Second Chance vendor purchase confirmation

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by LowFlyingMoon, Apr 3, 2024.

  1. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    We get a confirmation prompt when buying certain items from vendors, in order to prevent us from accidentally wasting a few Source Marks, or whatever. How about the same courtesy could be afforded when spending 5k Quarks = 20k SM? A single accidental press of a button can waste months worth of grinding.
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  2. BlackGryphon Well-Known Player

    I agree. All purchases should have a confirmation prompt, that requires an actual click by the purchaser, before going through.
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  3. Ingrando Well-Known Player

    Same for the loyalty vendor
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm generally a 'be careful when buying' kind of person...but as the game DOES occasionally hang or glitch out, a mis click is very yeah. On this very expensive vendor...I'd say yes.

    Seeing as we can't donate a modded item or one in our armory setup without a confirmation...something that at worst costs us 1 piece of gear...this seems a reasonable request.
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  5. BlackGryphon Well-Known Player

    You can't even sign out of the FORUM without confirmation. :p
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