
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by julianes05, Mar 18, 2024.

  1. julianes05 Active Player

    how many stabilizers to open capsules.?i think theres a number of required stabilizers to open a capsule the game doesnt mentioned. i was fooled to think it required one stabilizer to open capsule.
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  2. Grip Committed Player

    Nah, you weren't fooled fam. It's one full stabilizer for the non-resurgence or epic collector caps. Can't count the fragments as stabilizers until you earn 15 of them.
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  3. kallader Committed Player

    You get fragment of stabilizer in the daily you need 15 fragment to do 1 Stabilizer to open a capsule
    this is what wiki say-15 Stabilizer Fragments will automatically combine to form a Stabilizer, a consumable key used to open a Time Capsule.
    • Free players : 3 Stabilizer Fragments per event completion
    • Premium players : 4 Stabilizer Fragments per event completion
    • Members : 6 Stabilizer Fragments per event completion
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  4. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    This is different now, in game it is categorized as members/non members. Members get 9 fragments and non members get 5 fragments.
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  5. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, this was changed when Dr. Fate's daily login rewards were introduced.
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The only time this is NOT 100% accurate is when the Mega capsules are out (about once a year or 14 months or so), where you can open 9 capsules in one mega for the price of 7 stabilizers. Although it will be 1 of the last 9 capsules (at that point) not the capsules of your choosing as it is if you go 1 for 1.

    Other than that, as was already said, save your fragments up (15 for a stabilizer, gathered at 9 or 5 a day depending on your tier) and use them either as they get to 'full' stabilizers or save the stabilizers for later...maybe for a Mega capsule...maybe for a new TC still to come.

    PS. There was a 'Epic TC' which cost 3 to open, but had a higher chance of the good items over several older TCs. Not sure if they are still available in the broker or not, but they were a limited item thing. I wouldn't expect them back anytime soon.
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  7. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I have some of these on a bank alt, and I've been debating saving up stabs to open a couple or three.
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I never opened any, but from what I heard the drop rate on the 'top' items was still pretty bad, but if you needed a LOT of older TC mid level collections I suppose it might work out.
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  9. EarlRutledge New Player

    Thanks for the info, I will keep it in my mind.
  10. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I was looking more closely at them, and it looks like for 3 stabilizers you get one item. Not really worth it to me. That must be why they're sitting on an alt instead of having been opened.
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah. It was 1 item, but the pitch was that it was from multiple capsules, but only the collections and only the 'better' say the top 6 or so, 'rarity' wise. still only got a random choice and it sounded like you were more apt to get a selection of the 5 you don't want for every capsule vs the 1 you do. I don't recall that I opened any, but if I opened 1....likely I said 'meh'. Megas are still the best bang for your buck.
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