Episode Spotlight - Teen Titans: The Judas Contract

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MiguelDaybreak, Apr 24, 2024.

  1. MiguelDaybreak Community Relations



    Titans, go! This week, our Episode Spotlight is on Teen Titans: The Judas Contract. Hop into the Episode and play for double the rewards at half the cost.
    This week – from Thursday, April 25, 2024 through Wednesday, May 1, 2024 – players will enjoy:
    • DOUBLE Source Marks when completing instanced or mission content in the spotlight Episode.
    • 50% discount on Episode gear at vendors.
    Source Marks are used primarily to purchase gear and rewards from the episode vendors.

    PLEASE NOTE: The episode spotlight will begin this Thursday with daily server restarts and will last through Wednesday to daily server restarts on next Thursday morning.
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  2. GGreenie New Player

    Thank you for letting us know before the event actually started.
    As for the event itself I'll pass, can't play the game because I have no artifacts.
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  3. GGreenie New Player

    post doubled
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  4. Whoru Level 30

    woooow another useless event for most players :c Can we get x2 XP or infos for the new DLC? its getting extremly Boring to wait and not doing anything in Game.:(:oops:
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  5. Stranger Well-Known Player

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  6. Rvvby New Player

    Can we please just get episode 47
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  7. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    While I enjoy these episode spotlights, they are overshadowed by the much better double source marks event. But they are also limited in terms of their usefulness as the gear is usually outdated and you can also farm source marks basically anywhere.

    It would be great if the episode spotlights were triple source marks to make them much more appealing than the double source mark event and ALL the items in the episode vendors should be half off during the event.
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  8. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    Yea teen titans spotlight again. Said no one ever.

    You know what it should be DC
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  9. 3amo New Player

    I can not believe its another spotlight episode, where the double xp event went like come on too many people complain about no infos about it.
    looks like you don't care about what community asks.
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  10. Tarn Level 30

    Hmmm, looking on another spotlight, which almost nobody want, and lack of clear statement about when will be double arts XP, which almost all want, im....so glad that I canceled subscription and dont spent single dime on game which dont listen their players.
    I understand that there are new people who run game and im guessing they wait that amount of players who buy wolfpack tokens and spent real money will drop almost to zero and then they will give double arts XP.
    But ok, lets make relationship more equal, no new content, no double art XP, nothing new interesting for players....then not single dime will go to game from my side.
    Its been 7 months since last episode was released...
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  11. Sollace Well-Known Player

    Yet another event to encourage the boredom of DLC events that aren't even attractive any more. At a pinch, if new basic items or new styles were added to the DLC in question, why not, but there's nothing, nothing interesting to do here...

    Devs, do you really think you're holding the community back like this, with DLC that's supposed to last 6 months now?
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  12. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    If you're going to do spotlights on old episodes how about you refresh all of the feats in that episode to 2.0 and watch how active people become. For real though y'all are not doing enough to bring this content back to life so many episodes and you choose to work on a new episode and keep everyone in one spot
  13. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    This thread has given me an idea for a new alt, Ungrateful Man!
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  14. TheMikeB Active Player

    You could always do like we all did before bonus weeks and how the devs originally intended. Pay for them
  15. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    Yeah......this game is as good as dead isn't it?

    Like, what exactly happened to the Save The Universe events? Wasn't the whole point of that idea that it was a way to make these old episodes somewhat relevant again? What use are they if they're not brought up to current levels? We could farm this sh!te any day of the week!

    Oh, but whoop-dee-doo, we get double sources marks.....great. WE GET SOURCE MARKS FROM LITERALLY EVERYTHING NOW. If someone is struggling to obtain Source Marks in DCUO in 2024, they're doing something very wrong.
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  16. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    1. Good job, you have advanced notice.

    2. Teen Titans? No spring event, at least on test that is? No new DLC on test, that is supposedly going to be released next month (if)?

    Seriously, we're running on fumes here, after what, 7 months of no new DLC. Sure, you added a new collection, on the same content, m-kay. We haven't even seen a double artifact experience bonus week, in very long time. People are getting stretched thin right now, and we're running on fumes trying to be patient for NEW content, UPGRADING artifacts, and seeing progress. Throw us bone, not junk.
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  17. vihtsuhei New Player

    As an old and returning player I must say: Thanks! (At least this way I can get into the raids for once)
    To all those playing for 3, 5, 10 years straight: Sorry guys! (Nobody is forcing you to run the content)

    On an additional note:
    Springtime event is usually AFTER Springbreak (little bit of research would've given you that info, so next week then (?))

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  18. iLazy Well-Known Player

    You think anyone will run this Raids? For 18 SMs?
    In the same time you can run the Superman event raid,today Doomsday, 3 times.
    Hope you get into some runs and feats but my Bett is on the event stuff.
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  19. Sollace Well-Known Player

    People are increasingly bored and more than ever with this period which will probably be the worst of all, people keep asking for something new, but ignored as usual, it's always easier, until the day when the population will be critical and only then will the managers decide to react, but as always, they'll react when it's too late...

    Damn DCUO, what have you become?... :(
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  20. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    This is a result of the previous management whose attempt to monetize DCUO like an iOS game for iPhone, who then subsequently left with a bunch of other talent once the damage was done. This is the broken mess they left for someone else to clean up. :(
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