The DCUO Community feels smaller…

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dominic Blue, Apr 24, 2024.

  1. Emoney Dedicated Player

    And just for context....

    How long has the suicide squad game been out, a couple months?!?

    I know it's not an MMO, but it is a live service game...

    And it's already down to a peak of 300 players a day.

    So yeah, a 13 year old game pulling in over 800 players during mid day, late in DLC, and going into spring/summer vs a darn near brand new game only having 300. I'd say this game is still doing pretty well.
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  2. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    It's been six months and three weeks since the "current" DLC launched. Player engagement is about what you'd expect in that scenario. The new Episode should jumpstart things.
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  3. Wiccan028 New Player

    In game context I'd agree that you're just seeing the end of the cycle per se.

    If you were talking about the forums, I'd agree with you.. because before I came back to the game the forums were very very different and far more interactive as a community. Granted I think there are a ton of reasons why that also is but that is neither here nor there since the topic seemed to be referring to in game feeling.
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  4. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Maybe it's because you're ignoring so many people. ;)
  5. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    We haven't had any new content in what 7 months now? If you're a geared player, there's not much to do. Myself, I log on, do the dailies, log off, maybe 20 minutes. if and when we get new content, the population will pick up.
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  6. kallader Committed Player

    119 players at Watchtower at 10pm lot peoples go there to fight or show off have also lot peoples in front little bohemia almost same number[IMG]
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  7. KidKretz Committed Player

    IF it is down, thats par for the course for any online game where the latest content has been live for sooooo long and no new content.

    as others have mentioned, once the new dlc drops, new life will spring about :)
  8. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Has no relevance on Xbox. The population is dropping regardless to any of which you mentioned, and has been consistently for the passed 4 years. Every episode was literal less phases, even before covid. Something needs to be done.
  9. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    This has been said for years, yet on Xbox the population has yet to be shown increasing even with new content.

    Barely on Xbox, see above..
  10. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Hah, I'd love it if someone went on Xbox and shown THOSE numbers... HoL barely ever had more than 2 phases and Watchtower/HoD completely dead since HoL release. I only bring it up because it seems that other more populated servers are finally starting to see what we have been going through on Xbox for years.
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  11. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    EU pulls 3 phases of 30ish people during 5-7pm week days.
    On thursdays at 2pm i see 3 phases of 20 in Cursed gotham (new dlc)
    Lfg is full of people wanting to trade, gold sellers or are looking for new dlc things/events. Rarely different instances of looking for old content
    Watchtowers is DEAD, like, 5 people maximum,
    Little bohemia is DEAD, no one stands there.
    Metro/gotham is roughly 20 people each
    Anywhere else? Dead pretty much
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  12. Furious Vee Well-Known Player

    I hate to be that guy, but the population decrease during DLC intervals has never been this drastic. All the excuses in the world won't change that. The latest DLC didn't even bring back that many players, and the next DLC features Brainiac, a boss I'm sure many DCUO players are tired of and won't be interested in. Regardless, I hope that the developers can breathe new life into this game because it definitely needs it. I'd also like to see crossplay somewhere down the line because there's absolutely no hope for Xbox and Switch on their own.
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The only thing I seem to notice is that I see the same people all the time. LFG has like 10 people making groups for endgame, or some spam/farm stuff. There are 10-12 people who put up trade messages (some the same people as LFG) Last night I grouped for CTR. There was a guy in there who was previously just standing in front of me in Dakota city. After, I queued into DD and 2 of the people who were in my CTR group landed in that run too (ungrouped). I queued the Dark Knights elite duo and land in a group and he mentions he ran with me in the raid....SAME guy on an alt.

    Sometimes it just seems like there are 10-20 people who are actually doing things or 'active'. It used to be if you ran into the same people 2 times either in the OW or WT....or queued into with them randomly was surprising.
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  14. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I've always run into the same people if I follow the same mission lines as them. That happened a lot when I first started playing this game when I was gearing up a new character. Omnibus is pretty common to run into the same people if I run within the same hour or so. Timing seems like a pretty big culprit for it for me, but if you want to equate it to the game's population, I'll agree to disagree with you.

    The endgame population is pretty low right now. That I would agree on, and there I am running into a lot of the same people. I chalk that up to this episode lasting over six months now and most people already having the majority of what they need if not everything. I only play endgame on weekends, and I'm usually doing all the bounties and dailies while I wait, so I don't really notice nor care about longer queue times there.
  15. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Well, this week I know for a fact the population has been lower by 1, me, as I have been too mad and angry at this game to play it any at all in the evening when I get home from work. I hate myself for spending $40 last week on this game for Daybreak Cash.
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  16. Wiccan028 New Player

    I haven't gotten mad at the game since coming back.... yet... but I also haven't run much other than a few alerts and open world stuff lol
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  17. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I guess it has just been slowly building up in me over time. Sunday afternoon was the boiling point when I finally lost it. I ran my low level alt thru VMF and after 10 wipes on the Battlesuite MK IV, ( plus getting told by a bum we were all trash ), I guess that’s when I finally lost it with this game.

    Granted, I was not on either of my mains with all the maxed arts / augments / high SP and OP gear, but this is EEG content, I shouldn’t have to have all of that plus being at End Game to beat this instance. And it was a PUG group, but that’s the whole idea behind Omni, to go in with a PUG group of people you don’t know and just have fun running an instance, right?

    This whole feeling weak in EEG, especially on my mains, and just everything else wrong about this game overwhelmed me. The final straw was being called trash, this slur was directed at all of us in the alert by the battle-controller. I lost it.

    I have played this game since January 2014, I have 2 max mains and I am leveling a new alt. (Currently CR 425) - I am not trash, I never will be trash, and to be called trash by some hybrid geared punk with lower CR than me who was being buffed up in that instance I might add, just tore thru me. It’s bad enough to be clamped down while lower levels are buffed up, but to not be able to complete an EEG alert and then be called trash…. I’ve had enough of this game. I’m really starting to hate it.
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  18. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    BOP: Volcano Mining Facility (VMF) and Demon's Plan are the only alerts I have struggled with if other players can't hold their own. Demon's Plan, I managed to get through last week on a weak alt, but I had 8 revives on the final fight. VMF is far more difficult than even that one unless there is a healer and a tank; one or the other can be enough with a lot of struggle, but both makes it much easier. In any case, I thought EEG didn't require roles for 4-player content?

    There are some EEG tier 1 8-player raids that can be overcome without roles. Why is VMF so difficult? I also suspect VMF would be fairly easy with all four players maxed out in artifacts/allies, but as you said, that should not be required either. I really hope VMF was put under the magnifying glass after last week's celebration and the frustrations it caused. That one really needs to be investigated by the developers.
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  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Darkness Rising...last boss especially... can be a problem too...depending on the group makeup. I'd still say VMF is the most problematic. The environmental damage is just too high for some to handle.
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  20. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I do not believe I've run Darkness Rising since Omnibus started. Last week, I started running two shields and letting Grim set up my power interaction for VMF. Even that wasn't enough if I wasn't careful with my shield rotations for revives.

    EDIT: Oh, never mind, I have run Darkness Rising. The only time I had trouble in that one was the one run with a damage player who didn't seem to realize he kept standing in the last boss's darkness AOE. I think he went down 10 times without learning. Maybe he was trolling us?
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