it has not happened. Sorry that's also a fact.
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  19. Mista E New Player

    You proved exactly what I said

    thanks for agreeing with me while trying not to.
  20. Mista E New Player

    lol i love how when people hate the person telling them the truth and can't refute anything they say and then try to bash someones intelegence.

    skabbs repeated the same time frame I gave,

    syncing (excluding all the prep time for sodas, loading screens, crafting, repairing, freezing, dcing and also excluding the time of the match it self) on average takes 5-10 minuets.

    and to top it off, the ques now are slower. So him saying he did that last night is a lie. because we synced a few 4s last night with in the league, and it took us about 3 hours for 2 matches... your attempts to lie about stuff might convince people who do not pvp, but anyone who actualy syncs up arenas knows the conditions of the ques.