Why is US server still down?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by thirty six, Apr 6, 2024.

  1. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    3pm is the new 9:30am lol.
  2. Chilontius Level 30

    I was hoping to get to play a little before the GF forces me to go shopping for 20 years =(
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  3. killercomic Dedicated Player

    You have my sincerest condolences..
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  4. thirty six Loyal Player

    The funniest part of their long downtimes on weekends, is how much time logged in they're losing, as well as money spent they're missing. I can't imagine how many people were looking to spend some of their paychecks yesterday morning, but the downtime was at least 2 hours, so, like you said, a ton of that money to be spent probably was missed in the extended window.

    Also, if the downtime is going to be long, be transparent, so we know the expectation. It seems like simple business practice to me, and I'm just a regular dummy.
  5. thirty six Loyal Player

    It's up, if you have any time left <3
  6. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I actually appreciate you coming on here during the weekend to reassure everyone here that was worried. I'm actually impressed. Even though I didn't face this issue personally, thank you very much for replying! That effort alone goes a very long way in these troubling dark times.
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  7. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    What kind of ticks me off is our daily rewards are on a 24 hour timer. Losing 5+ hours can offset a lot of players from getting their daily rewards on time. Thank Zod I’m vigilant and log in even if I’m not going to play so I didn’t lose my Day 7 rewards but I know other players don’t have the luxury of where with all to be able to either. Sure you can say maybe a lot of players just only lost one day of Fate tokens, big whoop. But players do pay/play for those monthly rewards so /rant over.
  8. Ryll Committed Player

    Lose day 7 rewards? What? Players just have to login 21 days a month to get the 21 day reward. It doesn't have to match the actual date. That is why after the 21 day, its just tokens. So a player can continue to get stuff by logging in. You can get the 21 day reward on the last day of the month if you logged in 21 days in that month.
  9. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    It's a "FOMO" thing, purposely instilled into players' brains.
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