What allies do you want to see in the future? Pick 3, one for each origin.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Odin EU, Apr 3, 2024.

  1. Quantum Rising Committed Player

    Meta: Firestorm
    Radiation aura - d.o.t. for 20 seconds

    Transmutation Level 10 - 5-8% chance to slow mob attacks and movement (transmutation to lead) (3% + .5% per level)

    Intangibility Level 10 - 20% chance for mob attacks to phase through, 10% chance for boss attacks to phase through (2%/1% per level)

    Magic: Donna Troi
    Lasso Slam:
    AOE - lift up and slam all mobs into ground

    Rally Cry - Level 10 - when h.p. or energy reaches 50% cast h.o.t. or p.o.t. (only 1 or other and can only be triggered every 5 min) - amount restored increased per level

    Fortitude - Level 10 - Blocking gives boost to party members defense 1-10% -- 1% per level (does not stack)

    Tech: Alfred A.I. (Hologram A.I. of Alfred)
    Active: Batcave arsenal bombardment (interfaces with Batcave computer to deliver high tech attack payload)

    Sidekick Sentinel - increases def, health and duration of Sidekick depending on level

    Stoic Determination - 4 consecutive hits on player causes Alfred hologram to deploy and agro nearby mobs. Lasts 2 seconds + .5 seconds per level. Can only trigger every 2 min.
  2. AshocusTheMuse Well-Known Player

    Meta: Amazo - Controller Ally...
    Magic: Swampthing - Healer Ally
    Tech: Bane: DPS/Tank Ally...
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  3. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Tech: Red Hood *
    Meta: Bizarro
    Magic: Artemis

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  4. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    At this point I'd like to see the team give us ANY ally who doesn't already appear in the game just to prove they can create new animations.
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  5. Some rando Active Player

    I always thought of the ally system as something to highlight the less popular characters in the DCU (like Krypto), by giving them some kind of support role (even though that's not the case with all the batmen we got lol).

    Meta: Atom Smasher (tank/dps)
    Magic: Nightmare Nurse (heal)
    Tech: Mister Terrific (troll/dps)
  6. Sollace Well-Known Player

    Saint Walker
    Red Tornado
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  7. Ryan_Ragenolds Active Player

    Meta: Ultraman
    Tech: Owlman
    Magic: Superwoman