Confirmed Celestial supercharge regeneration bugged

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by CGEMINI, Mar 6, 2024.

  1. CGEMINI Well-Known Player

    I noticed while looking in the supercharge logs that when I clip admonish with renew or consume soul with renew, it only will give me one set of 41 supercharge back when it should be 2 sets of 41 because 2 abilities were used. Every other healer gives supercharge regeneration per ability used, regardless of clipping.
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  2. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    I can confirm this.
  3. CGEMINI Well-Known Player

    I’m also finding this issue with other abilities like when I clipped plague with virtuous light in healer role it did not give me both supercharge regens. It also is like this in dps role for plague and divine light. I’ve noticed a pattern. The abilities that aren’t giving the correct amount of supercharge regen are all giving the same supercharge regen. So if you try and clip abilities with the same supercharge regen it only gives you back 1 set of that. I think that’s the case because I’ve tried clipping abilities with different supercharge regen and they’re giving the correct amount. This is also the case for when I wait the full animation of plague to cast into divine light when I’m able to and it’s still not giving the correct amount until I wait longer than the animation has already ended.
  4. AerynDC Developer

    We have confirmed this issue.
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  5. Vikaluka Active Player

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  6. Amatezrael New Player

    Logged in under my healer armory. Queued up the on duty for a random instance and received access to a raid as a Celestial healer. When I tried to use Admonish the group heal…it’s a power with button combos. It starts to work but won’t let me go into the combos nor does it heal. It won’t even show the animations for the power. The only thing I can do is press the button but it does nothing. This is all under the new ps5 release. When I log in under the ps4 version it works perfectly. Please help