About 100 Active Players Us PC/PS

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MystoganJella, May 6, 2024.

  1. MystoganJella Well-Known Player

    Someone said they Seen. This was the player population but I beg to differ it’s at least 200 come on be realistic and it’s only cause the game slow right now :)
  2. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Lol, just divide that (whatever PC currently has) by like 75% and you have Xbox population. I won't even mention the other console...
  3. kallader Committed Player

    So you say someone say that they say they seen...damn this is serious stuff :D
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  4. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Have you seen the said stuff that was said seen?
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  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    On this chipper Monday morning? That's crazy!
  6. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    The game has a population of around 378k but that number will drop to an all time low of 70 to 140k while we wait for content. When new content drops the game makes a staggering 4 to 7 million in its first month and same with the second month with a staggering population of around 378k to 670k+. Unfortunately these numbers are short-lived because episodes are extremely small content and do not deliver much for anyone
  7. MystoganJella Well-Known Player

    Time is of the essence must make haste my padawans
  8. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Active players on US will be around 500-600 players across all instances at a time

    Active players on EU will be around 300~ players across all instances.

    When the new DLC comes out, there will be roughly 900+ for both servers due to content released.
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  9. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Well, it is Monday, and at 3:20 pm right now, most players 20 something and up like me are at work lol. The population will start increasing after 6:00 pm.
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  10. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I dunno if it’s in the thousands anymore some days it feels in the hundreds and that’s on US PS/PC.
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  11. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I feel people are too optimistic about “returning” players here. We’ve had months with barely new content and devs who are more silent than the grave. Whenever episode 47 is coming out do you guys think there’ll be a flood of players coming back? Way too optimistic for me. We’d be lucky if a third of missing players came back for the new episode might be less? Doubtful we’re looking at a 100 percentage of returning players in mass exodus. That’s on Daybreak btw all the way. Whatever investor problems EG7 had whatever turnovers and layoffs of staff they had at Dimensional Ink they had there are still senior staff at Daybreak who could’ve come here on the forums and on their social media and tried to retain some players give them hope for the future of this game but nope nada zip they didn’t. So their loss.
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  12. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    *reads thread title*

    Hmmm. Kinda sounds whoever saw those numbers is putting way too much stock in Steam numbers without realizing you don't need Steam to play the game. That'd be my best guess, anyhow.
  13. SolarSniper23 New Player

    The game is officially dead! Old players returning? Ha! Players that return won't stay, it won't fix que times. Their going to run into the same issue of long que times and just log off. Who ques and waits online to play for hours? Any returning player is just gonna see the game is dead or get frustrated and forget coming back. When it's a struggle and frustrating to just run content, it's a easy choice to just find something else to do. Don't even get me started on elite content runs... the playerbase has left, been gone and why or what would they ever come back too or for? DEAD
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  14. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Heres something that will blow your mind.

    I started in 2012-2013. I left in 2019. I returned in 2023. Left again. Returned in Feb 2024.
    Old player returned on a new account.

    Ive dealt with long queues, ive played for hours at a time. Sure. The game is less populated, but having gotten 500sp in roughly 400 hours play time. New content does and always will bring back some players as what you are confusing about "old players" are players who return when the content is complete and nothing else to do. People spend 100$s on the game week 1 and then leave after 3-5 weeks after prices are lowered on broker, op items complete, feats obtained etc. Thats how things is. Look at any other live service game: Destiny 2, Helldivers, Other MMORPGS.
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  15. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I wonder how many players are in the OTHER Phases? :confused:;)
  16. MystoganJella Well-Known Player

    Watchtower and lil Bohemia has over 100 people so the population definitely not 100 :)
  17. TheMikeB Active Player

    Sources. "Trust me bro"
  18. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    How about wondering how many people are actually in content and not in a phase or how many people are in their League Hall or base or how many people actually Farm feats and stay on for 10 hours trying to get one 10-point feat with a group of eight people. There is at least 50% of the player base you do not see in a phase probably a lot more than that. I'm hardly ever in a phase for longer than 10 minutes I'm always in my base
  19. Grip Committed Player

    Shout out to boredom posting on the forums. Hang in there, friends :)
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd guess we'll see it for a few weeks after the new DLC launches. Lots of people come off breaks and spam the hell out of stuff for a few weeks....then fade out again. Launch day and the week after though? I'd guess we'll see high 100's, if not 1000 (not on steam...but in game). Still pretty sad, but better than today/lately.
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