Pet clipping, I love DCUO so.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Chilontius, Apr 19, 2024.

  1. Chilontius Level 30

    There are so many pets in the game now, from artifacts, power sets, what have you. WHY do they have clipping enabled? Why am I unable to dodge a boss attack because 4 quislets, 3 eyeballs, and 5 robots are surrounding me and caging me in?

    This makes no sense. My super with super strength, massive size, carrying a bus, cannot roll through some little robots.
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  2. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    I used to play a game with the exact same issue they relaunched the game and instead of pets moving and attacking they just give you a buff to stats. The game had way to many pets to uses so they instead crashed it down to 12 pets with tier levels on them. Tier one pets give 1 stat buff tier 2 pets 2 stat buffs and tier 3 pets 3 stat buff and godly pets gave 4 stat buffs. These pets have a leveling system like artifacts and they do not move they instead hover above your head they don't attack either. You can only have one pet above your head at a time these pets were known as role pets
  3. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Collisions* Not clipping.
    Though i agree. It sucks so bad, especially when you are a tank being body blocked and dying to it.
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  4. Hraesvelg Always Right

    It's an older term, but it checks out. Clipping was an early way to refer to collision detection and there were cheat commands like "noclip" that would let you deactivate the collision detection and pass through walls and ceilings and the like.
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  5. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    i am aware of this, however "Clipping" in this community is much different and is an extremely well known term meaning something different.
  6. Hraesvelg Always Right

    It may come as a surprise, but words can have different meanings depending on context. He wasn't using it in the clipping sense of ending animations early, he was obviously using it in the meaning of "collision detection". Offering a suggestion of using collision detection in the future in case it MAY not be clear to people is a bit different than a smug "Um, actually..." style correction.
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  7. RTX Well-Known Player

    The reason why they have collision is, that they are "rigid-body" which means, that they behave within the game engine as they would be a player. Removing collision would therefore cause weird behavior, like those pets flying thru walls...falling thru the ground or simply becoming unable to attack.

    While i´m obviously on your side, they would have to rework the whole pets area. Creating something similar to what they did in the game "Genshin Impact" (Creating trinkets which share the players position, like accessorys in DCUO which would do damage or give stat bonuses)

    But even there would be the issue of how to replace the amount of different henchmen versions which people have farmed or paid for in terms of replay badges to farm marks etc.

    Without reworking the whole, my idea would be increasing the henchmen damage but only spawn 1 instead of 3. That would also help in terms of performance. Obviously that won´t solve the problem but it makes it less likly to occur.

    And i would still start with replacing the robot sidekick with an accessory type buff/ability which sits in place/used slot of the robot sidekick, which then also increase game performance, if they don´t go and create multiple versions for it (More VFX, Textures, Mats would decrease the performance).
  8. Chilontius Level 30

    It may be easier instead of reworking it, to simply add in something to make them moveable. Like you can roll and it'll just scoot em out the way. Pretty sure there are items like this already.
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  9. Ryll Committed Player

    Everytime I see the little green shield wall pop up in a door I just hit the comic emote and wait.
  10. Quantum Rising Committed Player

    Wonder why there are so few tanks nowadays? There you go. DB ruined tanking with all these pets, allies and summons that literally kill tanks a hundred times over by blocking them into 1 hit boss attacks.

    Complained about this years ago. What did DB do? Nada, zilch, zip, nothing. Henchmen blocking tanks into ko boss attacks still 100% happening.
  11. RTX Well-Known Player

    Yes and No, they surely could add different mass to the player and pets, but then comes the question of delay, will the response be fast enough client/server/client. Since you would want them to move away as quick as possible when using your roll, where i don´t think it would be.

    Also the rework idea is mainly due to knowing that pets are part of the reason why phases had to be reduced in size due to performance and most people only beeing interested in the damage they do and not their visuals, sure obviously there may be fans of Lantern Henchmen etc. but at the end we still got Allys which should take that spot.

    Therefore, it could be a solution but i would prefer a rework.
  12. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Well-Known Player

    This has been brought up several times. Ffxiv made it where the pets are transparent so you couldn't collision with them but then players brought up the argument that you can't use adds to contain the boss. Its a old mechanic that doesn't work on most bosses anymore but people hate change even when its causing problems for the most crucial role for the raid.