Vendor Chase 3 - Bonus Currency & New Rewards!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MiguelDaybreak, Apr 10, 2024.

  1. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    Last Son of Krypton (solo)?
  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not to poo-poo the idea...cause I do like it, but this seems a bit late in the episode to come out with something like this. It feels like an artificial way to extend the life of an already too long DLC.

    Nice work on the overall idea....poor timing though.
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  3. SolarSniper23 New Player

    Nice base items and looking forward to the style! Thumbs down on timing of this release. It's starting to feel like playing a new episode isn't really worth it. Easier to just do the episode after the next comes out. Easier with the next episode gear. Why struggle to kill bosses or go for feats in content with that gear when it's easier with the next episode gear? With the current trend of releasing feat kill counts, styles, and drops well into or at the end of that content it's looking like it's best to just wait. It's not like new content has or ever will be spectacular to play. At best every new episode is leggy, tough and the game doesn't run right on it the first couple months. Extending a episode with delayed content makes me just want to turn the game off and wait. Like being sent on a run to the grocery store for a list but in
    4 parts all separately... a waste of time, effort, resources, and after a trip or 2, a repetitive task that's not enjoyable and time consuming.
  4. Metallix Active Player

    Do anybody knows how to get the feat this house is clean spacial delivery
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  5. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    I checked my blood pressure, and my pulse, before attempting to write this comment, just to make sure I could finish it. I'm in complete shock here.
    1. A well written, informative, nicely articulated method of attempting to attract attention to DC, whilst bedazzling the current player base with such attractive, interesting, well made items.
    2. Did I *a faint breath has left the lips of this once unimpressed individual*

    Nah, for real, I didn't die.

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  6. Odin EU Level 30

    New rewards are tied to 1 new sp. Two are 25p feats, one for the costume outfit and other for collecting all 3 base items. These base items drop from its feat description in CHMn/CHMr and Chme. The 50p feat is from completing the new aura ‘s collection.

    Lastly, all outfit pieces as well as the vendor collection is 100 Tarot Cards each. The orbital uplink device is 50 tarot cards.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Is any of it tradable that you've seen (assuming you are in EU from your name and are already on 'tomorrow' there).
  8. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    A good thing from this update is that it encourages players to run old content to grab the collection for the feat. A chance for players who missed out back then to catch up on feats and possibly renown.
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  9. Grip Committed Player

    The Spacial feat is for transporting the grav capsules *some number* of times (in Last Laugh feats- I'm not on rn) in Safehouses 4v4 over several runs. The clean house one is for finishing Safehouses feats, including Spacial. Didn't notice your question b4; sry about that- I never finished those 2 ancient feats, either. May see you out there at some point.
  10. Achikah All About That Base

    Oh my goooooood, those base items though! They're INCREDIBLE! Thankyouthankyouthankyooooooou!!!

    Now, as for the dropping of them... I'm somewhat here for it. I understand the complaint that this essentially prolongs an interaction with a DLC that's overstayed its welcome to many, but there's no denying that older raids given a feat-based drop increases its playability. A lot of these older elites are still shouted for for this very reason in LFG. I also know I'm personally more inclined to run a pet/cosmetic drop Omni raid/alert if it pops in my queue and I'm sure they're hoping the same is true with this DLC even after its gone into the Omni library. So ya, it seems like a prolonging of something that does, sadly, need to be prolonged with their current development schedule, however, as a long-term outlook to encourage older content play, I think this is a very useful strat to take, especially if it's for regular/normal content.

    Now, that being said... I do have a request- could the devs also drop the three new base items into Cheetah for a large Tarot Card amount? I have no problem farming Omnibus instance for drops because I'm not loot-locked anymore. However, this DLC is still in replay phase and given the current development schedule, could be for over a year... maybe more. Could we get each added to Cheetah for 50-100 Tarot Cards, just without the feat attached to them? We'd still need to play the content for the cards to buy them, but it'd also limit the once-daily RNG woes for us that just wanna decorate with them. I'm kinda equating this to the Chang Tzu vendor pets- if you have the headline complete you can get the EEG dropped pet for an increased amount of source marks without having to fight RNG but without the feat attached to it.
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  11. Some rando Active Player

    Whoever thought of this Essence idea... BRAVO! If these updates keep being like this then it will only be a matter of time before I become a legendary member again!
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  12. Great Architect Loyal Player

    I'm not sure that fits the magical boss theme, though - I suspect it could be R'As Al Ghul for the Resurrection?
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  13. Sollace Well-Known Player

    Another ****** drop rate where, as usual, it's always the same people who get the right straight away and the same people who have to farm the instances x number of times...
  14. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Yes, because you have definitely been singled out to be not given anything, ever, but the Dev's favourites get all the goodies. I'm still waiting for my Ultra-Kryptonian Cape. Guess I must have annoyed Mepps one too many times :(.
  15. Oltron New Player

    Let’s get the disconnection problem fixed. 2nd need ps5 client to work correctly and not make people motion sick. Last no double artifact fortify xp again. I can’t believe people are excited for double marks on current raid that has been out FOREVER. Fix game and bring double fortify arts.
  16. KidKretz Committed Player

    i hope the gotham wasteland raven is added to the list of essence, will help ppl farm her i suppose!
  17. Gundraasi Well-Known Player

    Good job on the Essence drop idea! :) Finally something to get people invest their time in various world content. Thanks!
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  18. August Moon Well-Known Player

  19. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Can the Essence of the Grave [Vendor] be made account bound?
  20. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    The devs don't have enough people who have been around long enough to enable your ridiculous conspiracy theory even if the idea wasn't hilariously dim in the first place.

    There's just no reason the devs would spend even a moment wading into the game code to favor specific players. Not to mention that they'd be fired if caught. Only a child could believe adults act that way at work in order to spite the child.

    RNG still gonna RNG.