Ps5 client: Any news at all?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by CrYsiS44, Apr 7, 2024.

  1. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

    Trying to run this game on the “brand new system” is just… well, it’s pathetic. I mean… you can’t see it here, but if you look from about 1.55mins, you can see how long it takes to switch armouries. Clipping powers was so slow and many get missed now because of frame rate or lag or whatever. (It’s not as noticeable in this video, but is very much so in the game and how it feels) buttons aren’t responsive when pushed. There’s lag there. Jumping is laggy. Any combat at all is laggy. The entire thing is an absolute mess!

    Trying to run raids etc with anything at all populated, the game crawls to unplayable rates. Like… this is meant to be the most modern version of this game, on the most modern console. Wtaf?!! It’s two weeks since this launched - and nothing has been said about it, or done to improve it.

    New players are downloading this game, and this is the representation of the game that gamebreak are showing to those new players. And the absolute uncaring distain for its existing players. This was clearly rushed to meet a deadline!

    And again… we have nothing on updates or communication. Some producer letter, and back to radio silence.
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  2. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I guess I know what to expect with Series X release heh
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  3. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

    I just find it astounding how something that clearly isn’t/wasn’t ready for release, was released.

    Imagine being a legit new player, and coming across this on the PSN store. ‘A superhero game’ give that a try, see how it goes. Create a player, try and log in, you get met with a connecting error, in which the screen duplicates the avatar, and the whole screen looks fractured.
    You ctreate your toon eventually, and log in. Youre immediately met with the PSN store, and a barrage of “buy me now” skip all that. You try running around (most ppl pick flight on first ever toons) you’re met with screen stuttering, lag, and MASSIVE frame rate drops, Buttons don’t respond in time to button pushes.

    You ask for help on what to do. You’re told to go look up obsidian videos. :/

    If I downloaded this game today for the first time. I’d lmfbo, and delete it in a heartbeat. I actually had the nerve to suggest this game to my nephew a few weeks ago, and he told his mate about it. They both created crappy tonns to play and test, and I was in mic with them. (26yo, not kids) and my nephew laughed so hard down the mic whilst playing. I genuinely felt embarrassed! And laughed it off as ‘it used to be really good though back in its day’
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  4. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I was playing on my PS5 yesterday and was in a raid and it crashed after a while. The lag the slow FPS and in my base is just horrible and the only good thing I've seen that this update brought is better character models and load times. I cannot believe they launched this and have left this in the current state that's it in.
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  5. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I know the feeling. I've held back on recruiting people to the game when I mentally met myself with "don't do it". I shouldn't feel remorse trying to invite people to play with lol. I sadly wouldn't even recommend this game to my worst enemy at the current state it is in at this point. I personally feel and believe they honestly don't care about the "new players", as much as milking what's left of the current playerbase. And by "they" I mean the higher-ups, the devs themselves had said there is much they wish they could do but aren't "allowed".

    I can totally believe it. It was mostly an over-hyped marketing ploy. There was even an article that apparently stated they "lost a lot" as repercussions from the constant delays.

    Once again, it's sadly always about the $$$.
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  6. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I'm going to give it the rest of this month and maybe all of May. I believe the only reason it was released was because they had declared it would be release in the First Quarter of 2024, so as corporate goes, it was released now and they will patch it later. This tactic isn't exclusive to Daybreak but it is common for the whole of the gaming industry.
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  7. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    It’s the weekend probably we’ll get updated next week maybe? Lol
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  8. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    But it’s cool yo, new producer said there’s a Superman base coming just overlook all the bugs, lack of new content or communication in the last three years. :D
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  9. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Or you know the next Switch update down the line too. ;)
  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You mean next season?
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  11. GrumpySnorlax Level 30

    I saw the seconds trailer for this and whoever is in charge for marketing unfortunately should also be let go or reassigned. There wasn't a before or after showcase on what this virus PS5 client update brought besides headaches and disbelief. The lag the FPS the crashes I mean how as a company could you release this for new players to hopefully and maybe try out DC capsule fashion online and they have all of this nonsense going on. I mean What the Hell hahaha hahaha.
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  12. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Their YouTube/Twitter video trailers are kinda basic. They look like some office temp went “I’ve got 15 minutes sure I’ll make this quickly” kinda vibe. Remember that YouTuber content creator Toku something? They should’ve hired him to be their videos guy because he made DCUO look good as a game with a professional look.
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  13. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I swear the Dimensional Ink office hours seem to be Tuesday to Thursday 8 AM to 3 PM, they take the last week of the month off, sometimes they don’t come in on Wednesday and sometimes they’re late to the office in the morning not till like 9 or 10 and they occasionally leave early by 2 PM. I’m just going by Mepps old schedule I think those hours have been halved now too.
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  14. BathroomPapi Level 30

    Lmao. I felt this
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  15. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I don't think it helps that the two community reps live out of state.
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  16. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Yeah having opposite studios in Austin and San Diego and then laying off the rep in Texas will do that.
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  17. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Oh for sure! And only like $20-$25 too!
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  18. Ichiro Loyal Player

    I get a lot of flickering of the frames while in content in addition to the frame rate lag.
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  19. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    Thank you to everyone who tried it and reported all the issues. I have no intention to try it until it's fixed. I'm also shocked they could release it with so many obvious issues. They should have done more testing before release.
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  20. FlyingFingers Well-Known Player

    Yeah they really really should of and I get that they are a mess right now however I feel just a statement and update on the PS5 client update before them dropping it would of been better then this.
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