more open world game types

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by julianes05, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. julianes05 Active Player

    i think dcuo open worlds needs more open world game modes or mini games Q'ing in the duty mode feels enclosed. and more open worlds.
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  2. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    Man if they did more things with the open World the game would be booming let's not have that happen it's enough the servers can't keep up with the population as is
  3. julianes05 Active Player

    how do you know that?
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  4. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    The US server is almost always sitting at around medium which is 50% pop it gets to around 70% on weekly reset and it goes to high on a new ep release. There is only 1 US server to handle that kinda load on the server. so ppl will lag and crash and the server takes a risk of losing performance after 70% the game is said to have a population of 300K plus and at any giving time 678k population
  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I think a good example of utilizing the open worlds we have is the event going on right now in FF XIV. They are having a cross-over of the main character from FF XVI, anyways, the point is, this is like a mini-mission where in order to complete it, I have to go to several of the different open worlds to complete a task (speak to someone, fight an NPC, fight a Boss).

    It keeps players interested in FF XIV while waiting for the next DLC to drop in June. I believe the same could be done for DCUO.
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  6. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I’m not opposed to more stuff in open worlds and they were trying that with rotating bounties like in Wonderverse but I hope they add like R&D tables in open worlds maps eventually because to stay in phases that would help. But I guess they do want to sell vendor bots too so maybe they won’t. Also I’m down for the FF14 suggestion by Tiffany, why not new content missions in old maps to generate interest and diversions? Could work and hopefully with the new development team explores new ways to keep us active.
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  7. julianes05 Active Player

    yes and at least a daily mission that requires to be in the open world. i'd like to play the wonderverse missions though. i only see it on videos.
  8. Chilontius Level 30

    More open world would be so welcome. I was so disappointed when the classic story ended then I was thrust into instances with no explanation as to why, no story to follow, no guidance. Just hey, im in a science place helping the green lanterns. I have no idea why they need help, or why I'm helping them, or who's attacking them or why. Just ...go do the thing.