Batman day and Wonder Woman day will be recycled Superman Day

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by kallader, Apr 19, 2024.

  1. kallader Committed Player

    If you queue to event in the instance tab you can see pic of Batman and Wonder Woman so easy deduction they will recycle this exact event for both Batman day and Wonder Woman day.
    This feel more like a downgrade of the celebration to me.

    So if you dislike the new reward box with recycled loot everyone have already it will be the new norm now so we have to say something now or it will return again.

    If you have some idea of what they should do or change to improve the event please post it here.
  2. Eve YouTuber

    This is a common art they use for the on duty menu. It doesn't really mean they will do the same thing.
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  3. Great Architect Loyal Player

    It's almost as if people are making stuff up, and then complaining about their made-up stuff being bad :rolleyes:...
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  4. Eve YouTuber

    I think I can see why Kallader got to this conclusion, personally. Considering if they are making these events this big now, and the Producer Letter is mentioning Both Wonder Woman & Batman Days on the horizon, I can only assume there is a chance they will try do a playlist that features their content again. So I think It's more of a chance to start a discussion to improve the loot drops.

    Assuming resources play into it, and them being focused on Episode 47, they might have not been able to produce completely new rewards for this event. Considering they were also working on the Sunstone lair and base items pack. The loot is basically all Superman related, mostly helpful if you didn't finish styles\collections or you are a new player. I am not sure if the intention of these is to attract new players - but it could be.

    There are also gifts (Posters?) coming out next week. Maybe making a refresh on an old suit based on Superman, or a new Superman style, and make it drop from the featured content. A little bit of chasing, but might be worth it. Feats with titles, maybe? people like doing feats. But they have to be interesting & engaging. I'm sure people might have better ideas on that, I personally didn't mind the loot, I was more interested in the lair.
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  5. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Got any lotto numbers on hand?
  6. kallader Committed Player

    I say deduction so can or not be the case just an observation not saying it will be the case for sure or would not use this word
    Goal was to ask peoples opinion what change would make it better if they use same system.
    like give us a chance to drop a special style in the box or stuff like this or some achievement by running a certain number of instance etc.
    I do not mean to change the whole thing just what would improve it for the next one if they actually use the same templet .
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  7. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Eve already covered the art being generic art for On Duty. But as far as the drops...

    "Everybody" already has them? I'm getting pieces for a collection I hadn't seen before, I'm getting base items that aren't the same old stuff I've already gotten 27,000 times before, and I've been getting styles that are normally only available with Source Marks. I doubt I'm the only one. There are others like me, who have taken breaks from this game, and (judging by posts on the forums and comments in-game) there are even new players, who wouldn't ordinarily have the chance to get this stuff.

    This smacks of the same kind of attitude I see every time there's an announcement about a spotlight week, or when the daily Doctor Fate bonuses are announced: "I don't want or need this, so it's totally useless, and you shouldn't be doing it for anybody!" Just let the players who haven't had the opportunity to get these drops enjoy them, and when you get them, sell them on the broker or trade them to an alt.

    I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but this just feels like complaining about something just for the sake of complaining, or to get attention.
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  8. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    As someone with 735+ sp who has all that stuff, I still completely agree with you. Just cause I don't need something, doesn't make it obsolete for anyone else.

    I also think it's a very nice thing for people who are decorating the new sunstone base. It's cool to have an assortment of thematic items, instead of feeling limited to deco packs. Again, not my thing, but it's definitely cool for a lot of players.
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  9. kallader Committed Player

    You know i just give my opinion if it offense you I'm sorry that you are so easily offended I mean I do a post and I use simple sentence because my english is bad and by mistake i have write 'everyone' and not 'almost everyone' so you fell targeted.
    I just write 3 sentence you answer with 2 paragraph for the word EVERYONE seriously calm down
    Again if you read I say improve add more stuff inside not removing it or anything just ask improvement like get rare special drop etc if they keep that same system for future one.
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  10. kallader Committed Player

    I say to improve add more to make it better never say remove anything I simply say improve it .


    Keep same system but add special items we usually get pass years when log in in the box for the next time they use this for next special day.
  11. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    I don't thing it would necessarily be a bad thing if they did
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  12. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Dude, you are the one getting offended. You're the one who's complaining. But sure, I'm the one who's offended. :rolleyes:

    Oh, and I used to work retail. Demanding to speak to my manager doesn't scare me. They'll tell you the same thing I did.
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  13. kallader Committed Player

    Seth meme the person asking to talk to manager . This is what some call Karen Meme then you tell me you really have work in retail .. ;)